Transgenderism undermines women's rights, despite other feminists' claims: Kara Dansky

Good thing I do not belong to any cult that says any such thing; nor do I even know of any such cult.
You belong to a cult started by a CONVICTED con artist and pedophile.

And even if I did believe any such thing, it is not anywhere close to being as degrading or hateful as the views which you consistently express about women.
Naw, not really. I treat women just like I treat men.... you know, equality. A concept that is alien to you.

And it is truly bizarre that you think you have some moral high ground on which to stand, to condemn me for believing that those who commit the very worst form of murder, against the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, ought to be brought to proper justice.
Uh, guy, fetuses aren't people... The law doesn't recognize them as people. The Census does not count fetuses... (In fact, they have a very specific rule of how to count newborns)

Only a misogynist who sees women as the life support system for a uterus would want to execute women for terminating unwanted pregnancies.

But then that doesn't demonstrate anything about you that hasn't always been obvious; that you are a piece of shit who openly takes the side of criminals—including those who murder innocent children—against the side of human beings.

Again- When the poor steal, it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".

You look at the credibility of the accuser, the credibility of the accused, the physical evidence, the credibility of any eyewitnesses, and everything else that has any bearing on the case. Your list is a little short, don't you think? I sure do.
Nope. The minute she said, "Well, I was doing a strip show for a bunch of frat boys..." that's kind of where the conversation should have ended.

We are well aware that in your mind the only way anyone can be misogynist is to oppose the extreme abortion agenda.
The only extreme abortion agenda is the crazy notion that anyone other than a woman should decide to have one. Her body. Her choice. End of discussion, really.

If you have knowledge of dead hookers somewhere, you'd better report them, or you'll get charged as an accessory. The law doesn't care that you don't like women very much, they're still people with rights equal to yours, despite your 1950's attitudes.
If this society cared about sex workers, they'd legalize prostitution and give them the same protections any other worker has.
Transgenderism undermines everything honestly. It undermines intelligence, science, biology, facts, reality and society.

It undermines them all by forcing people, even against their will, to say a man is a woman or a woman is a man. It decide nature itself and it insists upon everyone that gender is merely a construct of the mind and not a real thing.

It's an idea and nothing more. It's someone saying "my feelings shape reality and you will believe I am what I think I am and not what I actually am".

And yes, it undermines women as a entire gender.
Transgenderism undermines everything honestly. It undermines intelligence, science, biology, facts, reality and society.

It undermines them all by forcing people, even against their will, to say a man is a woman or a woman is a man. It decide nature itself and it insists upon everyone that gender is merely a construct of the mind and not a real thing.

It's an idea and nothing more. It's someone saying "my feelings shape reality and you will believe I am what I think I am and not what I actually am".

And yes, it undermines women as a entire gender.

So you picked up a He-She at a bar once.

Danny Bonaduece, is that you?
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Nope. The minute she said, "Well, I was doing a strip show for a bunch of frat boys..." that's kind of where the conversation should have ended.

The only extreme abortion agenda is the crazy notion that anyone other than a woman should decide to have one. Her body. Her choice. End of discussion, really.
You're obviously nuts. An agenda that refuses to protect a baby living and breathing outside the womb is extreme.
If this society cared about sex workers, they'd legalize prostitution and give them the same protections any other worker has.
You simultaneously demonize women for being prostitutes AND want to legalize prostitution so they can get job protections. You're a strange little creature that clearly cares more about getting more people into unions than you do about women

And notice what you're doing. You're falling back on, "Society" doesn't care about prostitutes to justify your misogyny, but when society demands college athletics, somehow it's the college's fault that they create sports programs.
You're obviously nuts. An agenda that refuses to protect a baby living and breathing outside the womb is extreme.

First, no babies are being aborted outside the womb. In fact, very few abortions are even performed after viability and that's only because of some severe medical issue. This is a crazy lie by the Misogynist Right.

