Treating These People Like Animals and Thugs is a Big Mistake


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Wise words from Mike O'Meara. Treating these people with respect is obviously the way to go.

---NY Police Union Boss: ‘Stop Treating Us Like Animals and Thugs’---

Wise words from Mike O'Meara. Treating these people with respect is obviously the way to go.

---NY Police Union Boss: ‘Stop Treating Us Like Animals and Thugs’---

How about this...STOP COMMITTING CRIMES!!! Otherwise, you ARE Animals and Thugs.
Wise words from Mike O'Meara. Treating these people with respect is obviously the way to go.

---NY Police Union Boss: ‘Stop Treating Us Like Animals and Thugs’---

It's the cops fault people break the law. Everyone knows this.
Wise words from Mike O'Meara. Treating these people with respect is obviously the way to go.

---NY Police Union Boss: ‘Stop Treating Us Like Animals and Thugs’---

How about this...STOP COMMITTING CRIMES!!! Otherwise, you ARE Animals and Thugs.
The penalty for being tired and not paying attention to all the wording is....a stupid response by me. So, going back, I will rephrase this. With rare exceptions, law enforcement are NOT animals and thugs. They're out there doing a tough job that most wouldn't. As a cop, no matter how well you act on your job, you will piss off people. You will piss of the criminal you are trying to arrest for his/her crime, you will piss off the criminals families for arresting their dirtbag criminal relative, you will piss off his/her criminal friends and you will piss off his pro-criminal culture. Who you won't piss off is his/her victims and law-abiding citizens.
Wise words from Mike O'Meara. Treating these people with respect is obviously the way to go.

---NY Police Union Boss: ‘Stop Treating Us Like Animals and Thugs’---

How about this...STOP COMMITTING CRIMES!!! Otherwise, you ARE Animals and Thugs.
You can only say this to certain people...

I hope the cops in every Democrat city go on strike
"America’s first encounter with anarchist mobs trying to wreck our country came with the last wave of immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. Back then, most Americans liked America. So we had no trouble cracking down on the people who would destroy us. Seven of the eight anarchists behind the Haymarket riot in 1886 were sentenced to death (two of those sentences were commuted to life in prison by the governor), one to 15 years in prison.

A few decades later, Attorney General Mitchell Palmer put an end to the nonsense by arresting and deporting more than 500 leftist immigrants."

ahh, simpler times!
If the police would hold themselves accountable, they wouldn't be looked at as animals and thugs. Remember, it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch, and the optics on this are similar.

Although, I gotta give kudos to the cop that saw his partner was putting his knee on the back of another person's neck, and moved his partners knee from the neck to between the shoulder blades. That was good to see.

But in several cases, there has been video showing the police abusing their power, but nobody was held to account. I mean, do you REALLY need to taser someone who is already cuffed in the back of the neck? If the Gunny who had trained me ever caught someone on his Security Force doing crap like this, not only would they be off the force, but they would probably also face NJP or courts martial and be kicked out of the service.

In the Navy, not only were we held accountable by our chain of command, but we also held each other to account. If you saw someone breaking the rules, you corrected them, ESPECIALLY if you outranked them. If the military can do that, why can't the police? Both are entrusted with the use of deadly force.
If the police would hold themselves accountable, they wouldn't be looked at as animals and thugs. Remember, it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch, and the optics on this are similar.

Although, I gotta give kudos to the cop that saw his partner was putting his knee on the back of another person's neck, and moved his partners knee from the neck to between the shoulder blades. That was good to see.

But in several cases, there has been video showing the police abusing their power, but nobody was held to account. I mean, do you REALLY need to taser someone who is already cuffed in the back of the neck? If the Gunny who had trained me ever caught someone on his Security Force doing crap like this, not only would they be off the force, but they would probably also face NJP or courts martial and be kicked out of the service.

In the Navy, not only were we held accountable by our chain of command, but we also held each other to account. If you saw someone breaking the rules, you corrected them, ESPECIALLY if you outranked them. If the military can do that, why can't the police? Both are entrusted with the use of deadly force.

They do. “The police” dealt with the criminal George Floyd over ten times previously. At risk to themselves.
It’s time to return to outlawry.
"America’s first encounter with anarchist mobs trying to wreck our country came with the last wave of immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. Back then, most Americans liked America. So we had no trouble cracking down on the people who would destroy us. Seven of the eight anarchists behind the Haymarket riot in 1886 were sentenced to death (two of those sentences were commuted to life in prison by the governor), one to 15 years in prison.
A few decades later, Attorney General Mitchell Palmer put an end to the nonsense by arresting and deporting more than 500 leftist immigrants."
ahh, simpler times!
Great, more sarcasm from the left. Bitch about deportations all you want, but it would solve some of our major problems.
Some stupid shit that I will destroy..,

If the police would hold themselves accountable, they wouldn't be looked at as animals and thugs. Remember, it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch, and the optics on this are similar.

So let me get this straight, we're not allowed to "paint with a broad brush" when pointing out the statistics of black crime, police can't "profile" based on their experience, and stereotypes are reprehensible when applied to liberal victim groups, but when a handful of arrests out of however many thousands go wrong we can condemn the entire law enforcement industry because of "a few bad apples"? Why don't a few dozen scumbag thieves spoil a whole ghetto?

Although, I gotta give kudos to the cop that saw his partner was putting his knee on the back of another person's neck, and moved his partners knee from the neck to between the shoulder blades. That was good to see.

How fucking Gracious of you.

But in several cases, there has been video showing the police abusing their power, but nobody was held to account. I mean, do you REALLY need to taser someone who is already cuffed in the back of the neck? If the Gunny who had trained me ever caught someone on his Security Force doing crap like this, not only would they be off the force, but they would probably also face NJP or courts martial and be kicked out of the service.

How many cases? Show me the stats, I'm not saying there aren't any, I've seen some with my own eyes and they piss me off, not to pretend like this is the rule as opposed to the exception is intellectually dishonest to be nice about it.

In the Navy, not only were we held accountable by our chain of command, but we also held each other to account. If you saw someone breaking the rules, you corrected them, ESPECIALLY if you outranked them. If the military can do that, why can't the police? Both are entrusted with the use of deadly force.

When I see shit like this I wonder what ship you served on. I've got military time too, and I know damn well buddies cover for each other, they hem each other up from time to time, but it's also a well known phrase across all branches that "if you fuck up, you move up". Don't even try and tell me, if you've been in any military branch that shit doesn't get covered up, politics aren't an issue, and that people are killed in all sorts of circumstances that no one is ever held accountable for. You're a lying shitbag of a human being if you're going to pretend that the Navy is any different from the Army, or a police force.


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