Trayvon and Rodney the Sequel


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Our post-racial nation has found its new Trayvon Martin—albeit one bigger, fatter, and possibly even dumber—in the form of 18-year-old Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri. Brown is also America’s new Rodney King, but this time it’s even worse—instead of being pummeled with nightsticks by three white policemen and one Mexican, Brown was shot to death by a cop who, unlike Trayvon Martin’s slayer George Zimmerman, is undeniably white.

And as with the whole sordid Rodney King affair—when an initial jury verdict found police innocent and LA then burned for days—the dilapidated and mostly black St. Louis suburb of Ferguson has seen rioting in various degrees of intensity since last Sunday night. On the rioters’ and protesters’ side there has been looting and chanting and assaulting and brick-throwing and shooting at police choppers and the tossing of Molotov cocktails. As if the locals weren’t raising enough hell, they’ve been aided and abetted by white communists and New Black Panthers who’ve come down from Chicago to bark about “revolution,” which is a word almost exclusively used by those who wouldn’t have the first clue what to do after all the smoke clears and the embers go cold. They keep screaming for “justice,” although if pressed to actually define that term, many of them would likely babble incoherently before stealing your microphone....

.The Week That Perished - Taki's Magazine

National Guard Ordered To Ferguson...

Missouri governor orders National Guard to Ferguson after latest night of clashes
August 18, 2014 - Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon ordered National Guard troops to the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson early Monday after authorities used tear gas to clear the streets of protesters hours before a midnight curfew took effect for a second consecutive day, while a private autopsy on the unarmed black teen who was fatally shot by a white police officer reportedly showed six gunshot wounds, including two in the head.
"Tonight, a day of hope, prayers, and peaceful protests was marred by the violent criminal acts of an organized and growing number of individuals, many from outside the community and state, whose actions are putting the residents and businesses of Ferguson at risk," Nixon said in a statement released by his office. "I am directing the highly capable men and women of the Missouri National Guard to assist ... in restoring peace and order to this community." As night fell in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street and authorities — who said they were responding to reports of gunfire, looting, vandalism and protesters who hurled Molotov cocktails — pushed them back by repeatedly firing tear gas. The streets were empty well before a state-imposed curfew took effect at midnight.

"Based on the conditions, I had no alternative but to elevate the level of response," said Capt. Ron Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol, who is command in Ferguson. At least two people were wounded in shootings by civilians, he said. A Missouri Highway Patrol spokesman said that at least seven people were arrested on charges of failing to disperse. The New York Times reported late Sunday that an autopsy on Michael Brown's body was carried out at the request of Michael Brown's family by Dr. Michael Baden, the former chief medical examiner for New York City. Baden told the Times that one of the bullets struck the top of Brown's skull, suggesting that the 18-year-old's head was bent forward when he was shot. The doctor added that four of the six shots struck Brown in the right arm, and all the bullets entered from the teen's front. Only three of the bullets were recovered from Brown's body.


Baden did not have access to Brown's clothes, which may have gunpowder residue on them if the bullets were fired from close range. Baden also did not have access to X-rays that may have shown where the bullets were found, nor did he see any witness or police statements. Brown was fatally shot by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson on the afternoon of August 9 after a confrontation near Brown's grandmother's apartment. The shooting has prompted nationwide protests and the controversy has been augmented by the response from local authorities, who have used tear gas and smoke canisters against protesters and have been slow to release information about the deadly encounter.

Baden told The Times that his findings were not meant to resolve the controversy over the confrontation between Brown and Wilson. "We need more information; for example, the police should be examining the automobile to see if there is gunshot residue in the police car," he told the paper. Baden's autopsy was the first of three planned in the case. Attorney General Eric Holder on Sunday ordered a federal medical examiner to perform an autopsy in addition to the one planned by state authorities. Justice Department spokesman Brian Fallon said that the order was prompted by the "extraordinary circumstances" surrounding the case and the wishes of Brown's family. "This independent examination will take place as soon as possible," Fallon said. "Even after it is complete, Justice Department officials still plan to take the state-performed autopsy into account in the course of their investigation."