You simultaneously demonize women for being prostitutes AND want to legalize prostitution so they can get job protections. You're a strange little creature that clearly cares more about getting more people into unions than you do about women

Not at all... there are a whole bunch of professions I don't respect, but still think should have worker's protections. Some people (Men AND women) are prostitutes because that's the only job skill they have.

All the "problems" related to prostitution are related DIRECTLY to it's illegality- exploitation of women and minors, spread of disease, drug abuse, violence against sex workers. All of which could be solved if it were legalized, regulated and brought into the open.

But sadly, we have policy being made by religious prudes in this country. The ones who go to the Brothel on Saturday and Beg forgiveness on Sunday.

And notice what you're doing. You're falling back on, "Society" doesn't care about prostitutes to justify your misogyny, but when society demands college athletics, somehow it's the college's fault that they create sports programs.

Except you really never have proven that "society" demands college athletics, at least not in their current mangled form.

I'd have no problem with college athletics as a business. Which means no scholarships, you just pay the players to represent your college, and no pretending that you are giving them an education when you aren't.

As for society not caring about sex work... the very fact that Escort Services, Happy Ending Massage Parlors, Strip Clubs are operating pretty much in the open without the po-po doing anything about it outside of election years, about says it all. We aren't stopping it from happening, and we don't really care that much when something bad happens to them.

How many serial killers have run up a huge kill count because they preyed on sex workers? John Gacy comes to mind, they STILL haven't identified all of his victims 40 years later. Robert Hanson who used to fly hookers up to his tracks of land in Alaska and hunt them. Shit, you can go all the way back to Jack the Ripper.

But the sex worker serial murder victim isn’t just a stereotype—it’s a dominant demographic reality. According to a recent study, 22 percent of confirmed U.S. serial murder victims between 1970 and 2009 were known prostitutes. And those numbers are climbing—over the last decade, 43 percent of victims were sex workers. Considering that prostitutes make up just over 0.3 percent of the nation as a whole, those numbers are staggering.
First, no babies are being aborted outside the womb. In fact, very few abortions are even performed after viability and that's only because of some severe medical issue. This is a crazy lie by the Misogynist Right.

It should be flat-out illegal to kill a newborn, whether he/she survived an abortion attempt or not. It should be flat-out illegal to deny a newborn lifesaving care like nourishment and protection from the elements, full stop. I don't care how often it happens.
Not at all... there are a whole bunch of professions I don't respect, but still think should have worker's protections. Some people (Men AND women) are prostitutes because that's the only job skill they have.

All the "problems" related to prostitution are related DIRECTLY to it's illegality- exploitation of women and minors, spread of disease, drug abuse, violence against sex workers. All of which could be solved if it were legalized, regulated and brought into the open.

But sadly, we have policy being made by religious prudes in this country. The ones who go to the Brothel on Saturday and Beg forgiveness on Sunday.
Nope, your problem is not with the profession, your problem is with the women who practice it, women you consider to be unworthy of ordinary human respect. That's because you don't like women very much to start with.

Except you really never have proven that "society" demands college athletics, at least not in their current mangled form.

There would be no massive college football stadiums without eager fans willing to fill them. There would be no March Madness without eager fans willing to watch the games. Uh, yeah, it's pretty obvious there is enormous demand for college athletics.
I'd have no problem with college athletics as a business. Which means no scholarships, you just pay the players to represent your college, and no pretending that you are giving them an education when you aren't.
Then they're not students, they're semi-professional athletes and should be associated with the town, not the college. Heck, baseball has no problem with multiple levels of minor leagues. The other sports could do it too.
As for society not caring about sex work... the very fact that Escort Services, Happy Ending Massage Parlors, Strip Clubs are operating pretty much in the open without the po-po doing anything about it outside of election years, about says it all. We aren't stopping it from happening, and we don't really care that much when something bad happens to them.
YOU don't care, because you're not a big fan of women. Let's be accurate about that. Other people, OTOH, do.
How many serial killers have run up a huge kill count because they preyed on sex workers? John Gacy comes to mind, they STILL haven't identified all of his victims 40 years later. Robert Hanson who used to fly hookers up to his tracks of land in Alaska and hunt them. Shit, you can go all the way back to Jack the Ripper.

