Transgender goes nuts inn store after being misgendered

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  • Testosterone enraged male

  • Hysterical woman

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Mentally deranged drama queen....err king

I dont buy into this gender identity stuff, but if some dude wants to be called a woman, I accomodate them.

Why make an issue out of it?

Oh man, well I guess that's the final verdict.

In all seriousness, it's amazing that anybody could deny that's a serious delusional disorder. Look how out of control the sufferer gets when confronted with reality. Remember hatchet tranny a while back? Killed that guy for refusing a date? Validating these people did this. It's no different from being expected to tell every schizo you meet "yeah, I see the lizard aliens, too! Yeah, you're totally woke here bro no need to take meds or some shit." Then, when there are constant incidents of violence, you have to believe "those are just bad eggs like in any group, it has nothing to do with the schizophrenia thing and validation is still the best treatment teehee" or some shit. How did we get this retarded as a nation? An entire country where most people know things to be delusions/fetishes and know they're only pretending to believe what they're told to pretend to believe, and they just fucking do it and overlook the fires it starts. Fuck!
You remember the nursery tale of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”? These tales are handed down as important allegories to beware of.
Yep. True equality and tolerance means you can pitch a fit if somebody you bump into doesn't magically know what you believe you are.

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.
Video: Transgender Goes Nuts in Store After Being “Misgendered”
A transgender went nuts in a store because an employee “misgendered” him by calling the biological man “sir” in a confrontation that was caught on video.

Well then there you have a live version of mental illness going off. LMFAO wait until a dumbass leftist who begged and chanted for this bs just like those who beat women in sports now or vice versa lol.

Is he aware that real women don't act like that? Is he aware that being butt-ugly and looking like a lumberjack in a Halloween costume probably don't help his case?
No, he isn't aware. The MAN is afflicted with TWO debilitating diseases. One being a transgender and the other is liberalism.
The liberalism led to his second disease.
He was sucked into the leftist logic that having a dick is a choice and that demanding others coddle your disease was normal
Video: Transgender Goes Nuts in Store After Being “Misgendered”
A transgender went nuts in a store because an employee “misgendered” him by calling the biological man “sir” in a confrontation that was caught on video.

Well then there you have a live version of mental illness going off. LMFAO wait until a dumbass leftist who begged and chanted for this bs just like those who beat women in sports now or vice versa lol.

This is why the Progs are going to peak and then decline rapidly. This type of abusive behavior only impresses the fringe minority Pussified Cry-bullies.
He walked into the wrong store.

"Where's Fisting Firemen 6? Let me talk to your manager."
This is why the Progs are going to peak and then decline rapidly.

Define rapidly....

I think we are in for a long journey

It took Rome centuries to fall. We either turn back the Prog tide or we ride the decline. Our best defense is to treat the Progs according to the New Rules they created. Posting vids of their abusive behavior is one method.
Mentally deranged drama queen....err king

I dont buy into this gender identity stuff, but if some dude wants to be called a woman, I accomodate them.

Why make an issue out of it?

That's the goal....pander and enable to make it the new norm.

No sir I won't do it.
You should do what your conscience tells you is right.

I personally do not see the imperative in making someone who finds security in abnormal behavior feel bad about it.

This is not a recent development but has happened in various cultures throughout human history.
You brought to mind the "Emperor's New Clothes" story. Transgenderism is trendy and politically correct now (due to brainwashing) so you have people who believe the lies…and there are also a lot of people who pretend there’s nothing wrong with it, for fear of being labeled behind the times, or a bigot or whatever.

Thank God that there are people who see through the insanity and like the boy in that story aren’t afraid to call a spade a spade.

You remember the nursery tale of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”? These tales are handed down as important allegories to beware of.

I've often brought up The Emperor's New Clothes in connection with this nonsense. To me, the story, and the reality that we now face, isn't really so much about people believing a lie, but about people foolishly allowing themselves to be intimidated and shamed into playing along with what they can clearly see to be a lie, out of fear of being adversely judged should they stand up and tell the truth.

