Transgenderism undermines women's rights, despite other feminists' claims: Kara Dansky

Where have you been, Mr. Crazypants? Football and Basketball were ALWAYS business for these colleges. College Football was big money before we even had an NFL and playing football after college became a thing.

The problem is that when Colleges gave out athletic scholarships to men, there was a Return on Investment. You give some Stump a College Scholarship, you get the money back in revenues on ticket sales and merchandising. So what if they come out after 4 years still being dumb as stumps. (Just watch some of them doing interviews on Sundays, you'll know exactly what I am talking about.)

The problem came in when Congress passed Title IX, and insisted that you should give girls scholarships for sports, too. Even though no one was really interested in watching them, they became a ticket to college for girls who didn't want to be bothered with all that "Studying" stuff.

Then- OH NOES- some boys who identify as girls decided to get some of that action. And it's totally unfair because even though cis-gendered women are 50% of the population, transgender women are .03% of the population!
That was not true at one time. The money they received in the 1960's was a drop in the bucket to today. Penn State main campus was and is a sleepy town. But it was poorer before Joe Paterno got there. He built the sports programs and that put the town on the map as much more money and better jobs appeared there. He controlled the purse strings for all the sports and there were arguments with a female sport coach or two. What we see today is bad though. Football and Basketball guys just use college as a couple year transition from High School to the Pros. Other use it to get a degree and go on with life's work.
Okay, let's look at that argument.

On the RARE change you might encounter a trans person (amazingly, they never talk about Cisgender men who started as women), that they might have an advantage in the cut out area of women's sports. Of course, the only reason ANYONE cares about women's sports at all is because of the carveouts in athletics due to Title IX. Otherwise, colleges would just limit themselves to men's athletics they can make money on.

Instead, we have these huge athletic programs so the jocks can get into college even if they aren't terribly bright.

Take away the big bags of money, no one would care about this issue.

This is kind of a sore issue for me, because back when I was in college, the university I was in had an athletics program that was entirely paid for by Student Fees. They literally could not give away tickets to see our basketball or hockey teams. They built an arena for them that normally sat empty unless they rented it out for a concert.

So I can't get worked up that someone who didn't study very hard didn't get a scholarship because a boy in a dress ran a little faster.
cisgender what becoming what? You mean females becoming males? Ummm...they abuse children often and are unstable as a group. Think they just lack the physical strength to do as much damage to other adults as a natural male even when the males starts dressing as a female.
cisgender what becoming what? You mean females becoming males? Ummm...they abuse children often and are unstable as a group. Think they just lack the physical strength to do as much damage to other adults as a natural male even when the males starts dressing as a female.

Actually, you are most likely to be sexually abused by a cisgendered male than anything else.

But haters gonna hate.
Sure we did. When our legislature voted to create state university systems.
Thus, we voted on the military and prison systems being as large as they are.
Except they aren't boys anymore. The problem with transgendered people is they have the brains of females and the genitals of males...
And the bodies of boys. Chopping off a dick and inserting implants don't turn them into girls, but we all know that, and girls and women shouldn't have to suffer because a boy had surgery to change the way he looked on the outside.

Now, I have to note something you said. You said, "they aren't boys anymore". Why, you bigot you. Don't you realize that the mantra is supposed to be that they NEVER WERE boys, because what you said means that they changed and were not born that way, and that means at some point they made a decision to pretend to be something they are not. You can claim all you want that their brains are female, but that has nothing to do with their bodies' natural superiority over girls' bodies in sports that emphasize strength, speed and agility.
I don't worry about the superstitions of the stupids, and if they really cared about babies, they wouldn't be slashing poverty programs to give tax breaks to billionaires.
And if they spent every last penny in the US budget on childrens' poverty programs, you wouldn't change your spew at all.
Actually, look at the stats for sexual assault by cis-gender kids in High School, and how very few of them go to jail for it. This kid was signaled out for a bad hookup because he was Gender Fluid.

Wrong, this kid was singled out because there was a ticked off Dad who wouldn't be ignored who was raising the issue, as Dad's are supposed to do. Naturally, those of you who want the State to have ultimate power are horrified.
Thus, we voted on the military and prison systems being as large as they are.