See also:

County autopsy: Michael Brown shot 6 times from front, had marijuana in system
August 18,`14 — An unarmed black teenager had marijuana in his system when he was fatally shot six times by a white police officer, two people familiar with the official county autopsy of Michael Brown said Monday.
The autopsy by St. Louis County chief medical examiner Mary Case, released to state prosecutors late Friday, found that Brown, 18, had six gunshot wounds to the head and chest and was shot from the front, the people said. They spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of Brown’s death, which has triggered violent protests in this St. Louis suburb that continued Sunday night.

In a brief interview with The Washington Post, Case declined to comment on specifics of her examination of Brown’s body but said she welcomes the two other autopsies being performed. One was done Sunday by forensic pathologists Michael Baden and Shawn Parcells, and Case said the second — ordered on Sunday by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. — will be done by Pentagon medical examiners. “I welcome anyone who wants to do additional autopsies,’’ Case said. “Michael is someone I know and think highly of, and I think highly of the Armed Forces also. I’m not upset at all. This is highly controversial case, and it’s good that everyone interested in it can have a say.”

Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Brown’s family, said Case’s results “sound consistent” with Baden’s highly publicized autopsy, but Crump said he was unaware of any marijuana in Brown’s system. Baden also concluded that Brown was shot at least six times, according to a preliminary report on an autopsy he and Parcells performed Sunday at a funeral home in Ferguson. The multiple and competing autopsies point up the highly unusual nature of the investigation of the death of Brown, who was killed Aug. 9 by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. It will be up to local prosecutors, along with Justice Department officials conducting a separate civil rights probe of the shooting, to sift through the various findings and determine whether criminal charges will be filed. Federal investigators will take into account Case’s autopsy, along with the federal one, Justice officials have said.

Case’s finding of marijuana in Brown’s system is potentially sensitive but also had been anticipated by the protesters who have flocked into the streets of this community of 21,000 in recent days. Expecting that Brown would be potentially vilified by the results of a drug test, conducted as a routine part of the autopsy, protesters have insisted that Wilson should be required to submit one as well. It is unclear whether that has happened; authorities have released virtually no details about Wilson or his whereabouts. “What was in the system of that cop when he was pumping bullets into that boy’s body?” asked a protest leader, shouting into a megaphone, during a rally on Friday afternoon.

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"...had six gunshot wounds to the head and chest and was shot from the front..."

No he did not you lying sacks of shit. ARM != CHEST. I'm bookmarking this article for media spin. I hate the media.
"...had six gunshot wounds to the head and chest and was shot from the front..."

No he did not you lying sacks of shit. ARM != CHEST. I'm bookmarking this article for media spin. I hate the media.

Here's the diagram. The shot that killed him was the last one through the top of his head and out the clavicle. Baden explained it very carefully this morning. It's the part of the head referred to as the apex, the very top.

You see, when Brown tackled Wilson, he just put his gun on the top of Brown's head and pulled the trigger.

Ooops, that's not right because Brown's skin has no residue or gun powder on it where he was hit. Damn. There goes that theory.

Here's the diagram. The shot that killed him was the last one through the top of his head and out the clavicle. Baden explained it very carefully this morning. It's the part of the head referred to as the apex, the very top.

You see, when Brown tackled Wilson, he just put his gun on the top of Brown's head and pulled the trigger.

Ooops, that's not right because Brown's skin has no residue or gun powder on it where he was hit. Damn. There goes that theory.


Conjecture. I can conjecture up a hundred scenario's for the pattern.

Doesn't change the fact that the Washington Post is LYING in their article to create a story.
Here's the diagram. The shot that killed him was the last one through the top of his head and out the clavicle. Baden explained it very carefully this morning. It's the part of the head referred to as the apex, the very top.

You see, when Brown tackled Wilson, he just put his gun on the top of Brown's head and pulled the trigger.

Ooops, that's not right because Brown's skin has no residue or gun powder on it where he was hit. Damn. There goes that theory.

Conjecture. I can conjecture up a hundred scenario's for the pattern.

Doesn't change the fact that the Washington Post is LYING in their article to create a story.

Who's talking about WaPo? I can't find that anywhere in my post. Damn again.

