Transgenderism undermines women's rights, despite other feminists' claims: Kara Dansky

Naw, I just have watched the GOP play these fake moral panics to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests...
Hey, I was wondering when you were going to bring that whole mind reading thing into play. You know that bit where you pretend you know what's better for someone else than they do themselves? It's a real hoot to watch you try to be all elitist and stuff.

CrimIncel Joe seems to think that it's against the economic interests of white people to be allowed to work and earn an honest living, free from the burden of having to give up a substantial part of our hard-earned incomes to support worthless, burdensome parasites such as CrimIncel Joe and its type.

Why it thinks this only applies to white people, I don't know that I can say. The will to make an honest living, and to reserve to one's own purposes, what one has rightfully worked to earn, surely has nothing to do with race.

So what you are saying is women are inferior... got it.. you're totally not misogynistic.
Uhh, it's not even controversial that women are physically inferior to men in sports that emphasize size, agility and strength. That's why you will never see the top women's tennis player defeat the top men's player, the top women's basketball team beat the top men's team, the top female golfer defeat the top male golfer using the same tees, the top female MMA fighter defeat the top male MMA fighter, and so on. You, OTOH, are quite misogynistic because you simply do not care about allowing girls to thrive competing with other girls, to be secure in their bathrooms and showers free from men. You would put them at risk to satisfy your own political goals.

Exactly. It remains a hard biological fact, that in many of the physical attributes that apply to most sports, men are at a very strong advantage over women. That is why, if women's sports are to exist at all, in any viable form, women need to compete against other women, and not against men.

This is not to say that women are inferior, just very different.

It is also a fact, driven by our biology, that compared to women, men are, in general bigger, stronger, more aggressive, more sexually-driven, more inclined to use force and violence to get what we want. For this reason, when women are in particularly vulnerable positions, such as when bathing, changing clothes, or whatever, society is particularly obligated to protect them from men who might wish to give in to our more savage nature, to the end of taking advantage of women.

Why would a creature like CrimIncel Joe be so opposed to allowing women this protection?

I think it's obvious. Like any Incel, its only hope of getting any intimate contact with a woman would be against her will, in a situation where she is denied the necessary protection against male predators in an especially vulnerable situation. Too weak and cowardly even to try to commit a rape where the intended victim is less vulnerable.
As opposed to who? Jennifer Pritzker is the cousin of the current IL governor. She runs several charities, is a billionaire and retired from the Illinois National Guard as a Lt. Colonel. Sounds like a pretty well adjusted person to me. (I actually knew her when she was in the guard, but still presenting as male.)

Amy Schneider is the current Jeopardy Champ. She's won 39 straight games and has won over million dollars.

Then by your own admission, they are inferior, and their sports are going to be less interesting... so why should anyone care? Would anyone care if scholarships weren't mandated by Title IX?

Now, one of the big complaints I had when I was in the service is that female soldiers had a APFT test that was a joke compared to what the men had. A dude had to do 42 Pushups while the chicks could get by with 18, which I thought was absurd. Make everyone take the same PT test, if that's really the minimum performance required to be a soldier. That seems reasonable.

If you want equality, then make everyone compete in the same league and let the chips fall where they may. Or if you want separate but equal, that's fine, but then don't bitch where the lines are drawn.
Do they have a prostate? If so, ain’t no woman no matter your brainwashing.

btw, if I’m allowed to be anything I say, I’m a god and want all your money. You obviously can’t challenge cause I said that’s who I am.
Still Living In Mormon Bob's Head. It's been scrubbed clean from all that LDS Brainwashing.

@CrimIncel Joe seems to think that it's against the economic interests of white people to be allowed to work and earn an honest living, free from the burden of having to give up a substantial part of our hard-earned incomes to support worthless, burdensome parasites such as @CrimIncel Joe and its type.

Why it thinks this only applies to white people, I don't know that I can say. The will to make an honest living, and to reserve to one's own purposes, what one has rightfully worked to earn, surely has nothing to do with race.

Actually, it's against the economic interest of people of color, but they are smart enough not to fall for that shit. That's why they vote overwhelming Democratic. For the last forty years, Republicans have gotten dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears. "Oh, my God, that boy is wearing a dress." "Oh my God, Mexicans are taking over your neighborhood", "Oh my God, they are teaching your kids that they evolved from monkeys so they won't love Jesus."

