Transwoman attempted to commit mass murder - killed mother of 5

Look at that face. And that folks, is why I carry a concealed weapon.

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planned on killing more. NOtice the police identify him as a "her" and are not respecting her gender pronoun preferences. Where's the outrage?

Affidavit: Suspect Planned to Kill Several People at Market

This is super sad and horrifying the tragic impact on the family.

Another article stated the killer Connor MacCalister had been in and out of foster care.
Whatever anger and retribution issues this person had didn't just come from nowhere,
and needed to be addressed long ago, and not wait to kill someone as a cry for help.

This is especially sad to me because I have a lot of friends who do the kind of
outreach and healing that have saved people from this level of sick destruction.

This can be prevented, but the serious counseling work is not done through govt programs
but through personal work through spiritual and Christian groups.

So all the "demonization" and denouncing of Christian outreach blocks people like
this from getting help, in time to save lives. If everyone had access to help,
we could offer earlier intervention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of
mental illness and social disorders to prevent abuse from escalating into violent crime.

So sad a mother had to die, and a family suffer such a senseless loss,
just because someone failed to get help for their anger and social issues.
Good to see Novasteve's back on form. :thup:

I was just beginning to miss the days when the board was routinely flooded with his(?) tranny threads. :rolleyes:
planned on killing more. NOtice the police identify him as a "her" and are not respecting her gender pronoun preferences. Where's the outrage?

Affidavit: Suspect Planned to Kill Several People at Market

neo-nazi that posts with the use of german words
Excuse me? Think you might have replied to the wrong subject.

Connor MacCalister, I know who I am speaking about.
She was living in a home for the disabled.
...NS is awfully preoccuppied with the whole tranny thing; that's all I'm saying. :doubt:

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