Transgenderism undermines women's rights, despite other feminists' claims: Kara Dansky

And again, they create programs because they know Uncle Sam will loan the money to the students, so they don't have to be very fiscally smart. Without the easy federal student loans, they would have to cut costs or college would become the playground of the nation's wealthy elite, and probably mostly white male. While you might prefer that, a lot of people don't.

Don't blame student loans. They aren't the problem.

The problem is that we don't directly subsidize education.

Going back to my own example of UIC. When I went there in 1985, tuition was about 400 a quarter with about 150 in fees. (Half of which went to subsidize the Stumps in the Athletic programs.) Adjusting for inflation, that would be about 1425 a quarter or about 4275 a year. Today, UIC in state tuition is 15,472. Why? Part of the reason is that the State of Illinois no longer subsidizes it's university system the way it used to. Part of the reason is because UIC wants to get those classier students, so they invest a lot in amenities.

when it was first conceived, UIC was seen as the working class, inner city alternative to Urbana. Not so much anymore.

Sure, academic scholarships are great, now why do you think there are so few of them? Maybe it's because even fewer people care about them than want to watch women's sports. You know that's the problem, right? No one cares if a college cranks out top graduates. Haven't you figured that out yet? Launch a crusade to get people to demand fewer athletic scholarships and more academic scholarships instead of bellyaching on a debate board when people want girls to compete in physical sports against other girls and let us know how it goes. The fact that you haven't done it yet tells me that you know it would go precisely nowhere. Until people care more about the number of qualified computer scientists graduating than the number of national football titles a college holds, it's not going to change.

Nobody "wants" to watch women's sports. If Title IX didn't exist, neither would they.

Right, some people like to their daughters and granddaughters compete in sports against other girls, and you don't like it. Well, life isn't fair. Suck it up and live with it. And while you're at it, maybe you should spend a little more time enjoying what you have instead of constantly yammering on about how much you don't care about women playing sports and revealing that it ticks you off when other people do.

I don't have to. History is on my side. Just like minorities, women and gays have gained acceptance over the objections of bigots like you, so will trans people.

Wow, you do love you some projection, don't you? That's much closer to your vision than mine. Obviously, you haven't paid a lick of attention to anything I've written, so what you think will never match reality. You're so far gone into your faith that you can't even see people as individuals anymore, only members of groups. Makes it easier to demonize them, I know.

When you give a guy like Mormon Bob as much grief for saying he wants to execute women who have abortions as you give me for saying that transwomen should be allowed to compete, then you can get back to me.

Please do quote a lynch mob that claimed whoever they were lynching was competing unfairly because of biological differences. Knowing you can't, what's going to be your next excuse? See, you and I both know there's no comparison and you're only flinging it against the wall, hoping desperately it will stick.

Well, there was that whole lynch mob in VA where they claimed the slut who had hookups was the victim of an evil Tranny.
Don't blame student loans. They aren't the problem.

The problem is that we don't directly subsidize education.

Going back to my own example of UIC. When I went there in 1985, tuition was about 400 a quarter with about 150 in fees. (Half of which went to subsidize the Stumps in the Athletic programs.) Adjusting for inflation, that would be about 1425 a quarter or about 4275 a year. Today, UIC in state tuition is 15,472. Why? Part of the reason is that the State of Illinois no longer subsidizes it's university system the way it used to. Part of the reason is because UIC wants to get those classier students, so they invest a lot in amenities.

when it was first conceived, UIC was seen as the working class, inner city alternative to Urbana. Not so much anymore.
We wouldn't have to subsidize anything if costs were kept in line. They can raise rates and prices because they know Uncle Sam is Johnny on the spot with the loans.
Nobody "wants" to watch women's sports. If Title IX didn't exist, neither would they.
Obviously, more care about watching college sports than care about graduation rates. I've noticed that you have a hard time staying on one subject. You seem to bounce back and forth between athletic scholarships in general and women's sports. Do you have ADD?
I don't have to. History is on my side. Just like minorities, women and gays have gained acceptance over the objections of bigots like you, so will trans people.
See, here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. You're just plain wrong. I have no problem with a boy pretending to be a girl competing with other boys.
When you give a guy like Mormon Bob as much grief for saying he wants to execute women who have abortions as you give me for saying that transwomen should be allowed to compete, then you can get back to me.
What does that have to do with how you view women?
Well, there was that whole lynch mob in VA where they claimed the slut who had hookups was the victim of an evil Tranny.
Where did they say they were protesting someone who was competing unfairly because of biological differences? That is what we were talking about, after all. Oh, and who was it again they were trying to kill? That's what a lynch mob does, you know.

