Transgenderism undermines women's rights, despite other feminists' claims: Kara Dansky

As opposed to who? Jennifer Pritzker is the cousin of the current IL governor. She runs several charities, is a billionaire and retired from the Illinois National Guard as a Lt. Colonel. Sounds like a pretty well adjusted person to me. (I actually knew her when she was in the guard, but still presenting as male.)

Amy Schneider is the current Jeopardy Champ. She's won 39 straight games and has won over million dollars.

Then by your own admission, they are inferior, and their sports are going to be less interesting... so why should anyone care? Would anyone care if scholarships weren't mandated by Title IX?

Now, one of the big complaints I had when I was in the service is that female soldiers had a APFT test that was a joke compared to what the men had. A dude had to do 42 Pushups while the chicks could get by with 18, which I thought was absurd. Make everyone take the same PT test, if that's really the minimum performance required to be a soldier. That seems reasonable.

If you want equality, then make everyone compete in the same league and let the chips fall where they may. Or if you want separate but equal, that's fine, but then don't bitch where the lines are drawn.
You stupid fucktard!

Gender dysphoria is a serious medical condition.

Dysphorics are HANDICAPPED, just the same as if they were in a wheelchair.

You don't find people in wheelchairs pretending they're marathon runners, do you?

SOMETIMES we get self actualizing individuals who want to wheel their way through a race. MOST of the time, we give them special accommodations.

But we DON'T expect them to magically jump out if the wheelchair and start running.
That had nothing to do with the point that I was making, which was refuting the notion that transgenders are mentally ill.
Transgenders are mentally ill BY DEFINITION, shit-for-brains.

There was a LONG discussion in the other thread about how their brains are different, proven by fMRI and EEG. Maybe you should go back and read it?

Liberals will NOT get away with pushing this bullshit on future generations, that mentally ill individuals are somehow "normal". THEY ARE NOT. They're anything BUT normal.

They are MENTALLY ILL, BY DEFINITION. Their brains are wired differently.
Why do you care so much about destroying athletics for women? It's apparent you just don't like them very much.

Women's athletics are NOT being destroyed at all. This is a complete lie the right is using to attacks trans people.
Transgenderism undermines women's rights, but the bigger picture is that it is part of the Left's Marxist goal to destroy the family, which is need before creating the ultimate chaos and creating a Marxist state.

This is why you fail. You have bee literally spoon fed an opportunity to have an intelligent and rational discussion that would support your opposition to transgenderism, and you instead choose to throw away the sane person's argument in favor of batshit crazy stupid juice.
Why do you care so much about destroying athletics for women? It's apparent you just don't like them very much.
If women's athletics are so pathetic that a sissy boy in a dress can destroy them, they weren't all that much to start with, were they?

The only reason why "women's athletics" exist is because government has mandated them and gives out huge bags of money for the lucky few. College Athletics are this weird anachronism that has really, no place in the 21st century where colleges SHOULD be there to provide people with skills they are going to need for the rest of their lives.

A very large number of actual women do not support abortion rights. That's a standard you made up.

Yes, religious brainwashing is bad. Just look at Mormon Bob. He wants to MURDER women who have abortions... because he's such a good Christian and loves him Some Mormon Jesus (who is a much bigger dick than real Jesus.)

No surprise, there. @He's a pathetic incel, almost sixty years old, who has never found a woman willing to marry him.

Been over this.. I've never found a woman who was such a good lay I was willing to sign away half my stuff and have her cheat on my on the next deployment.

On an unrelated note, it was 28 years ago, today, that I first met in person, the woman that I would end up marrying. Less than a week later, we were engaged, and a year after that, we were married, and in less than a week from now, we'll have been married for 27 years.
Uh, guy, if you were happy, you wouldn't be on here ranting at me every day... screaming about all the people you want to murder.
You stupid fucktard!

Gender dysphoria is a serious medical condition.

Dysphorics are HANDICAPPED, just the same as if they were in a wheelchair.

You don't find people in wheelchairs pretending they're marathon runners, do you?

SOMETIMES we get self actualizing individuals who want to wheel their way through a race. MOST of the time, we give them special accommodations.

But we DON'T expect them to magically jump out if the wheelchair and start running.