But the sex worker serial murder victim isn’t just a stereotype—it’s a dominant demographic reality. According to a recent study, 22 percent of confirmed U.S. serial murder victims between 1970 and 2009 were known prostitutes. And those numbers are climbing—over the last decade, 43 percent of victims were sex workers. Considering that prostitutes make up just over 0.3 percent of the nation as a whole, those numbers are staggering.
And I see no condemnation from you for the killers, only for the victims.
First, no babies are being aborted outside the womb. In fact, very few abortions are even performed after viability and that's only because of some severe medical issue. This is a crazy lie by the Misogynist Right.
Snort, tell that to the state governments legalizing abortion up until birth.

But then again, there is your shortsighted view that it isn't human until it completely leaves the womb.

However, this is beside the argument.

You only care for women's rights when those rights involve the women killing unborn children, not exercising their right to delineate their femininity from those of the opposite gender claiming to be the same.
It should be flat-out illegal to kill a newborn, whether he/she survived an abortion attempt or not. It should be flat-out illegal to deny a newborn lifesaving care like nourishment and protection from the elements, full stop. I don't care how often it happens.
Infanticide is already against the law. Fetuses aren't infants.

Nope, your problem is not with the profession, your problem is with the women who practice it, women you consider to be unworthy of ordinary human respect. That's because you don't like women very much to start with.
Actually, I have just as much contempt for male prostitutes.

There would be no massive college football stadiums without eager fans willing to fill them. There would be no March Madness without eager fans willing to watch the games. Uh, yeah, it's pretty obvious there is enormous demand for college athletics.
Okay, so then why does the government have to mandate Title IX and why does UIC have to make students pay to subsidize the Swim Team through fees?

Then they're not students, they're semi-professional athletes and should be associated with the town, not the college. Heck, baseball has no problem with multiple levels of minor leagues. The other sports could do it too.

Yes, they could.

YOU don't care, because you're not a big fan of women. Let's be accurate about that. Other people, OTOH, do.
Americans don't care. If they did, they'd change the laws to protect sex workers. This is what happens when you let religious prudes make policies.

And I see no condemnation from you for the killers, only for the victims.

Kind of besides the point, isn't it? We as a society have decided these women - AND MEN - don't deserve protection. Let's not forget, Gacy didn't get caught until he he killed a "nice kid". The rent boys he insulated his crawlspace with didn't merit any consideration.
Snort, tell that to the state governments legalizing abortion up until birth.

But then again, there is your shortsighted view that it isn't human until it completely leaves the womb.

However, this is beside the argument.

You only care for women's rights when those rights involve the women killing unborn children, not exercising their right to delineate their femininity from those of the opposite gender claiming to be the same.

Again, it's not women who are really losing their shit over the Trannies, it's a bunch of sexually insecure men. Funny, I never debate this issue with women. Women by and large, are kind of cool with it.

Of course, there isn't a single woman who decides, 'Yup, I'm going to go through 8 1/2 months of pregnancy, and then abort a perfectly healthy fetus on a whim."

If a woman is having a late abortion, it is because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. These are usually women who have decorated a nursery and picked out a baby name. This really is a tragedy, and your religious posturing only makes it worse.
Again, it's not women who are really losing their shit over the Trannies, it's a bunch of sexually insecure men. Funny, I never debate this issue with women. Women by and large, are kind of cool with it.

Of course, there isn't a single woman who decides, 'Yup, I'm going to go through 8 1/2 months of pregnancy, and then abort a perfectly healthy fetus on a whim."