Or are you just redefining words again?
We wouldn't have to subsidize anything if costs were kept in line. They can raise rates and prices because they know Uncle Sam is Johnny on the spot with the loans.
Wrong. They've shifted the burden from the state to the student. A LOAN has to be paid back, eventually.

Obviously, more care about watching college sports than care about graduation rates. I've noticed that you have a hard time staying on one subject. You seem to bounce back and forth between athletic scholarships in general and women's sports. Do you have ADD?
Quit changing the subject.

I have no problem with a boy pretending to be a girl competing with other boys.
The fact that you think they are 'pretending" shows your whole problem. You don't consider transgenderism to be legitimate.

What does that have to do with how you view women?
Oh, let's see.

Your side wants to criminalize choice, get rid of equal protection laws, make it harder to prove sexual harrassment....

I want to do the opposite of that.. but I think that we also need to treat transgender people with dignity.

Oh, and who was it again they were trying to kill? That's what a lynch mob does, you know.

You know damned well they lied about that case to get that kid for something that wouldn't have gotten him more than a suspension if he was cis-gendered.
Wrong. They've shifted the burden from the state to the student. A LOAN has to be paid back, eventually.
The state was not supposed to be supplying a college education. We never voted on that.
Quit changing the subject.
You seem to have trouble sticking to one. Just trying to help you.
The fact that you think they are 'pretending" shows your whole problem. You don't consider transgenderism to be legitimate.
When it comes to a biological boy, he should be competing with other biological boys, not girls. That's the bottom line.
Oh, let's see.

Your side wants to criminalize choice, get rid of equal protection laws, make it harder to prove sexual harrassment....
Hmm, let's see. You refuse to acknowledge that people consider a developing baby to be a human being, which you cannot handle because it gives them a legitimate reason to oppose destroying that baby, so you have to hide behind rhetoric. That's not helping your case. Now, which equal protection laws are we trying to get rid of? You're being very vague there, and you know that doesn't fly. Knocking down false accusations is a good thing, you know that.
I want to do the opposite of that.. but I think that we also need to treat transgender people with dignity.
And having them compete with people of the same biology is doing so, as well as treating everyone else with dignity.
You know damned well they lied about that case to get that kid for something that wouldn't have gotten him more than a suspension if he was cis-gendered.
And again you fail to realize how dumb you sound when you say rape and sexual assault "wouldn't have gotten him more than a suspension". Your disdain for girls and women shines through once again.
The state was not supposed to be supplying a college education. We never voted on that.
Sure we did. When our legislature voted to create state university systems.

When it comes to a biological boy, he should be competing with other biological boys, not girls. That's the bottom line.
Except they aren't boys anymore. The problem with transgendered people is they have the brains of females and the genitals of males...

Hmm, let's see. You refuse to acknowledge that people consider a developing baby to be a human being, which you cannot handle because it gives them a legitimate reason to oppose destroying that baby, so you have to hide behind rhetoric.
I don't worry about the superstitions of the stupids, and if they really cared about babies, they wouldn't be slashing poverty programs to give tax breaks to billionaires.

And again you fail to realize how dumb you sound when you say rape and sexual assault "wouldn't have gotten him more than a suspension". Your disdain for girls and women shines through once again.

Actually, look at the stats for sexual assault by cis-gender kids in High School, and how very few of them go to jail for it. This kid was signaled out for a bad hookup because he was Gender Fluid.

The hardcore Left made their biggest mistake when they "transitioned" (no pun intended) from (a) sincerely advocating for the rights of specific groups to (b) aggressively attacking, intimidating and punishing people for not getting in line with their ideological agenda.

What did that help to create? We're looking at it.
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Sure we did. When our legislature voted to create state university systems.

Except they aren't boys anymore. The problem with transgendered people is they have the brains of females and the genitals of males...

I don't worry about the superstitions of the stupids, and if they really cared about babies, they wouldn't be slashing poverty programs to give tax breaks to billionaires.

Actually, look at the stats for sexual assault by cis-gender kids in High School, and how very few of them go to jail for it. This kid was signaled out for a bad hookup because he was Gender Fluid.

This tranny attacks a 10 year old girl and then claims it is a girl to get out of going to a men's prison.