In the story, although everyone could clearly see that His majesty was stark naked, they gushed about how spectacular and impressive his new clothes were, for fear that they would be judged to be stupid or incompetent if they said otherwise.

In real life, although every sane person clearly knows the difference between male and female, too many of us foolishly play along with the absurd and insane lie of transgenderism, for fear of being judged to be “hateful”, or “ignorant” or “bigoted” if we stand up for the obvious truth, or even worse, having our livelihood attacked and destroyed.
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being called ''SIR''

well godamn!! we don't know what these people are--so don't get pissed if we call you:
Furious transgender woman rages at store clerk after he calls her 'sir' instead of 'ma'am' | Daily Mail Online
If I had been in the worker's position, I would have simply said, "How is it my fault that you do not pass for what you weren't born in the first place?"

God bless you and the worker always!!!


The DNA never lies
. Neither does a bass voice.
Here's another liberal snowflake meltdown. This time a vape shop cashier freaks out over a Trump shirt...

Pure gold. Can't decide who does it better... Macho ma'am tranny savage from the OP or this virgin supersoyyan vaper that screams in high pitch voice, grows ginger beard to hide his chubby baby face, has a meltdown when reality doesn't espouse his worldview... probably ovulates around blacks.

Could there be any fate worse than becoming a meme?

Returning to comment on this video again.


It's the death screech of the powerless. The young liberal of America has never faced a solid "no" before. Anytime they have heard it in the past, they have only had to scream and complain, and then people would give in to them. When they hear a final "no", one that can't be whined away, one that complaining won't make go away, they freak out because they have been raised incapable of dealing with the rejection.

So in this case, he asks the guy to leave, he says no. He asks him to stop filming, he says no. He says he will call the cops, the guy says go ahead.

At this point, the soyboy's entire world view has been turned upside down. Everything has has worked in the past no longer works, and he reverts back to his animal nature; in particular the nature of an animal caught in a trap and about to be eaten by a bear.

I've seen this sort of thing many times ago; often when I was the one saying no.

This is why the Progs are going to peak and then decline rapidly.

Define rapidly....

I think we are in for a long journey

It took Rome centuries to fall. We either turn back the Prog tide or we ride the decline. Our best defense is to treat the Progs according to the New Rules they created. Posting vids of their abusive behavior is one method.

The western empire fell fairly rapidly; the eastern empire lived on for a fee hundred more years. The West fell to the barbarian invasions, like the one the Democratic Party is sponsoring now, bankrupting the social safety net via criminal illegal aliens in a infantile fit of hatred for this country. There is no 'eastern empire' to carry on; we go down that's it, another 'dark age' and such vermin as the Red Chinese and the Mullahs are left unhindered to run over much of the planet. Europe is soon to fall, has already lost in fact, too fat and stupid to resist being overrun now by rabid mass murderers and their atavistic 'culture' and political ideology masquerading as a 'religion'.

The irony is these illegals, immigrants, and black voters are opposed to this faggot madness much more so than other demographics, as are most black voters; it was the latino and black votes that put Prop 8 over in California, and they had to find a mentally ill homo federal judge to to strike it down. This fractured core base is also why the Democratic Party can't actually lead the country, it's just a collection of cognitively dissonant fashion trends, racists, and assorted traitor cadres out to destroy the country in juvenile fits of rage, not a real Party. If they succeed, the former U.S. will degenerate into just an collection of brown and black, and Asian racists fighting in a permanent civil war over the ruins. No bureaucracy will be able to mollify all of the gangster factions the Party now relies on for a base,and it will crumble in decades, are even mere years, not centuries; we have a much more complicated and intricate infrastructure that needs maintaining to keep us healthy and functioning than the Romans had.

Though it is highly entertaining watching them now eat their own, especially in the 'Hollywood' pogroms.
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