And the bodies of boys. Chopping off a dick and inserting implants don't turn them into girls, but we all know that, and girls and women shouldn't have to suffer because a boy had surgery to change the way he looked on the outside.
Except women and girls aren't suffering. This is the problem with you homophobic and transphobic bigots. You think giving someone something you take for granted is taking something away from you. Even if it has no effect on your life.

Now, I have to note something you said. You said, "they aren't boys anymore". Why, you bigot you. Don't you realize that the mantra is supposed to be that they NEVER WERE boys, because what you said means that they changed and were not born that way, and that means at some point they made a decision to pretend to be something they are not. You can claim all you want that their brains are female, but that has nothing to do with their bodies' natural superiority over girls' bodies in sports that emphasize strength, speed and agility.
And again, so what? Oh, noes I didn't win a little plastic trophy is not very high on my crisis list.

And if they spent every last penny in the US budget on childrens' poverty programs, you wouldn't change your spew at all.
Facts not in evidence. Some women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is, but countries that actually DO spend adequate money on social programs have less.

For instance, France has paid family leave, universal health care and they even have (gasp) government workers who will come by during the early period after birth to see how you are doing and help with chores. As a result, French women have half the number of abortions per capita as US women, even with government paying for the abortions.

MEANWHILE, in the Philippines, they have the kinds of laws your want. Abortion is illegal in all circumstances except a threat to the mother's life. YET Filipinas have about 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year, a HIGHER rate than the United States. In addition, there are about 1 million abandoned children in the Philippines, many of whom are exploited.

Wrong, this kid was singled out because there was a ticked off Dad who wouldn't be ignored who was raising the issue, as Dad's are supposed to do. Naturally, those of you who want the State to have ultimate power are horrified.

If this dad had been doing his job, she wouldn't have been having her THIRD hookup in the school bathroom. Seems like he wants to blame "the state" for his poor parenting skills.

So why make it easier for ANYONE to do it?

Because there aren't a rash of trans people dressing up to rape... this is a right wing fantasy. It's like asking, 'Why don't we have an anti-Unicorn Defense Shield to protect girls' virginity?"
Except women and girls aren't suffering. This is the problem with you homophobic and transphobic bigots. You think giving someone something you take for granted is taking something away from you. Even if it has no effect on your life.
We know, we know, you don't like women all that much. The rest of us do.
And again, so what? Oh, noes I didn't win a little plastic trophy is not very high on my crisis list.
I don't think you won many trophies when you were in school. In fact, you sound like you wish you could have but didn't.
Facts not in evidence. Some women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is, but countries that actually DO spend adequate money on social programs have less.

For instance, France has paid family leave, universal health care and they even have (gasp) government workers who will come by during the early period after birth to see how you are doing and help with chores. As a result, French women have half the number of abortions per capita as US women, even with government paying for the abortions.

MEANWHILE, in the Philippines, they have the kinds of laws your want. Abortion is illegal in all circumstances except a threat to the mother's life. YET Filipinas have about 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year, a HIGHER rate than the United States. In addition, there are about 1 million abandoned children in the Philippines, many of whom are exploited.
And you would still moan and complain about people who oppose abortion, no matter how much we spent.
If this dad had been doing his job, she wouldn't have been having her THIRD hookup in the school bathroom. Seems like he wants to blame "the state" for his poor parenting skills.
You should never work a rape crisis hotline. "You were asking for it" is not an effective way to help a victim. It doesn't matter if this girl has hooked up with this guy before, if she gets raped, he needs to be held accountable, and "boys will be boys" doesn't cut it. You seem to want it both ways. On the one hand, girls are going to get abortions and have sex no matter what parents do so they should just stop trying to prevent it, while on the other, it's this dad's fault that his daughter was raped.
Because there aren't a rash of trans people dressing up to rape... this is a right wing fantasy. It's like asking, 'Why don't we have an anti-Unicorn Defense Shield to protect girls' virginity?"
Because it's inevitable that when you make something easier, more people do it. Again, it's clear you don't like women very much, but others do.
We know, we know, you don't like women all that much. The rest of us do.
Avoiding the point. How is treating LGBTQ people taking anything away from straight people? It doesn't. If the worse problem in your life is "I didn't get a plastic trophy because that Trans Girl ran a little faster", YOUR LIFE IS PRETTY GOOD. I honestly wish that was the worst thing I had to deal with growing up.