And every year, after they've gotten the votes of dumb white people, they dismantle the programs and policies that benefit the white working class. We spend far more money on White Middle Class entitlements like Social Security and Medicare than the pittance we spend on poverty relief for the working poor. If we didn't, we've had a lot more angry poor people, and most of them would be white.

Exactly. It remains a hard biological fact, that in many of the physical attributes that apply to most sports, men are at a very strong advantage over women. That is why, if women's sports are to exist at all, in any viable form, women need to compete against other women, and not against men.

Okay, let's get real here... First, the chances of running into a trans-athlete are beyond rare. They are, after all, only 0.3% of the population while women are 50% of the population.

It is also a fact, driven by our biology, that compared to women, men are, in general bigger, stronger, more aggressive, more sexually-driven, more inclined to use force and violence to get what we want. For this reason, when women are in particularly vulnerable positions, such as when bathing, changing clothes, or whatever, society is particularly obligated to protect them from men who might wish to give in to our more savage nature, to the end of taking advantage of women.

Um, wow, Bob, really? Men are more violent and you equate violence with sex? And that's why women need protection from people who have no sexual interest in them? How thorough was that cult brainwashing, Bob? DId they scrub away all reasoning skills?

I think it's obvious. Like any Incel, its only hope of getting any intimate contact with a woman would be against her will, in a situation where she is denied the necessary protection against male predators in an especially vulnerable situation. Too weak and cowardly even to try to commit a rape where the intended victim is less vulnerable.

The fact that you think that men are predators and women need protection is kind of the problem, Bob. I mean, I guess that if you belong to a cult where a woman's prime mission is to make babies and get you to the Celestial Heaven, that's how you can see it.

I work with a lot of women. Very few of them do I have any sexual interest in. Even the ones I do, I would be constrained by professionalism and respect for their wishes. (For instance, I would never have a relationship with a married woman, not because I respect marriage, but because I wouldn't want to get involved in someone else's problems.) Instead I see them as colleagues, peers, customers, and in some cases, bosses. One of the best boss I ever had was a lesbian. I worked with her for about a year before I realized she swung that way because it wasn't any of my business.
t. That's why they vote overwhelming Democratic
They vote for the kkk. That’s fking insane. And demofks have done zip for blacks, and I will ask you what jobs the demofks got blacks!
They vote for the kkk. That’s fking insane. And demofks have done zip for blacks, and I will ask you what jobs the demofks got blacks!

Tranny equality in sports definitely isn't fair to females, neither in the competition nor in the communal locker room situations it creates. It's hard to imagine anyone who can't see that.

Second that wholeheartedly. ^^
As opposed to who? Jennifer Pritzker is the cousin of the current IL governor. She runs several charities, is a billionaire and retired from the Illinois National Guard as a Lt. Colonel. Sounds like a pretty well adjusted person to me. (I actually knew her when she was in the guard, but still presenting as male.)

Amy Schneider is the current Jeopardy Champ. She's won 39 straight games and has won over million dollars.

Then by your own admission, they are inferior, and their sports are going to be less interesting... so why should anyone care? Would anyone care if scholarships weren't mandated by Title IX?
Here's the difference. I know women are inferior to men in contests that emphasize strength, speed, and agility. You apparently believe that extends to them being inferior in general. Again, you don't like women very much and it's obvious for all to see.
Now, one of the big complaints I had when I was in the service is that female soldiers had a APFT test that was a joke compared to what the men had. A dude had to do 42 Pushups while the chicks could get by with 18, which I thought was absurd. Make everyone take the same PT test, if that's really the minimum performance required to be a soldier. That seems reasonable.

If you want equality, then make everyone compete in the same league and let the chips fall where they may. Or if you want separate but equal, that's fine, but then don't bitch where the lines are drawn.
Interesting that you want to compare allowing women to compete with other women in sports to differing standards for women in the military. Here's a clue, there's no comparison.
This is how stupid liberals are, here we have a liberal lawyer who needs it explained to her how guys in dresses in woman's sports is Anti women. Good God it's obvious to anyone who dropped out of the 2nd grade....