If a woman is having a late abortion, it is because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. These are usually women who have decorated a nursery and picked out a baby name. This really is a tragedy, and your religious posturing only makes it worse.
Oh please they throw them in the trash
Infanticide is already against the law. Fetuses aren't infants.
They're little humans. Follow the science. As for the law, do you seriously expect me to believe survivors of abortion attempts are welcomed with open arms? There's a reason why it's so hard to pass born alive legislation, and that reason is certain people want to make sure the end result is a dead baby.
Actually, I have just as much contempt for male prostitutes.
Just not for young rapists. It's only their victims that have your contempt. Male prostitutes are people too, and deserve dignity.
Okay, so then why does the government have to mandate Title IX and why does UIC have to make students pay to subsidize the Swim Team through fees?
The government mandates it so women have the opportunity to compete in sports as well instead of being denied such opportunity. Now think about it beyond your headline hysteria. How much incremental cost do you think a female swim team actually adds? The pool is already there, the vehicles are already there, all that's needed are some suits for them to wear and a coach. If you're getting ripped off, it's because the college is overcharging you, not because the women have a swim team. You might have a case if the college had to build a pool for them because the men didn't have a team, but that's not how Title IX works.
Yes, they could.

Americans don't care. If they did, they'd change the laws to protect sex workers. This is what happens when you let religious prudes make policies.
Translation, that's what happens when society elects people to make policy.
Kind of besides the point, isn't it? We as a society have decided these women - AND MEN - don't deserve protection. Let's not forget, Gacy didn't get caught until he he killed a "nice kid". The rent boys he insulated his crawlspace with didn't merit any consideration.
And you justify your misogyny and hatred by saying that everyone else does it. They don't. Likewise, society cares more about touchdowns than it does about STEM graduations, yet you still want to blame the college for creating a football program. You seem to be rather picky about when you want to blame society.
They're little humans. Follow the science.

As for the law, do you seriously expect me to believe survivors of abortion attempts are welcomed with open arms? There's a reason why it's so hard to pass born alive legislation, and that reason is certain people want to make sure the end result is a dead baby.

Fetuses aren't babies. They aren't viable outside the womb. And again, when you guys stop trying to rip food stamps out of the mouths of hungry kids to give tax breaks to billionaires, then you can come back and talk to me about 'babies".
The main reason why these laws are so hard to pass is because we know what you fuckers are up to. Never let the camel get its nose into the tent.

Just not for young rapists. It's only their victims that have your contempt.
Actually, I think both of those kids were out of control, and all of their parents were responsible. I just don't think it was a federal case that you transphobes tried to make it into by lying about the facts of the case.

The government mandates it so women have the opportunity to compete in sports as well instead of being denied such opportunity. Now think about it beyond your headline hysteria. How much incremental cost do you think a female swim team actually adds?

Good question. You see, the reason why picked that one out was one of the Stumps I usually had to deal with was some gal who was getting a full ride on the university's dime. So while I was out there serving in the National Guard and working two minimum wage jobs, she was living large on party circuit.

Translation, that's what happens when society elects people to make policy.
Actually, a Majority favors decriminalizing sex work.

And you justify your misogyny and hatred by saying that everyone else does it.
Nope, I'm the guy who wants a solution. Legalize it, regulate it, tax it, protect the people involved. The rest is a lot of you just repeating the same thing, Polly... Polly wanna cracker?
Fetuses aren't babies. They aren't viable outside the womb. And again, when you guys stop trying to rip food stamps out of the mouths of hungry kids to give tax breaks to billionaires, then you can come back and talk to me about 'babies".
The main reason why these laws are so hard to pass is because we know what you fuckers are up to. Never let the camel get its nose into the tent.
IOW, you don't want to do anything because you're afraid something else might happen. And then you wonder why gun advocates won't support any further invasions on the right to own and bear arms. They know what you're up to and want to keep that particular camel outside for good.
Actually, I think both of those kids were out of control, and all of their parents were responsible. I just don't think it was a federal case that you transphobes tried to make it into by lying about the facts of the case.
Yet you reserve all your venom and vitriol for the victim, who conveniently for you is a girl. And you can't even bring yourself to say what he did.
Good question. You see, the reason why picked that one out was one of the Stumps I usually had to deal with was some gal who was getting a full ride on the university's dime. So while I was out there serving in the National Guard and working two minimum wage jobs, she was living large on party circuit.
Yet you reserve your venom and vitriol for the women who receive some athletic scholarships while men have been getting them for decades. If you don't like colleges offering them, I'd suggest you try to change society's demands for college athletics into demands for higher graduation rates. Then, and only then, will more scholarships be offered for grades than for touchdowns.
Actually, a Majority favors decriminalizing sex work.