I don't think you won many trophies when you were in school. In fact, you sound like you wish you could have but didn't.
Naw, I was too busy doing more important stuff... than getting involved in the Jock Culture. The Jocks who would always ask me to help them with their homework because they weren't getting simple math. Most of them ended up doing manual labor jobs when they didn't get picked for college and professional teams.

And you would still moan and complain about people who oppose abortion, no matter how much we spent.
Wow, the whole discussion went over your head, didn't it. I often wonder why I try.

You should never work a rape crisis hotline. "You were asking for it" is not an effective way to help a victim. It doesn't matter if this girl has hooked up with this guy before, if she gets raped, he needs to be held accountable, and "boys will be boys" doesn't cut it. You seem to want it both ways. On the one hand, girls are going to get abortions and have sex no matter what parents do so they should just stop trying to prevent it, while on the other, it's this dad's fault that his daughter was raped.

I'm really not interested in helping the town slut not be the town slut. It's not like they are going to change there behavior.

Girl I grew up with, was promiscious, got involved in drugs, etc. This was back in the 1970's. Well, big surprise, I was informed she passed away last year... and it was exactly what I thought it was going to be from.

This dad needs to look at his own daughter's behavior, and not try to blame the school for his failures.

Because it's inevitable that when you make something easier, more people do it. Again, it's clear you don't like women very much, but others do.

Except there's no evidence it's being done at all... A trans woman isn't really going to have any sexual interest in a straight woman.
Avoiding the point. How is treating LGBTQ people taking anything away from straight people? It doesn't. If the worse problem in your life is "I didn't get a plastic trophy because that Trans Girl ran a little faster", YOUR LIFE IS PRETTY GOOD. I honestly wish that was the worst thing I had to deal with growing up.
The only thing on the table is forcing girls to compete against boys. It simply doesn't matter that you don't care about girls, other people do.
Naw, I was too busy doing more important stuff... than getting involved in the Jock Culture. The Jocks who would always ask me to help them with their homework because they weren't getting simple math. Most of them ended up doing manual labor jobs when they didn't get picked for college and professional teams.
That doesn't mean you didn't wish you could have been like them.
Wow, the whole discussion went over your head, didn't it. I often wonder why I try.
Oh, I understand the issue.
I'm really not interested in helping the town slut not be the town slut. It's not like they are going to change there behavior.
That doesn't matter. "She deserved it" doesn't cut it anymore. Those arguments went out the door long ago. Now, it doesn't matter if she's acting like a slut, you don't get to rape her.
Girl I grew up with, was promiscious, got involved in drugs, etc. This was back in the 1970's. Well, big surprise, I was informed she passed away last year... and it was exactly what I thought it was going to be from.

This dad needs to look at his own daughter's behavior, and not try to blame the school for his failures.
He's not, he's blaming the school for allowing this boy to rape this girl, and it is their responsibility because they agreed to take care of his daughter during the school day.
Except there's no evidence it's being done at all... A trans woman isn't really going to have any sexual interest in a straight woman.
So let's open the doors then. Sacrifice all caution on the altar of political gain.
What those fruit-loops do behind closed doors is their own business.

I DO want that perversion kept away from kids.

If you're born with a pecker you use the mens' bathroom and you only play mens' and co-ed sports.

If you're born with a hooha you use the women's bathroom and you only play womens' and co-ed sports.

These are not difficult things to understand and any country with a moral backbone is going to "hold the line" on such matters.
The only thing on the table is forcing girls to compete against boys. It simply doesn't matter that you don't care about girls, other people do.
Nobody is "forcing" them. If they don't want to compete against trans-girls, they always have the option of not signing up. Just like the homophobic bakers who don't want to make cakes for gay couples. They always have the option to close down their bakery.

Oh, I understand the issue.

