Treasury Sec Janet Yellen tells Wolf she was wrong on the path inflation would take, after saying in 2021 she didnt think inflation would be a problem

I'm surprised she didn't try to blame it on racism or maga also. I mean if you're going to blame Putin and COVID you might as well just throw all the other overly used excuses on the pile.

COVID isn't a excuse anyway. The first year of COVID was the worst on America and we handled it fine, we faired better than most countries did and we didn't have inflation even worth mentioning in 2021.

Putin also doesn't work either as our inflation had already started being an issue before he even set foot in Ukraine.
Hey dipshit…. COVID is causing lockdowns on CHINA… where we get most of our goods made

And we’re it not for Russia and the aforementioned lockdowns… inflation would already be tapering… which is what she was saying
Not a Yellen fan. She drove me nuts back when she ran the Fed, constantly talking about raising interest rates, constantly freaking out markets, and then sitting on her hands.

Inflation kicked in beginning in April 2020 when global supply chains began freezing up. No one saw the supply chain collapse coming to that degree, but once it began, it was fairly obvious.

Maybe she needs to retire.
In my opinion, inflation did not start to kick in until President Biden reversed the energy policies on day one of his administration in January 2021.


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In my opinion, inflation did not start to kick in until President Biden reversed the energy policies on day one of his administration in January 2021.

Yea we’ll that’s your opinion.

An anonymous partisan poster on a right wing political forum

Yea we’ll that’s your opinion.

An anonymous partisan poster on a right wing political forum

Yep, my opinion, along with the FACTS.
Kindly show us your reliable sources and working links proving my FACTS wrong.

Just my 2 cents, but I believe the groundwork for today's inflation began during the pandemic with the lockdowns, the supply chain problems, and the free money that started under Trump and continued under Biden. It is my opinion that we would've seen an uptick in inflation anyway if Biden had done nothing but continue the Trump agenda policies. But instead Biden added more free money into the economy and IMHO acerbated the supply problems particularly with respect to oil and gas prices and inflation that was already set to increase went up higher and faster as a result. And it would have been even worse if Biden and the democrats had passed their BBB program, which by some estimates would have added some $5 trillion or so in more spending. Manchin and Sinema aren't getting the credit their deserve for saving the democratic party from themselves.

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