transgender woman presented as man in open casker funeral in Twin Falls, Idaho

Funeral homes will always abide by the family's wishes. Especially when they are paying the bills. The funeral and obituary used the man's legal name. I can't see online friends having any say in the matter.
IMO, dying wishes should be honored but they often are not. Sad.

And, note to OP - Lesbian does not mean the same as transgender.
"It" was born a male.......and buried as a male.

So what's the problem?? ...... :dunno:
Dude/ette could have and probably should have contacted a lawyer prior to their death and made sure this didn't happen. This goes for anyone. If you want to be buried in a specific way put it in writing,then tell a trustworthy person about it.

I.E. The Jewish funeral from hell:
No will, two children one agnostic and the other Christian. Mother had been a life long Jew.
Jewish woman was embalmed,above ground three days,had a wake open casket. Children had an argument with Rabbi because he wouldn't enter the room with the casket open. Then things got ugly. After the funeral the two children went through and argued over possessions of their mother while guests were at the house.

Write a will people.
Don't think a Will will give you full protection people.
Don't you have a right to say who buries you if you die?

If you pay in advance you might.
Now that is an excellent point. Normally next of kin just contacts the prepaid funeral home. Everything paid for will be followed to the letter. Suppose next of kin doesn't do that. They ask for a refund instead and make their own arrangements.
I believe it is cold and cruel not to follow someone's last wishes. But funerals are not for the dead but for the living. This man's family might have been pained by their son living as a woman. It likely gave them some solace to bury the son they brought into the world under the name they gave him. They lost their loved one. It is not up to online friends to interfere.

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