Trayvon Martin's parents settle for $1M or more

They should have had to pay the Zimmermans for a box of ammo.

It was all about money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard they would have raised him to be something more that a doper thug. was always about money

That is why the sent him to 7-11 to buy Skittles. It was all a scam

It is about the money, sad but true. It may have not started that way but that's where it goes, more often than not.

Wrongful death is like that...

They can't get their son back so all they can get is some money.
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This whole case is such a mess.

When it does come to trial, can you imagine the moment when the Defense calls NBC executives and asks them to explain their motive to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist.

That moment is going to be gold.

How is that relevent to whether Zimmerman shot the kid or not?

The fact that Martin had no Gun Shot Residue on him proves that he was at some distance from Zimmerman and Zimmerman's story they were struggling for the gun is debunked.

The fact the Home Owners' Association didn't fight this in court shows they knew they didn't have a leg to stand on. They let a ticking time bomb patrol their neighborhood and they got the expected result.

That is not necessarily true. There are several possible reasons including the economic value if this went to trial, the parties may have agreed to a structured settlement which is a smaller amount in real dollars to the defendants insurance carrier than the amount received by the plaintiffs, the excess insurance carrier may have had a reservation of rights or no pay attitude with the primary carrier etc..
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They should have had to pay the Zimmermans for a box of ammo.

It was all about money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard they would have raised him to be something more that a doper thug. was always about money

That is why the sent him to 7-11 to buy Skittles. It was all a scam

He had the munchies. There is a video out there of him at the store. And he's got weed in his system.

The haul of evidence released by state attorney Angela Corey’s office over the last two days includes a toxicology report that showed Martin had traces of marijuana in his system, medical records confirming bloody injuries to Zimmerman’s head, and testimony by Martin’s father that it was not his son’s voice heard on 911 recordings crying for help.

Notice how the prosecution is downplaying the dope in his system. Notice how the prosecutinon won't release jack shit despite the rules telling them that they have to give their evidence to the defense?

Are you serious?

A Reefer Madness defense? The rightwing villainizes the poor kid for smoking some weed? The same drug that is legal in some states
This whole case is such a mess.

When it does come to trial, can you imagine the moment when the Defense calls NBC executives and asks them to explain their motive to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist.

That moment is going to be gold.

How is that relevent to whether Zimmerman shot the kid or not?

The fact that Martin had no Gun Shot Residue on him proves that he was at some distance from Zimmerman and Zimmerman's story they were struggling for the gun is debunked.

The fact the Home Owners' Association didn't fight this in court shows they knew they didn't have a leg to stand on. They let a ticking time bomb patrol their neighborhood and they got the expected result.

You have never done Neighborhood Watch have you?

I headed up a troop at a place called Fowler Drive in Mississauga. I had a ......lovingly called a garlic crusher in my right boot at all times. Big stick with metal and small nails at the end.
Worked for me at the time.

Now to your bullshit. Man oh man you need a front end loader when you walk in the room at USMB.

Zimmerman pegged that the kid was scoping the neighborhood.

You mean he saw a black kid in his nice white neighborhood and he wasn't going to put up with that shit?

Your boy is going down. He's going to spend the rest of his life in prison... which will be short.
These racists hellbent on attacking Trayvon Martin and his family are some of the worst our society has to offer.

You people are embarrassing.

Can't agree more. The best defense they have is that it was a horrible mistake. Instead, they choose to attack the victim
These racists hellbent on attacking Trayvon Martin and his family are some of the worst our society has to offer.

You people are embarrassing.

Can't agree more. The best defense they have is that it was a horrible mistake. Instead, they choose to attack the victim

That's the problem, isn't it.

Zimmerman's case would normally underscore the reality that armed citizens really are more of a hinderence than a help because they don't have the training or judgement as to when to use deadly force.

But the Gun Fetishists will have none of that. So a 17 year old kid with no criminal record has to be a thug. because he gave someone the finger once on Facebook. Yeah. That's the ticket.
How is that relevent to whether Zimmerman shot the kid or not?

The fact that Martin had no Gun Shot Residue on him proves that he was at some distance from Zimmerman and Zimmerman's story they were struggling for the gun is debunked.

The fact the Home Owners' Association didn't fight this in court shows they knew they didn't have a leg to stand on. They let a ticking time bomb patrol their neighborhood and they got the expected result.

You have never done Neighborhood Watch have you?