So why don't you give us at least ONE of your 100 scenarios? Duly noted that I have to ask.
Who's talking about WaPo? I can't find that anywhere in my post. Damn again.

So why don't you give us at least ONE of your 100 scenarios? Duly noted that I have to ask.

...its quoted in the second post.

I've put up about four conjectures. With what I've got now...

Brown comes out of the window, one of the shots to the arm if we want to believe Johnson's tale. Or the palm wound maybe as he's extracting from the window. Johnson says they ran and Wilson was getting out of the car ~ w/e ~ Brown turns and

a) charges as the cellphone video convo said - takes the other two shots to the arm, then Wilson catches him with that eye shot, Brown's going down and the fatal head shot. Boom said the cell phone folks.

b) starts putting his hands up like the one gal says, gets them about half way up 2 shots to the arms. Brown starts kneeling like some witnesses said, surrendering. Eye shot comes in as he starts kneeling, then the fatal head wound.
Here's the diagram. The shot that killed him was the last one through the top of his head and out the clavicle. Baden explained it very carefully this morning. It's the part of the head referred to as the apex, the very top.

You see, when Brown tackled Wilson, he just put his gun on the top of Brown's head and pulled the trigger.

Ooops, that's not right because Brown's skin has no residue or gun powder on it where he was hit. Damn. There goes that theory.


Read the autopsy, he was shot in the head two times, period. The rest in entry and reentry wounds. Not to mention Dr Baden, the families doc who released this report, even mentioned he could not rule out Brown was bent slightly while charging the officer when he was shot in the top of the head.
Well we know the one shot, eye through the cheek, out the jaw into the chest. That path is not possible unless Brown's leaning down - but whether that happened as he was falling, surrendering, or charging is completely conjecture. The arm shots, from the path the forensic guy was saying the one on the forearm was an in out and we know the palm shot's a graze wound, the angles say the arm was toward the officer - but someone else had pointed out gun drift, which could account for the arm wounds angles (edit - as he was falling.)
Well we know the one shot, eye through the cheek, out the jaw into the chest. That path is not possible unless Brown's leaning down - but whether that happened as he was falling, surrendering, or charging is completely conjecture. The arm shots, from the path the forensic guy was saying the one on the forearm was an in out and we know the palm shot's a graze wound, the angles say the arm was toward the officer - but someone else had pointed out gun drift, which could account for the arm wounds angles (edit - as he was falling.)

Yes, leaning down and charging, (I imagine a football player tackling someone in my head, given the description of wounds), just as the officers friend said Brown was charging the cop and Brown dropped 3 feet in front of the officer as after the cop fired while being charged. Dr. Baden ( families Dr. and world renowned ME) said it could have been from Brown charging the officer, but he did not know as he does not have enough evidence.

I find the Youtube video speaking between possible witnesses ( which was released in support of Brown and posted due to outrage) supports what the officers friend said. Video here:

A Witness Conversation Unknowingly Captured at the Scene of the Ferguson Shooting is a Game-Changer

Statement here:

When Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser, Brown first tried to push the officer back into the car, then punched him in the face and grabbed for his gun before breaking free after the gun went off once, the caller said.

Wilson pursued Brown and his friend, ordering them to freeze, according to the account. When they turned around, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them, then ran at the officer at full speed, the caller said.
Wilson then began shooting. The final shot was to Brown's forehead, and the teenager fell two or three feet in front of Wilson, said the caller, who identified herself as the officer's friend.

Michael Brown rushed officer, radio caller says -
Yes, leaning down and charging, (I imagine a football player tackling someone in my head, given the description of wounds), just as the officers friend said Brown was charging the cop and Brown dropped 3 feet in front of the officer as after the cop fired while being charged. Dr. Baden ( families Dr. and world renowned ME) said it could have been from Brown charging the officer, but he did not know as he does not have enough evidence.