The hardcore Left made their biggest mistake when they "transitioned" (no pun intended) from (a) sincerely advocating for the rights of specific groups to (b) aggressively attacking, intimidating and punishing people for not getting in line with their ideological agenda.

What did it end up helping to create? We're looking at it.

Oh, Vichy Mac, still thinking he can reason with the bigots.

If we had your kind of thinking, Black people would still be riding on the back of the bus because we wouldn't want to "punish" white people.

Nobody is being "punished" by recognizing the rights of Transgender people to be treated as the gender of their identity.
The hardcore Left made their biggest mistake when they "transitioned" (no pun intended) from (a) sincerely advocating for the rights of specific groups to (b) aggressively attacking, intimidating and punishing people for not getting in line with their ideological agenda.

What did it end up helping to create? We're looking at it.
Flip flopping again?
Oh, Vichy Mac, still thinking he can reason with the bigots.

If we had your kind of thinking, Black people would still be riding on the back of the bus because we wouldn't want to "punish" white people.

Nobody is being "punished" by recognizing the rights of Transgender people to be treated as the gender of their identity.
They're not

his tranny attacks a 10 year old girl and then claims it is a girl to get out of going to a men's prison.

You leave out the part where the crime wasn't prosecuted for seven years after it happened, after the woman transitioned. The crime also happened when she was still a minor herself.
You leave out the part where the crime wasn't prosecuted for seven years after it happened, after the woman transitioned. The crime also happened when she was still a minor herself.
So why doesn't she now identify as a MALE?
So why doesn't she now identify as a MALE?

Why should she.

Of course, your article leaves a lot of things out. How long has she been identifying as female? Has she had sex reassignment surgery yet? How long has she been taking hormones? Does she look female?

If she is so far along she looks female, throwing her into a male prison would be insane.
Why should she.

Of course, your article leaves a lot of things out. How long has she been identifying as female? Has she had sex reassignment surgery yet? How long has she been taking hormones? Does she look female?

If she is so far along she looks female, throwing her into a male prison would be insane.
Woman > Man

Now she identifies as a girl

(Born Female)

Don't blame student loans. They aren't the problem.

The problem is that we don't directly subsidize education.

Going back to my own example of UIC. When I went there in 1985, tuition was about 400 a quarter with about 150 in fees. (Half of which went to subsidize the Stumps in the Athletic programs.) Adjusting for inflation, that would be about 1425 a quarter or about 4275 a year. Today, UIC in state tuition is 15,472. Why? Part of the reason is that the State of Illinois no longer subsidizes it's university system the way it used to. Part of the reason is because UIC wants to get those classier students, so they invest a lot in amenities.

when it was first conceived, UIC was seen as the working class, inner city alternative to Urbana. Not so much anymore.

Nobody "wants" to watch women's sports. If Title IX didn't exist, neither would they.

I don't have to. History is on my side. Just like minorities, women and gays have gained acceptance over the objections of bigots like you, so will trans people.

When you give a guy like Mormon Bob as much grief for saying he wants to execute women who have abortions as you give me for saying that transwomen should be allowed to compete, then you can get back to me.

Well, there was that whole lynch mob in VA where they claimed the slut who had hookups was the victim of an evil Tranny.
People made issues about women's sports back then, but people like who you back as politicians promoted the sexist and hate angles. You must remember. Now it is different. College sports have become business. Football and basketball bring the revenue in.
People made issues about women's sports back then, but people like who you back as politicians promoted the sexist and hate angles. You must remember. Now it is different. College sports have become business. Football and basketball bring the revenue in.

Where have you been, Mr. Crazypants? Football and Basketball were ALWAYS business for these colleges. College Football was big money before we even had an NFL and playing football after college became a thing.

The problem is that when Colleges gave out athletic scholarships to men, there was a Return on Investment. You give some Stump a College Scholarship, you get the money back in revenues on ticket sales and merchandising. So what if they come out after 4 years still being dumb as stumps. (Just watch some of them doing interviews on Sundays, you'll know exactly what I am talking about.)

The problem came in when Congress passed Title IX, and insisted that you should give girls scholarships for sports, too. Even though no one was really interested in watching them, they became a ticket to college for girls who didn't want to be bothered with all that "Studying" stuff.

Then- OH NOES- some boys who identify as girls decided to get some of that action. And it's totally unfair because even though cis-gendered women are 50% of the population, transgender women are .03% of the population!

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