I headed up a troop at a place called Fowler Drive in Mississauga. I had a ......lovingly called a garlic crusher in my right boot at all times. Big stick with metal and small nails at the end.
Worked for me at the time.

Now to your bullshit. Man oh man you need a front end loader when you walk in the room at USMB.

Zimmerman pegged that the kid was scoping the neighborhood.

You mean he saw a black kid in his nice white neighborhood and he wasn't going to put up with that shit?

Your boy is going down. He's going to spend the rest of his life in prison... which will be short.

That gated community is mixed races. You haven't done your homework have you?

No wait a minute. You've never stepped out of your house have you or you would know this?


I know the area very well.
Joe for true. It was a mixed neighborhood.

Btw if you wish to continue being the racist little son of a gun, make sure you don't roll on the front page.
Trial starts June 10. Gonna be a hot summer in Florida.

Certainly is, but that's because blacks are going to riot and kill people if Zimmerman is found anything BESIDES GUILTY!

What is justice to blacks? They don't care about the fairness part. They don't care to work with the rest of the society.

You mean like ole redneck whitey...?

Like this


They should have had to pay the Zimmermans for a box of ammo.

It was all about money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard they would have raised him to be something more that a doper thug.

Wow... it took two fucking replies.

TWO FUCKING REPLIES for one of you assholes to step EVEN LOWER by saying the life of their child is worth less than money.
with over 50 million abortions whats one more ??
So Zimmerman's racist rants while chasing this kid, we should totally ignore those?

Did George Zimmerman Use A Racial Slur? - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic

NBC lost three veterans in the journalism world. No pity here. They freaking audited a tape to make Zimmerman out to be a racist.

CNN had to apologize. Stop using your Pravda's lies. Sheesh. You are becoming like Lil ol Lady.

Stop with the lies.

NBC edited out part of a conversation making it look like he volunteered the kid was black as opposed to being asked about it. Which was wrong.

The part where old Jorge said, "Fucking C***s, ", that wasn't edited. He really said that.

Probably a Bad Idea to Mutter a Racial Slur on a 911 Call
They should have had to pay the Zimmermans for a box of ammo.

It was all about money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard they would have raised him to be something more that a doper thug.

Zimmerman has now cost his fellow residents higher insurance rates and higher dues to pay for it, on top of all the other problems he brought on himself with the cop-wannabe loser life he was leading.

Our HOA does it right. No guns for neighborhood watchmen, and no calling the cops until they witness an actual crime.
So Zimmerman's racist rants while chasing this kid, we should totally ignore those?

Did George Zimmerman Use A Racial Slur? - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic

NBC lost three veterans in the journalism world. No pity here. They freaking audited a tape to make Zimmerman out to be a racist.

CNN had to apologize. Stop using your Pravda's lies. Sheesh. You are becoming like Lil ol Lady.

Stop with the lies.

NBC edited out part of a conversation making it look like he volunteered the kid was black as opposed to being asked about it. Which was wrong.

The part where old Jorge said, "Fucking C***s, ", that wasn't edited. He really said that.

Probably a Bad Idea to Mutter a Racial Slur on a 911 Call

You are lying.

CNN had to apologize. Look it up.
They should have had to pay the Zimmermans for a box of ammo.

It was all about money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard they would have raised him to be something more that a doper thug. was always about money

That is why the sent him to 7-11 to buy Skittles. It was all a scam

Yep. And I'm sure if this had happened to any of the people on this thread they'd not want to sue for compensation. They'd just bury their son and go...."oh well, lesson learned".
Sorry money will not bring back their son .. Why do they think it is ok to sue like it is a replacement. We dont know the whole story yet. Zimmerman might be in the right here . We only know what the lame stream media tells us
It's ok, obamas telling his followers to murder white devils in their strollers!!
Soon he will order them to be killed in the womb, drowned in their mothers blood.
We have seen the murder of white devil babies with encouragement from the obamessiah.
Next will be targeting of pregnant white devils.

White devils will learn who their masters are!!

I cannot understand why the Right isn't attracting more Minorities to their political side.
" by saying the life of their child is worth less than money."

I don't know where you are getting that from. Can you explain how they are even implying that? You think the $1M+ is going to bring Trayvon back?

What part of "It was all about the money with those assholes. If they gave a shit about that little bastard" do you not understand?

I guess you said the same thing when the Brown and Goldman families sued O.J. Simpson for said "It was all about the money with those assholes." didn't you?

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