Treasonous Commercial


Sep 23, 2010
As soon as a TV commercial of any kind pops up I’m outta there. Yesterday, I was walking to the kitchen without the remote when this one came on. I could not believe what I heard until I found this:

[ame=]US NAVY TV Commercial - YouTube[/ame]​

Did you hear what those voice-overs said:

Defend freedom and democracy around the world.

Americans fighting for democracy is to fight against their own country. Americans should only fight for their country, never, never for democracy. Defending democracy began with Woodrow Wilson. In the past 100 years democracy has become the rallying cry for UN-loving traitors who would destroy this country in tandem with the parasites who love democracy more than they love any other form of government.

Defending democracy is also the exact opposite of the philosophy that made this country great:

Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Thomas Jefferson

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations - entangling alliance with none. Thomas Jefferson

I can think of no entangling alliance more destructive than fighting for democracy in foreign lands.

If a TV commercial can rise to the level of treason the one for global government fits the bill.

If not global government the US Navy’s enlistment commercial aimed at young Americans was certainly promoting the idea that the US military is a universal police force:

Committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.

A universal police force must include the UN’s stamp of approval on military coalitions. Such coalitions are not the same as military alliances entered into by like-minded allies. UN military coalitions require Americans to serve with military personnel from enemy countries.

UN-approved military coalitions that are always being encouraged are nothing more than American quislings leading the UNIC’s (United Nations/International Community) relentless march towards control over a universal police force implementing Socialist policies and non-existent International law. The UNIC police force will be called Universal Peacekeepers up until the day all opposition is silenced; then the lie will no longer be needed.

The trek towards UN omnipotence is being led by American globalists of questionable loyalty for the purposes of protecting their bodies, their incomes, their political power, and their privileges from the caprices of cross-border wars. That protection comes at the cost of American private sector liberties.

Envy is the foundation for every government’s authority.

Parenthetically, individual liberties do not flow from those who have them to those who don’t. Emily Brontë (1818–48) had it exactly right when she had Heathcliff say:

The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don’t turn against him, they crush those beneath them.

Ms. Brontë was describing the mechanics of envy. The slaves envy the master, but they punish those who are even weaker because the slaves want to become objects of envy themselves.

Envy will always insist that slavery for all is better than freedom for some. That unwritten rule is inseparable from the foundation for every government’s authority. A UN government will apply that rule more vigorously than a national government ever could because the UN will have no enemies strong enough to resist. With that in mind ask yourself which is better, the occasional war fought to protect individual liberty? or ceaseless oppression by an omnipotent global government?

History shows that on those rare occasions when freedom has been wrested from oppressors, the process of destroying that freedom begins with envy and ends in the halls of government. Just look at American private sector freedoms and you’ll see the blueprint in motion. Americans were most free on December 16, 1791. What is the federal government doing to those freedoms today?

Remember this also. Even if our Right to a fair trial is observed there is still a big problem. Americans have the right to a jury of their peers, but in a one government world their "peers" would most likely be in Libya, Iraq, Iran, Communist China, or any country where Americans are not popular. The judge, jury, prosecutor and defense attorney (if permitted) would be local "good old boys." Americans know how that works in parts of the US. Clearly, a one government world would be worse than a combined Fascist/Communism government.

Those private sectors that still have a few freedoms today will suffer the most once UNIC political saviors remove their masks. On the day the masks come off in the United States, those personality types who always lust after absolute political power will possess all of the brute strength they have been striving for. Then there will be no more talk of individual liberties as Americans now understand them.

Liberty to the dictators wielding absolute power will mean the liberty to get even with previously-free private sector individuals because they took so long to submit to their government masters. Every score will be settled. Centuries of totalitarian frustration in the United States will be compensated for by cruelty; every knee will bend; every unbowed head will invite a bullet.

Those who are leading this country to domestic and global socialism/communism may not be here tomorrow to exercise the murderous powers they seek today, but their heirs will carry-out the wishes of their political ancestors with Caligula-like relish. The above scenario is inevitable once the machinery is put in place; assuming the UN doesn’t first bring the human race to endless global civil war fought along racial or religious battle lines.

As an added bonus politically powerful globalist groups will increase their own entitlements on a global scale.