Well, if you did, you'd admit that anti-Abortion activists want to keep women in their place, they don't give a shit about "babies" and never have.


That doesn't matter. "She deserved it" doesn't cut it anymore. Those arguments went out the door long ago. Now, it doesn't matter if she's acting like a slut, you don't get to rape her.

Heck, why stop there. Let's give them a week after the sex to decide to say no or not. Sorry, I don't work up the same sympathy for a slut I do for a nice girl.

He's not, he's blaming the school for allowing this boy to rape this girl, and it is their responsibility because they agreed to take care of his daughter during the school day.

Maybe he should have invested in a chastity belt.

So let's open the doors then. Sacrifice all caution on the altar of political gain.

But isn't that what we always do? We make a decision about what is the greater good, and then we do that. Sometimes it even works out.

Most of the anti-Trans arguments were the anti-gay arguments of 30 years ago, when everyone was afraid their gay teacher would give the whole class AIDS. It was the argument of the Segregationist 60 years ago, that if you let black folks ride at the front of the bus, they'd start raping and pillaging indiscriminately. (Anyone else remember Nixon's Law and Order campaign?)

Speaking of which...

What those fruit-loops do behind closed doors is their own business.

I DO want that perversion kept away from kids.

Ah, see my point... the same argument was made against gays 30 years ago. Keep it in the closet, we need to protect the children.
Nobody is "forcing" them. If they don't want to compete against trans-girls, they always have the option of not signing up. Just like the homophobic bakers who don't want to make cakes for gay couples. They always have the option to close down their bakery.
Easy fix that doesn't have to bother the girls at all. Boys compete against boys, girls against girls. If a boy wants to be a girl, he can pretend to be one all he wants, but he still competes against boys. Wins all around, well except for you who will have your feelings hurt because society won't bend the way you want it to.
Well, if you did, you'd admit that anti-Abortion activists want to keep women in their place, they don't give a shit about "babies" and never have.

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I wouldn't admit it because it isn't true. No matter how hard you pull your projection hat down around your ears, it still doesn't work.
Heck, why stop there. Let's give them a week after the sex to decide to say no or not. Sorry, I don't work up the same sympathy for a slut I do for a nice girl.
And your misogyny is on full display. You know, you Neanderthals were tossed to the side about 40 years ago when society decided that "She wanted it" didn't cut the mustard anymore. Nope, when a woman says no or stop, you have to.
Maybe he should have invested in a chastity belt.
That's your preferred method of keeping those pesky women in their place, isn't it?
But isn't that what we always do? We make a decision about what is the greater good, and then we do that. Sometimes it even works out.

Most of the anti-Trans arguments were the anti-gay arguments of 30 years ago, when everyone was afraid their gay teacher would give the whole class AIDS. It was the argument of the Segregationist 60 years ago, that if you let black folks ride at the front of the bus, they'd start raping and pillaging indiscriminately. (Anyone else remember Nixon's Law and Order campaign?)

Speaking of which...

Ah, see my point... the same argument was made against gays 30 years ago. Keep it in the closet, we need to protect the children.
I see no problem with protecting children from overt displays of sexuality. It's a shame you don't. Sounds like you don't like them all that much, kind of like how you feel about women.
Easy fix that doesn't have to bother the girls at all. Boys compete against boys, girls against girls. If a boy wants to be a girl, he can pretend to be one all he wants, but he still competes against boys. Wins all around, well except for you who will have your feelings hurt because society won't bend the way you want it to.

Or we eventually accept trans-equality, just like we have for gays and minorities. That works, too.

I wouldn't admit it because it isn't true. No matter how hard you pull your projection hat down around your ears, it still doesn't work.
Sure it isn't.

And your misogyny is on full display. You know, you Neanderthals were tossed to the side about 40 years ago when society decided that "She wanted it" didn't cut the mustard anymore. Nope, when a woman says no or stop, you have to.

Three words, buddy. Duke Lacrosse Team. That's what the crazy looks like. That's when a fucking STRIPPER can cry rape, and she's treated totally seriously.

That's your preferred method of keeping those pesky women in their place, isn't it?
Hardly. Teaching them good morals like, "don't have sex hookup in the bathroom" usually works.

