Transgender goes nuts inn store after being misgendered

this person is ?

  • Testosterone enraged male

  • Hysterical woman

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Since when are these “transgender”? It’s a cross dressing queer.
This place has an odd obsession with trannies. I wish you twats cared this much about our debt.
I wish Obama had cared more about our debt. He ran up more than any other President COMBINED. Then gave it to unions, and political cronies as payback for getting him elected. So YOUR MONEY, without your consent went to promote his ELECTIONS, and one sided politics. Nice, huh? Same deal with Public Sector Unions.
I wish Obama had cared more about our debt. He ran up more than any other President COMBINED. Then gave it to unions, and political cronies as payback for getting him elected. So YOUR MONEY, without your consent went to promote his ELECTIONS, and one sided politics. Nice, huh? Same deal with Public Sector Unions.

If only there was Republican House for six of his 8 years to put a stop to the massive spending during his term. If only...
The Establishment Republicans are spending enablers. All of them love big government.
I hereby invent a new word for someone to put in Wikidpedia. "Yezzit". When one is afraid to say yes sir or yes maam. It wont offend anyone.
Mentally deranged drama queen....err king

I dont buy into this gender identity stuff, but if some dude wants to be called a woman, I accomodate them.

Why make an issue out of it?

That's the goal....pander and enable to make it the new norm.

No sir I won't do it.
You should do what your conscience tells you is right.

I personally do not see the imperative in making someone who finds security in abnormal behavior feel bad about it.

This is not a recent development but has happened in various cultures throughout human history.

I don't think Sassy is necessarily looking to make any of these loons feel bad about being loons. It's just that THEY insist on a binary choice of "agree with and applaud my insanity, or I'm going to cry and scream and be miserable as loudly and publicly as I can!" If that's the choice, then . . .
"Excuse me, it's Ma'am. It is Ma'am." PMS is a turrible thing. :laughing0301:

Hope the clerk passed him the number for these guys. He needs an immediate intervention and make-over if he wants to get "properly gendered".. Getting pretty amateur hour in the gender fluid mainstream..
The Fluid thing is disconcerting.
I mean like
20% Straight
20% Gay
20% Pedo
20% Trans/Cross-something
20% into Sheep.

is the new 'normal'

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