"It was toward the end of 2014, and I was sitting in my apartment with a friend. And we were talking politics, and I mentioned something about trans rights," she recalled.

I mentioned something about it and my friend stopped me. And she said, ‘all of transgender is anti-woman, it is anti-feminist, it is complete misogyny’. And I had never heard that before, so I asked her to elaborate. And she did. And immediately, it just became clear," she continued.
Any "feminist" defending transgenders supplanting actual females in sports or other female appropriate facets of life...

... are not feminists.
I like watching female sports sometime. If you start throwing pretend girls in there it ruins everything. Leave those girls alone.
Here's the difference. I know women are inferior to men in contests that emphasize strength, speed, and agility. You apparently believe that extends to them being inferior in general. Again, you don't like women very much and it's obvious for all to see.

That had nothing to do with the point that I was making, which was refuting the notion that transgenders are mentally ill.

So if women are inferior athletes, what's the point of female athletics at all. It's almost like watching the Special Olympics....oh, wait, the Para-Olympics...

Interesting that you want to compare allowing women to compete with other women in sports to differing standards for women in the military. Here's a clue, there's no comparison.

Well, actually, there is a comparison. It's giving someone a special carve out. Either there is a certain level of performance to be a soldier or there isn't.

The same with athletics. The only reason why female athletics exists is to give women equal shots to get scholarships for the not-very-smart. If we dumped athletic scholarships and focused ONLY on academics in handing them out, this wouldn't be an issue.

You Wingnuts (Not you personally, because you never take responsibility for anything your side does) go around decrying scholarships based on race that let's black people with lower test scores than whites get in, while preventing Asian-Americans from being over-represented. But yet you are fine with handing out scholarships based on inferior athletic performance and OH MY GOD, that mediocre athlete used to be a man and she's beating the other mediocre athletes who have always been women.
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Any "feminist" defending transgenders supplanting actual females in sports or other female appropriate facets of life...

... are not feminists.

Really, Twinkie, I thought the whole purpose of "Feminism" was to treat men and women equally.

Equal Pay for Equal Work.

Average Salary of an NBA Player - $7.9 Million.
Average Salary of a WNBA Player - $120K

I'm sure there's a NBA player willing to get his frank and beans cut off to take a 7.78 million dollar pay cut.
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I like watching female sports sometime. If you start throwing pretend girls in there it ruins everything. Leave those girls alone.

Hmmm.... let's look at that. WHY do you enjoy watching female sports sometimes? Because of their fantastic performance, or because you like to fantasize about tapping that?

Hmmm.... let's look at that. WHY do you enjoy watching female sports sometimes? Because of their fantastic performance, or because you like to fantasize about tapping that?

View attachment 592880
I do appreciate beauty, but I also appreciate gifted athletic ability. If these imitation girls can't run with the big dogs, they should get back in the coup. Maybe they can start tranny leagues. How do you think the TV ratings would be for something like that?
That had nothing to do with the point that I was making, which was refuting the notion that transgenders are mentally ill.

So if women are inferior athletes, what's the point of female athletics at all. It's almost like watching the Special Olympics....oh, wait, the Para-Olympics...
Yeah, yeah, we get it, you don't like to watch women compete in sports. Then don't, but don't pitch a hissy fit if other people do.
Well, actually, there is a comparison. It's giving someone a special carve out. Either there is a certain level of performance to be a soldier or there isn't
Which isn't sports. No one's life is on the line in sports like they are in the military or in firefighting or things like that. IOW, there's no comparison.
The same with athletics. The only reason why female athletics exists is to give women equal shots to get scholarships for the not-very-smart. If we dumped athletic scholarships and focused ONLY on academics in handing them out, this wouldn't be an issue.
And again, we get it. You don't like athletic scholarships. So what? I don't like college athletics being a massive cash cow for colleges that turn around and charge students tens of thousands in tuition either, but some people are rabid about college sports and pour money into them. The difference is, you seek to deny women the place at the table in college that we have given them.
You Wingnuts (Not you personally, because you never take responsibility for anything your side does) go around decrying scholarships based on race that let's black people with lower test scores than whites get in, while preventing Asian-Americans from being over-represented. But yet you are fine with handing out scholarships based on inferior athletic performance and OH MY GOD, that mediocre athlete used to be a man and she's beating the other mediocre athletes who have always been women.
Here's a clue. If I don't "go around decrying scholarships based on race that let's black people with lower test scores than whites get in, while preventing Asian-Americans from being over-represented", which I don't, all you're doing is building a really big, really dumb looking strawman, hoping to have something you can knock down. Face it, allowing women a man-free environment where they can compete against other women doesn't impact your life at all. You just don't like women very much and are willing to sacrifice them for your political goals.
I do appreciate beauty, but I also appreciate gifted athletic ability. If these imitation girls can't run with the big dogs, they should get back in the coup. Maybe they can start tranny leagues. How do you think the TV ratings would be for something like that?