I see no problem with protecting children from overt displays of sexuality. It's a shame you don't. Sounds like you don't like them all that much, kind of like how you feel about women.
You're kidding, right? Have you watched TV lately? Kids are going to see more "overt" sexuality on TV and the internet than they are ever going to see in real life.

You seem to be one of those people who completely forgets what it was like to be a kid. When I was in my strict catholic upbringing, we all had our secret stash of Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler. And that was before we had an internet. Oh, yeah, check that box claiming you are 18 years old. Sure, that'll work.
This is how stupid liberals are, here we have a liberal lawyer who needs it explained to her how guys in dresses in woman's sports is Anti women. Good God it's obvious to anyone who dropped out of the 2nd grade....

"It was toward the end of 2014, and I was sitting in my apartment with a friend. And we were talking politics, and I mentioned something about trans rights," she recalled.

I mentioned something about it and my friend stopped me. And she said, ‘all of transgender is anti-woman, it is anti-feminist, it is complete misogyny’. And I had never heard that before, so I asked her to elaborate. And she did. And immediately, it just became clear," she continued.
I don't see really any harm to women's rights. People have the right to be who they want to be. Some say gender is after all only a mindset.
Or we eventually accept trans-equality, just like we have for gays and minorities. That works, too.
Two separate issues. We don't have to penalize women and girls to accept people who want to pretend they are something they aren't.
Sure it isn't.
It isn't, no matter how hard you want it to be.
Three words, buddy. Duke Lacrosse Team. That's what the crazy looks like. That's when a fucking STRIPPER can cry rape, and she's treated totally seriously.
And she should be taken seriously until an investigation clears those she accuses. Now if she waits 30 years and there's no evidence to corroborate her story, then it shouldn't be enough to derail a guy's career.
Hardly. Teaching them good morals like, "don't have sex hookup in the bathroom" usually works.
Then society pushes the other way and ridicules and marginalizes the kids who are just trying to live up to the standards they're taught.
You're kidding, right? Have you watched TV lately? Kids are going to see more "overt" sexuality on TV and the internet than they are ever going to see in real life.

You seem to be one of those people who completely forgets what it was like to be a kid. When I was in my strict catholic upbringing, we all had our secret stash of Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler. And that was before we had an internet. Oh, yeah, check that box claiming you are 18 years old. Sure, that'll work.
What happened to teaching good morals? Something tells me that you would oppose parents REALLY teaching good morals. You would have hated Mayberry and Mr. Rogers.

See, you like to go back and forth. When it comes to sexually assaulting a girl, it's her fault because her Dad didn't teach her good morals. When it comes to teaching boys not to objectify women in the first place, it's "boys will be boys. They're just going to do it anyway". I have noticed something in this whole thing. Not once have I seen you condemn the boy and his parents; your condemnation is solely reserved for the girl. It's her fault because she hooked up with him before. It's her Dad's fault because he didn't teach her better morals. It's her fault because she's a slut. It's her fault because she led him on. When it comes to the boy, oh, he was singled out because he's trans (then you simultaneously claim he wasn't really trans and there's no evidence any trans boy anywhere raped a girl. See why your credibility is in the dumpster?). He shouldn't have had anything more happen than a suspension. He should have just been quietly transferred and no one heard any more about it.

And that's why so many are telling you that you just don't like girls and women all that much.
Then society pushes the other way and ridicules and marginalizes the kids who are just trying to live up to the standards they're taught.
Who does that? Frankly, if anything, society bends over backwards to teach kids to ignore their raging hormones, for what little good it does. It amazes me how many of you conservatives try to pretend you forgot what being a teenager is like.

And she should be taken seriously until an investigation clears those she accuses. Now if she waits 30 years and there's no evidence to corroborate her story, then it shouldn't be enough to derail a guy's career.

Well, in Kavanaugh's case, they could have found dead hookers in his basement and still confirmed him. There was no "investigation". In the case of the Lacrosse, the investigation should have went, "Oh, you're a stripper?" but even after that, they probably should have actually tested her panties and found that none of those guys were the TWO samples they found. Or that one of the guys she accused was seen on Camera at an ATM somewhere else.