So why aren't they electing representatives that will do what you want? Maybe because it's not that important to them.
Nope, I'm the guy who wants a solution. Legalize it, regulate it, tax it, protect the people involved. The rest is a lot of you just repeating the same thing, Polly... Polly wanna cracker?
First step, realize that everyone is a person who deserves dignity and respect. Change your 1950's attitudes towards uppity women who want out of the kitchen and don't act the way you want them to.
IOW, you don't want to do anything because you're afraid something else might happen. And then you wonder why gun advocates won't support any further invasions on the right to own and bear arms. They know what you're up to and want to keep that particular camel outside for good.

Oh, I've never made any secret of the fact I would ban all privately owned guns, given the opportunity. But the difference is, it's really my business if my crazy neighbor has a small arsenal and starts shooting up the neighborhood. It's really none of your business what a woman decides to do with her pregnancy.

You see, you can actually ban guns. It's been done.

Banning abortion. Never has worked and never will. You end up with what we had before 1973, a prudish law on the books that everyone ignores.

Yet you reserve all your venom and vitriol for the victim, who conveniently for you is a girl. And you can't even bring yourself to say what he did.
Had an ill-advised hookup with a girl who was trouble? Both of these kids were in the wrong... but they were kids and teenagers do stupid things. But since you guys saw this case as an opportunity to promote your transphobic agenda, you hopped right on that.

Yet you reserve your venom and vitriol for the women who receive some athletic scholarships while men have been getting them for decades. If you don't like colleges offering them, I'd suggest you try to change society's demands for college athletics into demands for higher graduation rates. Then, and only then, will more scholarships be offered for grades than for touchdowns.
Naw, I've expressed vitriol for the whole jock culture. Again, let's cut off the scholarships and then see how much anyone really cares.

So why aren't they electing representatives that will do what you want? Maybe because it's not that important to them.
Or maybe the louder voices are bullying people. Kind of like most Americans really want stronger gun laws, but they don't want to work for them as hard as the National Rampage Association does. It's a major flaw with representative democracy, that the will of the people isn't what happens, just the will of the loud.

First step, realize that everyone is a person who deserves dignity and respect. Change your 1950's attitudes towards uppity women who want out of the kitchen and don't act the way you want them to.
Hey, I have all the respect for someone who has sex for money deserves...
Oh, I've never made any secret of the fact I would ban all privately owned guns, given the opportunity. But the difference is, it's really my business if my crazy neighbor has a small arsenal and starts shooting up the neighborhood. It's really none of your business what a woman decides to do with her pregnancy.

You see, you can actually ban guns. It's been done.