How are they handicapped? Incidentally, we don't use the word "handicapped" anymore to describe the disabled. Just like we don't use "Cripple". We stopped calling people with Down Syndrome "Mongloids" and "Retards".

So going back to my original point, Amy Schneider is gender dysphoric, yes she is a successful engineering professional and a Jeopardy! Champion.

Transgenders are mentally ill BY DEFINITION, shit-for-brains.

There was a LONG discussion in the other thread about how their brains are different, proven by fMRI and EEG. Maybe you should go back and read it?

Liberals will NOT get away with pushing this bullshit on future generations, that mentally ill individuals are somehow "normal". THEY ARE NOT. They're anything BUT normal.

They are MENTALLY ILL, BY DEFINITION. Their brains are wired differently.

Uh, guy, I fully concede that the brains of transsexual people are wired differently. Wired differently does not necessarily mean wrong.

To my mind, mentally ill means they can't otherwise function in society. Like the guy who rants at a streetlamp is sending him signals from the CIA.

Someone who thinks they are a different gender than the one assigned from birth, but can otherwise hold down a job, just not seeing an issue here.
No surprise, there. He's a pathetic incel, almost sixty years old, who has never found a woman willing to marry him.

Obviously, he's very bitter about women, in general. That's pretty much the defining characteristic of an incel.

On an unrelated note, it was 28 years ago, today, that I first met in person, the woman that I would end up marrying. Less than a week later, we were engaged, and a year after that, we were married, and in less than a week from now, we'll have been married for 27 years.
Pretty good, and you are to be congratulated. This year will be 38 for us.
If women's athletics are so pathetic that a sissy boy in a dress can destroy them, they weren't all that much to start with, were they?

The only reason why "women's athletics" exist is because government has mandated them and gives out huge bags of money for the lucky few. College Athletics are this weird anachronism that has really, no place in the 21st century where colleges SHOULD be there to provide people with skills they are going to need for the rest of their lives.
Women's athletics exist because women enjoy competing in them. in fact, they enjoyed it so much the government decided it wasn't fair that schools were going all out on boys' and men's sports while ignoring girls. I know it makes you upset that people actually care about what the women in their lives think and feel, but then again, not everyone dislikes women the way you do.
Yes, religious brainwashing is bad. Just look at Mormon Bob. He wants to MURDER women who have abortions... because he's such a good Christian and loves him Some Mormon Jesus (who is a much bigger dick than real Jesus.)
Oh, isn't it just awful that free thinking women actually disagree with you? But then again, you don't like women very much.
Women's athletics are NOT being destroyed at all. This is a complete lie the right is using to attacks trans people.
It's the start of the inevitable. Unless sanity once again takes hold, within a decade or so, every "womens'" athletic record will be held by a biological man. We might as well be telling little girls now that, while they're really good at sports, the best they can hope for is to come in second.
Women's athletics exist because women enjoy competing in them. in fact, they enjoyed it so much the government decided it wasn't fair that schools were going all out on boys' and men's sports while ignoring girls. I know it makes you upset that people actually care about what the women in their lives think and feel, but then again, not everyone dislikes women the way you do.

women's athletics exist because of Title IX. Take away Title IX and the big bags of gummit money, you'd be amazed how quickly EVERYONE loses interests. (Or at least stops feigning interest, because no one really cared about women's athletics until a couple of trannies showed up and said, "Can we play, too?"

I care about things that actually effect women, like health care, the right to choose, equal pay, freedom from sexual harassment in the workplace.

Oh, isn't it just awful that free thinking women actually disagree with you?

Uh, people who want to deny other women rights because a magic fairy in the sky said so aren't thinking. They are brainwashed morons.
It's the start of the inevitable. Unless sanity once again takes hold, within a decade or so, every "womens'" athletic record will be held by a biological man. We might as well be telling little girls now that, while they're really good at sports, the best they can hope for is to come in second.

Fairly unlikely, as there are very few trans people to start with. But let's say you are right.