See, you like to go back and forth. When it comes to sexually assaulting a girl, it's her fault because her Dad didn't teach her good morals. When it comes to teaching boys not to objectify women in the first place, it's "boys will be boys. They're just going to do it anyway". I have noticed something in this whole thing. Not once have I seen you condemn the boy and his parents; your condemnation is solely reserved for the girl. It's her fault because she hooked up with him before. It's her Dad's fault because he didn't teach her better morals. It's her fault because she's a slut. It's her fault because she led him on. When it comes to the boy, oh, he was singled out because he's trans (then you simultaneously claim he wasn't really trans and there's no evidence any trans boy anywhere raped a girl. See why your credibility is in the dumpster?). He shouldn't have had anything more happen than a suspension. He should have just been quietly transferred and no one heard any more about it.
Uh, yeah, you hook up with a boy for the THIRD time in a bathroom stall, after locking yourself in with him, you don't get a lot of sympathy from me, and had he been a cis-gendered boy, that's exactly how they would have treated it.

And that's why so many are telling you that you just don't like girls and women all that much.
The only people saying that are the ones who look at A Handmaid Tale as a good model for society.
So I can't get worked up that someone who didn't study very hard didn't get a scholarship because a boy in a dress ran a little faster.

Joe doesnt care if fags ruin women’s atheletics so he doesnt think anyone should care

I get the Title IV bs

unless the school has a really good football or mens basketball team that makes millions on TV college sports is a money drain

but athletics deserves a place in the college experience even if the pong pong or fencing team does not draw huge crowds

Joe doesnt care if fags ruin women’s atheletics so he doesnt think anyone should care

Uh, you and Hadit and Mormon Bob didn't care about women's athletics until they started letting Transgender women compete. Then you suddenly care. Come on, when was the last time you sat down and watched a WNBA game? I think the only "women's athletics" anyone cares about is beach volleyball, for some reason.


Yeah, can't imagine why this has a following....

I get the Title IV bs

unless the school has a really good football or mens basketball team that makes millions on TV college sports is a money drain

but athletics deserves a place in the college experience even if the pong pong or fencing team does not draw huge crowds

First, it's Title IX.

Secondly, the whole "College Athletics" is a holdover from an earlier time, and frankly, I think it's kind of silly to make a college Athlete work for free for 4 years before he has a shot at the Real Money in the NBA or NFL. MLB doesn't even bother with this charade anymore, they just find really talented people from South America, while the NHL finds really talented people from Europe.

What the colleges SHOULD be about is preparing young people for work in the real world, and just judging by the new graduates I encounter who can't slap together a decent resume, they are failing miserably.
Who does that? Frankly, if anything, society bends over backwards to teach kids to ignore their raging hormones, for what little good it does. It amazes me how many of you conservatives try to pretend you forgot what being a teenager is like.
Perhaps you're not paying attention.
Well, in Kavanaugh's case, they could have found dead hookers in his basement and still confirmed him. There was no "investigation". In the case of the Lacrosse, the investigation should have went, "Oh, you're a stripper?" but even after that, they probably should have actually tested her panties and found that none of those guys were the TWO samples they found. Or that one of the guys she accused was seen on Camera at an ATM somewhere else.
And there you go again. I don't care if a woman is a stripper, she's still due the respect anyone else is due. And certainly, the whole thing should have fallen apart as soon as it became apparent her story wasn't believable, just like it should have in Ford's case. That's why there was no in-depth FBI investigation, there just wasn't enough to go on. She couldn't even remember how she got there and got back home, to say nothing of the fact that no one she claimed was a witness would corroborate her story.
Uh, yeah, you hook up with a boy for the THIRD time in a bathroom stall, after locking yourself in with him, you don't get a lot of sympathy from me, and had he been a cis-gendered boy, that's exactly how they would have treated it.
I'm glad you're not a school administrator.
The only people saying that are the ones who look at A Handmaid Tale as a good model for society.
Hmmm, interesting tactic, project a negative idea on people in opposition to you so you can feel better about yourself and not have to look at your own failings.

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