Banning abortion. Never has worked and never will. You end up with what we had before 1973, a prudish law on the books that everyone ignores.
Banning guns doesn't work, never has, any more than banning drugs, which is my business because my crazy neighbor can burn down the block when his meth lab explodes, as well as the bullets whizzing around when a deal goes bad, bullets that your gun ban wouldn't prevent from being there. If you're that worried about your neighbor, move to someplace your nearest one is a mile away. You should feel safe there. Of course, you'll wish you had a gun when a bear decides he wants to get into your cabin, but he'll read the sign you post in your front yard proclaiming your house gun free and move on.
Had an ill-advised hookup with a girl who was trouble? Both of these kids were in the wrong... but they were kids and teenagers do stupid things. But since you guys saw this case as an opportunity to promote your transphobic agenda, you hopped right on that.
And by insisting that can be the only explanation (it's not, and I've told you that the mind reading helmets don't work. You just won't listen and keep buying them), you expose your blatant misogyny for all to see. You can't even bring yourself to come right out and condemn the boy for raping the girl.
Naw, I've expressed vitriol for the whole jock culture. Again, let's cut off the scholarships and then see how much anyone really cares.
There's a reason why there are college football stadiums that seat tens or over a hundred thousand, and that reason is, surprise, surprise! people don't agree with you and do care about college sports. Your rant is about as believable as blaming the number of guns in circulation on anything except that fact that so many people want them. You know, people who don't care what you think, and there are a LOT of them.
Or maybe the louder voices are bullying people. Kind of like most Americans really want stronger gun laws, but they don't want to work for them as hard as the National Rampage Association does. It's a major flaw with representative democracy, that the will of the people isn't what happens, just the will of the loud.
Then stop making it so obvious that any new gun laws are merely steppingstones towards total confiscation and banning. You might get a little traction.
Hey, I have all the respect for someone who has sex for money deserves...
Your 1953 attitude needs to go.
Banning guns doesn't work, never has, any more than banning drugs, which is my business because my crazy neighbor can burn down the block when his meth lab explodes, as well as the bullets whizzing around when a deal goes bad, bullets that your gun ban wouldn't prevent from being there. If you're that worried about your neighbor, move to someplace your nearest one is a mile away. You should feel safe there. Of course, you'll wish you had a gun when a bear decides he wants to get into your cabin, but he'll read the sign you post in your front yard proclaiming your house gun free and move on.

I've actually had a bear up at my cabin in Wisconsin. I didn't have to shoot him at all. Amazing.

Banning guns works just fine in the UK, Japan, France, Italy and every other industrialized country.

And by insisting that can be the only explanation (it's not, and I've told you that the mind reading helmets don't work. You just won't listen and keep buying them), you expose your blatant misogyny for all to see. You can't even bring yourself to come right out and condemn the boy for raping the girl.
Yes, when you invite the guy for your third sleazy session of sex in a bathroom stall, I just have a hard time getting upset about that.

There's a reason why there are college football stadiums that seat tens or over a hundred thousand, and that reason is, surprise, surprise! people don't agree with you and do care about college sports. Your rant is about as believable as blaming the number of guns in circulation on anything except that fact that so many people want them. You know, people who don't care what you think, and there are a LOT of them.
We aren't talking about football, we are talking about all the other sports that no one cares about, but they hand out scholarships for Title IX.

Then stop making it so obvious that any new gun laws are merely steppingstones towards total confiscation and banning. You might get a little traction.

Or we stop trying to reason with the gun nuts. Because that's pointless.

Your 1953 attitude needs to go.
Are you arguing a person who sells their body for sex deserves respect?
You belong to a cult started by a CONVICTED con artist and pedophile.

Naw, not really. I treat women just like I treat men.... you know, equality. A concept that is alien to you.

Uh, guy, fetuses aren't people... The law doesn't recognize them as people. The Census does not count fetuses... (In fact, they have a very specific rule of how to count newborns)

Only a misogynist who sees women as the life support system for a uterus would want to execute women for terminating unwanted pregnancies.

Again- When the poor steal, it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".
We live in a world where in areas of the West, men will watch and do watch women get their asses handed to them physically and increasingly by other men. Women acting like men and having vile personalities to promote not equality but equity. Men in ghettos treat women like shit. Because it is primal and machismo rules. We are expanding ghettos all over the nation. Of all cultures for extreme feminism. When Hillary as the grifter senator of New York gave W. Bush the stare down at a SOTU that was the peak to me. There is very little difference in new ideas with prog women except power and authoritarianism. No man will listen to that when we are a total dictatorship. They ain't dying for that.

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