To cite just one possible entitlement: In the not too distant future every well-positioned government official in every country will be above the law —— with no fear of punishment coming from any judicial system in the entire world; à la American traitors and America’s judicial system. The corrupt World Court, and the equally corrupt International Criminal Court, will be controlled by the people who control every corrupt judicial system, along with controlling “their” universal police force.

Every nation will become a police state that is shielded by the UN’s universal police force. To better understand how that will work know this:

That which free people call a police force is called an army in a dictatorship. Once the threat of cross-border wars has been laid to rest, every national army must transform itself into a police force committed to protecting the ruling class, and suppressing private sector liberties. Fail to adapt and it will cease to exist. Why is that significant? Answer: A professional soldier serves a higher calling than does a policeman.

The populations in Third World countries will be brutalized from day one by their own governments because their leaders will know that a revolt will quickly be put down by the UN’s police force. Slowly, and with unstoppable progress, the sadistic abuse of private sector individuals will spread across the globe. After every private sector citizen in First World countries has been disarmed, the governments in “democracies” will join the rest in slaughtering their own citizens. Don’t doubt my take until you understand where the UN-loving traitors in our federal government took this country since Woodrow Wilson made the world “Safe For Democracy.”

The US Navy’s commercial also said:

I will obey the orders of those appointed over me.

Note how subtly that sentence contradicts the enlisted man’s oath of office:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

That one sentence opens the door to placing America’s military under the UN’s command. Here’s how it works:

American officers order their enlisted personnel to serve the United Nations. Refusing to obey such an order becomes a courts-martial offence. To me, it looks like that sentence in the commercial was designed to give officers cover in Micheal New-type situations. Micheal New fought to uphold his oath of office and he was given a bad conduct discharge for disloyalty to the United Nations:

Michael New: A Patriot Court Martialed for Obeying His Oath of Duty
U.S. Soldier Court Martialed for Refusing to Abandon His Oath!

The Court Martial of Michael New

This excerpt from A Bob Unruh piece shows how fighting for the UN has evolved over the decades:

In the 1990s, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly wrote a moving description of the plight of U.S. Army Specialist E-4 Michael G. New, a medic in the Third Infantry Division who was drummed out of the military because he refused to wear the uniform of the United Nations.

“When American soldiers were killed over Iraq,” she wrote, “Vice President Al Gore told the widows and orphans of those men that ‘they died in the service of the United Nations.’ That wasn’t a slip of the tongue; his words reveal the Clinton administration’s plan to use our armed forces as U.N. mercenaries all over the world at the whim of U.N. bureaucrats.”

The facts in this excerpt show how Bill Clinton betrayed the country when he overstepped his authority. Tragically, Congress never stands up to a president whenever the UN is the beneficiary:

In one of the stops in his battle, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia warned that it would not overturn his conviction, which he argued was reached incorrectly because the deployment to which he was assigned violated the United Nations Participation Act.

He has argued that the UNPA requires that specific congressional approval be given for certain deployments under the United Nations and that permission had not been obtained by the military.

That law, dating from the 1940s, does require such approval. It also forbids the placement of more than 1,000 soldiers under such command at any one time.

But under Clinton’s orders, such deployments were to be made by him “on a case-by-case basis.” He said he would allow U.S. forces to be placed under a “competent U.N. commander” based on factors such as U.S. interests, the size of the proposed force and the risk.

“Such action will be undertaken consistent with the U.S. Constitution, U.S. federal law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice,” he wrote.

But what fell out of the process was the effort to obtain permission from Congress.

U.S. soldiers forced to wear U.N. logo?
Appeal explains Clinton's secret executive order
Published: 05/20/2012 at 6:57 PM

U.S. soldiers forced to wear U.N. logo?

For years I’ve been telling young Americans they better make damn sure they know they could very well end up fighting for the United Nations if they are thinking about a career in the military. More importantly, who will draftees be fighting for should conscription be re-instituted?

Finally, I’ve suggested changing the UCMJ so that every American man and woman serving in the military will be protected should they refuse to fight for the United Nations. Congress can make the change, but there is little hope they will do it now that UN traitors are so close to victory. The words I quoted from the US Navy’s enlistment commercial indicates globalists are now confident enough to come out of the closet.
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This is the kind of stuff the founders have warned us from. Our military has been hijacked for fighting for corporations and foreign nations conquests under the name of Democracy..

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