I find the Youtube video speaking between possible witnesses ( which was released in support of Brown and posted due to outrage) supports what the officers friend said. Video here:

A Witness Conversation Unknowingly Captured at the Scene of the Ferguson Shooting is a Game-Changer

Statement here:

Michael Brown rushed officer, radio caller says -

Yea that was part of my original conjecture football player tackle rush. But I can imagine Brown's 'trying' to surrender and get on his knees - as he's bending he gets shot. Witness accounts support that too. It's just not possible to know.
One very sad aspect of this Crisis is that the focus is now on Police vs. Aggrieved Minorities instead of the Federally Enabled Militarization of police forces across the nation.

The incidents of deadly force being used against private citizens is horrifyingly high - but now it's going to just be about race.
One very sad aspect of this Crisis is that the focus is now on Police vs. Aggrieved Minorities instead of the Federally Enabled Militarization of police forces across the nation.

The incidents of deadly force being used against private citizens is horrifyingly high - but now it's going to just be about race.

Can you suggest some sites for the anti-militarization of police folks? I've seen a number of folks complaining about it and honestly just never thought about it - lived next to a joint army/air force base all my life so tanks rolling down the road isn't 'that' startling to me. I've only looked into it enough to read through the 1033 law or w/e - which I guess started with the drug war then went through some changes for the war on terrorism (and that's the ones they don't like?)

Anyway, if you could hook me up with some suggestions; I want more information.
I don't know of a site that focuses on that particular topic. I get my news and commentary from a wide variety of sources. For a good general purpose blog - I suggest Instapundit.
Yea that was part of my original conjecture football player tackle rush. But I can imagine Brown's 'trying' to surrender and get on his knees - as he's bending he gets shot. Witness accounts support that too. It's just not possible to know.

Well the witness accounts state he was 35 feet away and had been shot in the back as well. The thing that gets me about the shooting is the 4 shots ( which were fired first into his right arm and hand. There is more to this story, I just hope all the facts are revealed. I do find it of interest there are now 4 autopsies. Why? Okay so they did not agree with the state pathologist. Then Baden's report ( the family doc) which apparently was very close to the states and now 2 being ordered by the feds? Why? What is it they seem to disagree with? Could the autopsy reports match the officers description? Or do they think 4 different autopsies stating the same thing will make the case better against the officer? IDK it just seems strange, they seem to be looking for a different result.
Well the witness accounts state he was 35 feet away and had been shot in the back as well. The thing that gets me about the shooting is the 4 shots ( which were fired first into his right arm and hand. There is more to this story, I just hope all the facts are revealed. I do find it of interest there are now 4 autopsies. Why? Okay so they did not agree with the state pathologist. Then Baden's report ( the family doc) which apparently was very close to the states and now 2 being ordered by the feds? Why? What is it they seem to disagree with? Could the autopsy reports match the officers description? Or do they think 4 different autopsies stating the same thing will make the case better against the officer? IDK it just seems strange, they seem to be looking for a different result.

I actually think it could help in this case. Real hard to argue tampering when you've got 5 investigations saying the same thing. Maybe it's actually not trying to find the "right" result, but trying to 'pound' the truth in.
Here's the diagram. The shot that killed him was the last one through the top of his head and out the clavicle. Baden explained it very carefully this morning. It's the part of the head referred to as the apex, the very top.

You see, when Brown tackled Wilson, he just put his gun on the top of Brown's head and pulled the trigger.

Ooops, that's not right because Brown's skin has no residue or gun powder on it where he was hit. Damn. There goes that theory.


Where was anything like this claimed? I think its strange you seem to try and make shit up to damn the officer, but ignore the statements on the YouTube video everyone pointed to in order to damn the cops, when the language on the video suggests Brown did charge the officer-exactly what was claimed. Humm
The goal of the investigation is to prove the shooting was racially motivated. All evidence to the contrary will be lost, suppressed, or dismissed.
Here's the diagram. The shot that killed him was the last one through the top of his head and out the clavicle. Baden explained it very carefully this morning. It's the part of the head referred to as the apex, the very top.

You see, when Brown tackled Wilson, he just put his gun on the top of Brown's head and pulled the trigger.

Ooops, that's not right because Brown's skin has no residue or gun powder on it where he was hit. Damn. There goes that theory.


You forgot to add that Brown had his head down specifically so he could not see exactly where he was going in hopes of confusing Wilson. Thats how I charge people when I want to tackle them and take their gun.

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