Transgenderism undermines women's rights, despite other feminists' claims: Kara Dansky

We live in a world where in areas of the West, men will watch and do watch women get their asses handed to them physically and increasingly by other men. Women acting like men and having vile personalities to promote not equality but equity. Men in ghettos treat women like shit. Because it is primal and machismo rules. We are expanding ghettos all over the nation. Of all cultures for extreme feminism. When Hillary as the grifter senator of New York gave W. Bush the stare down at a SOTU that was the peak to me. There is very little difference in new ideas with prog women except power and authoritarianism. No man will listen to that when we are a total dictatorship. They ain't dying for that.

I keep asking you this question.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?
Okay. Then all they have to do is outrun the Trans girls...

This isn't a crisis. We have 3000 people dying a day of Covid, and THIS is what you are worried about.
Why the fuck have men and women's sports then?
Why the fuck have men and women's sports then?

We've been over this. Because we have Title IX mandating free money for girls' sports no one would otherwise care about. Try to keep up and put down the bottle, we've been talking about it for 8 pages now.
We've been over this. Because we have Title IX mandating free money for girls' sports no one would otherwise care about. Try to keep up and put down the bottle, we've been talking about it for 8 pages now.
Tell us again about your retarded theory that most Americans are social conservative fiscal liberal?
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Tell us again about your retarded theory that most Americans are social conservative fiscal liberal?

Why, I've already explained it to you once and you still didn't understand it.... Those Special Ed classes didn't help, did they?
What other "feminist" claims? Are "dykes on bikes" the new symbols of the feminist culture while real genetic females crouch in the darkness?
Understand you're mental and up is down, right is left in your world?

80% plus of the USA is socially liberal, fiscally conservative

Not the subject of the thread and you have no idea what you are talking about.

If Americans were fiscally conservative, we would not have 26 Trillion in Government Debt and 15.4 Trillion in consumer Debt.

If we were socially liberal, we'd have legalized drugs, prostitution, and a bunch of other social issues that are really nobody's business but the people engaging in them.
Okay, let's look at that argument.

On the RARE change you might encounter a trans person (amazingly, they never talk about Cisgender men who started as women), that they might have an advantage in the cut out area of women's sports. Of course, the only reason ANYONE cares about women's sports at all is because of the carveouts in athletics due to Title IX. Otherwise, colleges would just limit themselves to men's athletics they can make money on.

Instead, we have these huge athletic programs so the jocks can get into college even if they aren't terribly bright.

Take away the big bags of money, no one would care about this issue.

This is kind of a sore issue for me, because back when I was in college, the university I was in had an athletics program that was entirely paid for by Student Fees. They literally could not give away tickets to see our basketball or hockey teams. They built an arena for them that normally sat empty unless they rented it out for a concert.

So I can't get worked up that someone who didn't study very hard didn't get a scholarship because a boy in a dress ran a little faster.

Collage? you used to say it was the army. Trans folks can do what they like. They need to have their own sports just for trans. A trans man is still a man, just in a dress.
Collage? you used to say it was the army. Trans folks can do what they like. They need to have their own sports just for trans. A trans man is still a man, just in a dress.

I see you still haven't learned how to spell "COLLEGE". There is no A in college!

Yes, I went to College and I was in the Army.

If you need to have special leagues for women, trans, the disabled, what is the point, really? If a mediocre trans athlete can beat the best female athletes, why are we watching female athletes at all.

Oh, trick question. nobody is watching female athletes... they are just there for the Title IX money.
This is how stupid liberals are, here we have a liberal lawyer who needs it explained to her how guys in dresses in woman's sports is Anti women. Good God it's obvious to anyone who dropped out of the 2nd grade....

"It was toward the end of 2014, and I was sitting in my apartment with a friend. And we were talking politics, and I mentioned something about trans rights," she recalled.

I mentioned something about it and my friend stopped me. And she said, ‘all of transgender is anti-woman, it is anti-feminist, it is complete misogyny’. And I had never heard that before, so I asked her to elaborate. And she did. And immediately, it just became clear," she continued.
Well before I pay the hooker, I want some visual evidence of what I'm Not getting, if you "catch my drift." LOL
Okay, let's look at that argument.

On the RARE change you might encounter a trans person (amazingly, they never talk about Cisgender men who started as women), that they might have an advantage in the cut out area of women's sports. Of course, the only reason ANYONE cares about women's sports at all is because of the carveouts in athletics due to Title IX. Otherwise, colleges would just limit themselves to men's athletics they can make money on.

Instead, we have these huge athletic programs so the jocks can get into college even if they aren't terribly bright.

Take away the big bags of money, no one would care about this issue.

This is kind of a sore issue for me, because back when I was in college, the university I was in had an athletics program that was entirely paid for by Student Fees. They literally could not give away tickets to see our basketball or hockey teams. They built an arena for them that normally sat empty unless they rented it out for a concert.

So I can't get worked up that someone who didn't study very hard didn't get a scholarship because a boy in a dress ran a little faster.

The incidents of transgendered women have any kind of impact on college sports, nationwide, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The much discussed swimmer had ONE big meet when she first started competing and had only been suppressing testosterone for one year. Thereafter, her times have DECLINED with each passing month she's been on the hormone treatments.

And as you said, the only reason anyone on the right gives a shit about women's sports at all, is because they can now use it politically, and claim to be "pro women". If they were "pro women", they'd support abortion rights.
I see you still haven't learned how to spell "COLLEGE". There is no A in college!

Yes, I went to College and I was in the Army.

If you need to have special leagues for women, trans, the disabled, what is the point, really? If a mediocre trans athlete can beat the best female athletes, why are we watching female athletes at all.

Oh, trick question. nobody is watching female athletes... they are just there for the Title IX money.
Why do you care so much about destroying athletics for women? It's apparent you just don't like them very much.
The incidents of transgendered women have any kind of impact on college sports, nationwide, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The much discussed swimmer had ONE big meet when she first started competing and had only been suppressing testosterone for one year. Thereafter, her times have DECLINED with each passing month she's been on the hormone treatments.

And as you said, the only reason anyone on the right gives a shit about women's sports at all, is because they can now use it politically, and claim to be "pro women". If they were "pro women", they'd support abortion rights.
A very large number of actual women do not support abortion rights. That's a standard you made up.
Why do you care so much about destroying athletics for women? It's apparent you just don't like them very much.

No surprise, there. He's a pathetic incel, almost sixty years old, who has never found a woman willing to marry him.

Obviously, he's very bitter about women, in general. That's pretty much the defining characteristic of an incel.

On an unrelated note, it was 28 years ago, today, that I first met in person, the woman that I would end up marrying. Less than a week later, we were engaged, and a year after that, we were married, and in less than a week from now, we'll have been married for 27 years.
Transgenderism undermines women's rights, but the bigger picture is that it is part of the Left's Marxist goal to destroy the family, which is need before creating the ultimate chaos and creating a Marxist state.

Marxist BLM states unequivocally that the destruction of the traditional nuclear family is one of their goals.
The abjectly stupid fucktards in the Democratic party SUPPORT these idiots!

They KNEEL for a bunch of fucking commies!!!

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