Can you name a woman's record holder now without looking it up on Google?
women's athletics exist because of Title IX. Take away Title IX and the big bags of gummit money, you'd be amazed how quickly EVERYONE loses interests. (Or at least stops feigning interest, because no one really cared about women's athletics until a couple of trannies showed up and said, "Can we play, too?"
There would still be the demand from girls and women because they enjoy the competition. You seem to think that it only matters if large numbers of people want to pay to watch it on TV. You're odd.
I care about things that actually effect women, like health care, the right to choose, equal pay, freedom from sexual harassment in the workplace.
Yeah, yeah, we know, all the political buzzwords. You don't care what women think or feel, you care about political buzzwords. And, of course, the only one that really matters to you is abortion.
Uh, people who want to deny other women rights because a magic fairy in the sky said so aren't thinking. They are brainwashed morons.
Oh, how convenient to be able to dismiss what women think and feel because you just don't like them very much.
Fairly unlikely, as there are very few trans people to start with. But let's say you are right.

Can you name a woman's record holder now without looking it up on Google?
I do know that the top women's tennis players are and have been the Williams sisters. Jackie Joyner Kersie (I don't know if that's spelled right because I didn't look it up) comes to mind. The US women's soccer team has dominated their sport until recently. I don't know all their names, nor do I need to. Obviously, you don't because you don't like women very much and don't watch them and women are only valuable to you for political hit points.
There would still be the demand from girls and women because they enjoy the competition. You seem to think that it only matters if large numbers of people want to pay to watch it on TV. You're odd.

I don't watch any sports on TV, I just don't care about them. But if there was any real interest in it, then the WNBA championships would be as watched as the NBA championship. They aren't.

Yeah, yeah, we know, all the political buzzwords. You don't care what women think or feel, you care about political buzzwords. And, of course, the only one that really matters to you is abortion.
Well, no, those are actual issues that effect people.

Only a very few women will engage in athletics at the College Level, even with the big bags of Title IX money subsidizing it.

A larger percentage will face discrimination or sexual harassment in the workplace. 81% in fact.

Most women will face unexpected pregnancies.

These are real issues, and the Right Wing is on the wrong side of them.

Oh, noes, we might have to compete against a tranny isn't really one of them.

Oh, how convenient to be able to dismiss what women think and feel because you just don't like them very much.
Oh, I've got no problem with the Christian women who don't want to have abortions themselves (although you would be amazed how many of them show up at abortion clinics when the going gets tough.) It's the ones who want to ban it for everyone I have an issue with.
I do know that the top women's tennis players are and have been the Williams sisters. Jackie Joyner Kersie (I don't know if that's spelled right because I didn't look it up) comes to mind. The US women's soccer team has dominated their sport until recently. I don't know all their names, nor do I need to. Obviously, you don't because you don't like women very much and don't watch them and women are only valuable to you for political hit points.

So you have the Williams Sisters, who have undue media attention because they are sisters. But their dad gets the major motion picture.
Someone whose name you can't spell
and some other folks you can't know the names of without looking them up.

So you are kind of making my point. No one cares.
I don't watch any sports on TV, I just don't care about them. But if there was any real interest in it, then the WNBA championships would be as watched as the NBA championship. They aren't.
No, more people want to watch the NBA than do the WNBA, but if you think that means there's no interest in it, you're odd. And, if you think Title IX is subsidizing the WNBA, you have a real problem. There's literally no reason for you to oppose the WNBA. If enough people don't watch it, the league will die off, but if enough do watch it, it will survive. Looks like it's surviving so far.
Well, no, those are actual issues that effect people.

Only a very few women will engage in athletics at the College Level, even with the big bags of Title IX money subsidizing it.
Only a very few men will engage in athletics at the College Level, with or without any subsidies. You're complaining about a small number of people who are ruining your day by getting people to watch them play a game.
A larger percentage will face discrimination or sexual harassment in the workplace. 81% in fact.

Most women will face unexpected pregnancies.

These are real issues, and the Right Wing is on the wrong side of them.

Oh, noes, we might have to compete against a tranny isn't really one of them.
Oh, how sweet that you pretend to care about women and what they think or feel.
Oh, I've got no problem with the Christian women who don't want to have abortions themselves (although you would be amazed how many of them show up at abortion clinics when the going gets tough.) It's the ones who want to ban it for everyone I have an issue with.
And you think non-Christian women can't oppose abortion? That non-Christian women aren't convinced that what's growing inside them is a little human, alive and kicking?

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