Transgender skins a precious kitten, then puts it in blender and then murders a Stranger

The Gateway Pundit


Anything else. Hilarious you got 3 thumbs up, from forum retards, for questioning this strory. Why do you hate facts?
He's not a “her”.

Sane people know the difference between men and women, and why it matters. Only mentally-fucked-up lunatics like yourself do not.
If you saw her on the street, you would have thought she was a woman. (Incidently, I have no idea what her transition status was at that point.)
With ridiculous and destructive support from lib loons this”movement” gained some legitimacy and once out of the box the true insanity of its “members” has exploded onto the public with garish, horrific results. Catering to feelings as if they are facts must stop Inmediately .
More proof that gender dysphoria/tranz/lgbtq+ is a mental disorder of the highest order. How can anyone support these animals?


I'm betting this person had mental issues before they decided they where whatever the fuck they identify as. That being said every detail of these fruitloops lives needs to be reported. You know if this had been a White Heterosexual Male every lefty loons news agency in the US would be give weeks of reporting on how dangerous every white guy in history is. I doubt any of these news agencies have spent a second on this nutbag.
I'm betting this person had mental issues before they decided they where whatever the fuck they identify as. That being said every detail of these fruitloops lives needs to be reported. You know if this had been a White Heterosexual Male every lefty loons news agency in the US would be give weeks of reporting on how dangerous every white guy in history is. I doubt any of these news agencies have spent a second on this nutbag.
They are emotionally ill as are most of their endorsers and supporters.
Embrace illegals, criminals, moochers, decry comics and the productive, introduce transgender as normal.
All very destructive ideologies for theUSA.
I'm betting this person had mental issues before they decided they where whatever the fuck they identify as. That being said every detail of these fruitloops lives needs to be reported. You know if this had been a White Heterosexual Male every lefty loons news agency in the US would be give weeks of reporting on how dangerous every white guy in history is. I doubt any of these news agencies have spent a second on this nutbag.
Well, this happened three years ago in another country, so that's probably why you missed it.

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