Probably about as lame as the WNBA's ratings are. Heck, a tranny player might even boost ratings.

Yeah, yeah, we get it, you don't like to watch women compete in sports. Then don't, but don't pitch a hissy fit if other people do.

I don't really watch any sports... I didn't even watch the World Series the one time the Cubs won in 2016.

Which isn't sports. No one's life is on the line in sports like they are in the military or in firefighting or things like that. IOW, there's no comparison.

Exactly. No one's life is on the line. So really, no big deal if you are competing against a he-she for a plastic trophy. But the way totally-not-you carries on you'd think this is the potential end of Western Civilization!!!!

And again, we get it. You don't like athletic scholarships. So what? I don't like college athletics being a massive cash cow for colleges that turn around and charge students tens of thousands in tuition either, but some people are rabid about college sports and pour money into them. The difference is, you seek to deny women the place at the table in college that we have given them.

Here's the thing. If you just let the colleges merchandise their sports teams, most of them wouldn't have athletic programs beyond men's basketball and football. The rest is just garbage, especially the title IX for sports they don't care about.

Here's a clue. If I don't "go around decrying scholarships based on race that let's black people with lower test scores than whites get in, while preventing Asian-Americans from being over-represented", which I don't, all you're doing is building a really big, really dumb looking strawman, hoping to have something you can knock down. Face it, allowing women a man-free environment where they can compete against other women doesn't impact your life at all. You just don't like women very much and are willing to sacrifice them for your political goals.

Like I said, you don't take responsibility for any bad behavior on your side.
Probably about as lame as the WNBA's ratings are. Heck, a tranny player might even boost ratings.

I don't really watch any sports... I didn't even watch the World Series the one time the Cubs won in 2016.
So why do you waste so much time and energy telling people about it? If other people want to watch sports, they can and there is nothing they need to hear from you about it. If they want their daughters and granddaughters to have a level playing field where boys won't dominate so they can learn the life lessons sports can teach them, they should be able to have it, and there is nothing they need to hear from you about it. Instead, you come barging in on every single thread that mentions boys pretending to be girls dominating girls' sports and waste everybody's time telling everyone that you don't care about it.
Exactly. No one's life is on the line. So really, no big deal if you are competing against a he-she for a plastic trophy. But the way totally-not-you carries on you'd think this is the potential end of Western Civilization!!!!
It is a problem for girls we are trying to give a strong foothold in the world, who we are trying to show they are capable of a lot more than they might think.
Here's the thing. If you just let the colleges merchandise their sports teams, most of them wouldn't have athletic programs beyond men's basketball and football. The rest is just garbage, especially the title IX for sports they don't care about.
Which is what it was before Title IX. Back then, there wasn't much for girls to bother with after school, except maybe home ec. Is that what you want us to return to, teaching girls that they are expected to run a household?
Like I said, you don't take responsibility for any bad behavior on your side.
That's because I'm not responsible for it. Do you take responsibility for bad behavior you don't do? It would seem a little odd to do that, but then you are kind of odd.
So why do you waste so much time and energy telling people about it? If other people want to watch sports, they can and there is nothing they need to hear from you about it. If they want their daughters and granddaughters to have a level playing field where boys won't dominate so they can learn the life lessons sports can teach them, they should be able to have it, and there is nothing they need to hear from you about it. Instead, you come barging in on every single thread that mentions boys pretending to be girls dominating girls' sports and waste everybody's time telling everyone that you don't care about it.

Probably revenge for all the women after whom it has lusted, that wisely recognized what a depraved creep it was, and wanting nothing to do with it.

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