Transgender teacher commits suicide

To actually follow through with suicide requires profound mental illness. Isn't something ya do because one day soemthing happened that bummed you out. Something was wrong long before.

In the case of a TG commiting suicide, we should start asking if being TG is a mental illness in its own right. As I often describe it, a kind of body dysmorphic disorder similar to annorexia where the person misperceives their body. In the case of the annorexic, thinking they're too fat. In the case of a TG, the wrong sex.
When I was a Mechanic for a Regional Airline a fellow mechanic had a sex change operation. He said he had to get rid of all his guns and even all the knives in his kitchen because he was so overwhelmed with thoughts of suicide.
With very rare exceptions, TG is a manifestation of profound mental illness. They know that something is wrong with them and fixate on gender. When a sex change does not fix them, they become even more despondent.

He said he was bullied but we don't know what that means. He was bullied for ten years. Yet he never tried to find another job. Sometimes, being bullied is a matter of perception. What's bullying to a deranged mind is ordinary conduct to the normal.
Bleh, they are mental and their suicide rates are astronomical. Mental illness = suicide
Yes. The real reason this person committed suicide is because his/her underlying mental issues were ignored in favor of a politically-correct and disgusting/horrifying practice of amputating healthy organs in order to create a halfling freak that then is no longer able to be either gender properly.

And you will never shrink the reptilian part of the human brain down small enough to become not alarmed at something like that parading "as normal". There will always be a "driving away" reflex. This is the spur for any bullying.

I have a pet theory about this healthy "driving away reflex". And it's based on a little virus that has been around warm blooded animals since the dawn of time. It would put heavy natural-selection genetic pressure on any species, including humans, to avoid preying on an animal and eating it, or being in the company of an animal infected with it. So deadly and horrible this disease was...and is...and effective in spreading too. It's called rabies. I've raised many a critter in my day. One universal fact remains in all of them. Even mothers will reject their own young if the young act in an obvious way that is exceedingly odd or weird. It's a self-preservation instinct. Animals who act crazy are shunned, cast out and rejected for the safety and wellbeing of the rest of the herd. It is an indication that they could possibly have the rabies virus. Acting oddly or crazy is one of the first onset symptoms..

Since humans are raised in all manner of environments with the brain being the most plastic post-natally of any species we know of, "normal" is what one is used to. And this becomes very important at this hinge in the cult's pressure of mainstream USA. Once normal grows roots, it's nearly impossible to weed out. We are literally in the process of making extremely abnormal and physically unhealthy things "normal". The "rabies reflex" is kicking in suddenly all over the country. Soon though it will become "abnormal" to not want to drug your boy child for a sex change operation when at three years of age they want to wear a pink shirt or play with a doll.

I call it "the rabies reflex". We all have it. And it is unfortunate that this person wasn't carefully and skillfully guided back to acknowledging the reality of their physical body as they were born, instead of being told "you can insanely hack off your body parts and it will all work out well for you"...Doctors should be sued in this matter: not coworkers..
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To actually follow through with suicide requires profound mental illness. Isn't something ya do because one day soemthing happened that bummed you out. Something was wrong long before.

In the case of a TG commiting suicide, we should start asking if being TG is a mental illness in its own right. As I often describe it, a kind of body dysmorphic disorder similar to annorexia where the person misperceives their body. In the case of the annorexic, thinking they're too fat. In the case of a TG, the wrong sex.
Suicide is just totally wrong, unless of course you possess national security info, could take a large number of enemy with you, avoid capture and torture, or other abuse.

Suicide because you just ain't got your shit together is just the last jab at the living.

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