Treasury Inspector General comapred theObama IRS scandal to Nixion but WORSE


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
remember,they tell us it's a non scandal and is just annoying and the people they targeted DESERVED IT.....drip drip drip
Link to the hill article at site


Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, June 3, 2013, 10:43 PM
lerner shulman

Treasury Inspector General Russell George compared the Obama IRS Scandal to Nixon – but worse. George said the current IRS scandal is “unprecedented.”

He’s right.
The Obama IRS Scandal involves:

** Nearly 500 conservative groups targeted
** At least 5 pro-Israel groups targeted
** Constitutional groups targeted
** Groups that criticized Obama administration were targeted
** At least two pro-life groups targeted
** A Texas voting-rights group was targeted
** Conservative activists and businesses were targeted.
** At least 88 IRS agents were involved in the targeting scandal

The Hill reported:

The Treasury Inspector General who uncovered the improper targeting of Tea Party groups by the Internal Revenue Service said Monday he was stunned by what his investigation uncovered.

Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), said the targeting at the IRS his probe discovered was “unprecedented,” and the closest comparison that came to mind was the targeting of political enemies by the administration of Richard Nixon.

all of it here
Treasury IG Compares IRS Scandal to Nixon Only Worse ? ?This Is Unprecedented? | The Gateway Pundit

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