Trial Begins for Marietta, GA Teen--Similar to the Zimmerman trial.


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2012
Echoes of Zimmerman might be heard in Fla. trial |

I will not be joining you this go round. Enjoy.

Certain to be 'less interesting' than 'the first one'. GA has a different SYG law--how this is interpreted in Marietta--I cannot say. Cobb County--conservative community in general but in transition to more Progressive. They love Justice there. True all over the ATL--different interpretations of what is justice--as we learned from the Zimmerman trial.


what others may choose to do with their time--absolutely none of my concern. I watched a 4 alarm apartment fire today--not far from my house. Like 'that' your time may be up. They think somebody fell asleep---the fireplace ? was not opened. The fire spread so quickly. One man told me--he lived in the building and his dog was in there. People are homeless tonight. 10-12 firetrucks---I saw the flames light up the sky and the darkest black smoke--I thought the city was burning. That could happen---it takes one 'motivated' person to destroy all that others hold dear. Not something that should be tolerated but until some solutions can be found --we are all 'in danger' --each and every day.
Not even close to the same, the man in this case was NOT attacked and fired indiscriminately into a car. He now claims he saw a firearm, since none was recovered as far as I can tell from the story this guy will go down for murder.

As for Zimmerman he was attacked he was on the ground with Martin on top pounding him. These two cases are not even close to the same.
That story is about a shooting in Jacksonville,Fl not Marietta,Ga. Anyways anyone who has gotten into an argument with a pack of negro youth know damn well they felt threatened. They are pack animals and they attack in packs. I believe the man shot in self defense and in fear for his life as I have been there and try to avoid negro's as a whole now. Will be getting me and the wife CWP here very soon...
That story is about a shooting in Jacksonville,Fl not Marietta,Ga. Anyways anyone who has gotten into an argument with a pack of negro youth know damn well they felt threatened. They are pack animals and they attack in packs. I believe the man shot in self defense and in fear for his life as I have been there and try to avoid negro's as a whole now. Will be getting me and the wife CWP here very soon...

How you get into an argument with kids tells me more about the adult than the kids.
That story is about a shooting in Jacksonville,Fl not Marietta,Ga. Anyways anyone who has gotten into an argument with a pack of negro youth know damn well they felt threatened. They are pack animals and they attack in packs. I believe the man shot in self defense and in fear for his life as I have been there and try to avoid negro's as a whole now. Will be getting me and the wife CWP here very soon...

How you get into an argument with kids tells me more about the adult than the kids.

17 year old is just as much an adult as an 18 year old and when there is a pack of them they think they are invincible. Man should have just ignored the thugs and get what he came there to buy and leave, there is no reasoning with these kinds of thugs...they do shit just to piss you off...I feel sorry for him because he is being made an example of by that over zealous bitch prosecutor who got her ass handed to her in the Zimmerman case.
He's guilty

I agree.

Unless there is something out there that I haven't read, the guy is going down. I question how he could have a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily injury when those he shot at were inside their own vehicle and unarmed. The man claimed that someone in the car pointed a gun or something that looked like a gun at him. But his claim will go nowhere if no such object was found inside the car.

My prediction: Plea deal.
That story is about a shooting in Jacksonville,Fl not Marietta,Ga. Anyways anyone who has gotten into an argument with a pack of negro youth know damn well they felt threatened. They are pack animals and they attack in packs. I believe the man shot in self defense and in fear for his life as I have been there and try to avoid negro's as a whole now. Will be getting me and the wife CWP here very soon...

How you get into an argument with kids tells me more about the adult than the kids.

17 year old is just as much an adult as an 18 year old and when there is a pack of them they think they are invincible. Man should have just ignored the thugs and get what he came there to buy and leave, there is no reasoning with these kinds of thugs...they do shit just to piss you off...I feel sorry for him because he is being made an example of by that over zealous bitch prosecutor who got her ass handed to her in the Zimmerman case.

They were playing loud music. It was none of his business in the first place. Saying they are as adult as an 18 year old tells me you don't realize how non adult 18 year olds are. I have told kids to turn down their music before and never had a problem. You have to be smart enough to know how to talk to them so they don't take it as a challenge. Thats part of being a real adult.
These weren't just kids..they were damn near full grown negro men. I have dealt with many I know how the majority act and what they do when confronted...which is why any smart person would avoid them in groups...he should have known it would have done no good to ask them to turn it down but its all over and done with now. His life was in danger and he took the correct steps to save it.
Oh and yes loud "music" is annoying and hurts peoples ears especially parked in front of a store in close proximity to each other its called being respectful.That crap they call music is anything but music its noise and its usually obnoxious and disgusting and violent.
These weren't just kids..they were damn near full grown negro men. I have dealt with many I know how the majority act and what they do when confronted...which is why any smart person would avoid them in groups...he should have known it would have done no good to ask them to turn it down but its all over and done with now. His life was in danger and he took the correct steps to save it.

17 years old is a kid. If you have dealt with them and were unable to get them to comply then you are lacking in the adult skills needed to influence kids. I just told you I have done it plenty of times and never had an argument about it. His life was not in danger. He may have thought so but then again that tells me what type of cowards some white men are. Imagine being frightened of some 17 year olds. :lol:
Oh and yes loud "music" is annoying and hurts peoples ears especially parked in front of a store in close proximity to each other its called being respectful.That crap they call music is anything but music its noise and its usually obnoxious and disgusting and violent.

Go to another store. Call the cops. There is a list of things he could have done. Instead he was probably an arrogant prick. Why would anyone have respect for you if you if you are not respectable?
SYG had nothing to do with the Zimmerman trial.

The story as reported doesn't look good for Dunn IMO. He had time to go get his gun out of his car after being threatened with a gun by someone in the SUV? Who's gonna opt for a shoot out in such a situation in lieu of just speeding away from the place and reporting the threat to the police? Not me. I'm out of there lickety-split. I'd be thinking if one guy's got a gun maybe there's another one or two armed guys in the car, and no matter how good I think I am with my gun, 2 or 3 or more to one in a shoot out are very long odds unless your name is Clint Eastwood.

Anyway, the guy felt threatened, fired into the car, and then never called the police to report it? I gotta think somewhere in his CCW training they covered the fact that a shooting requires one contact the police and report what happened.

I'd say Dunn is in serious trouble.
These weren't just kids..they were damn near full grown negro men. I have dealt with many I know how the majority act and what they do when confronted...which is why any smart person would avoid them in groups...he should have known it would have done no good to ask them to turn it down but its all over and done with now. His life was in danger and he took the correct steps to save it.

17 years old is a kid. If you have dealt with them and were unable to get them to comply then you are lacking in the adult skills needed to influence kids. I just told you I have done it plenty of times and never had an argument about it. His life was not in danger. He may have thought so but then again that tells me what type of cowards some white men are. Imagine being frightened of some 17 year olds. :lol:

Oh and yes loud "music" is annoying and hurts peoples ears especially parked in front of a store in close proximity to each other its called being respectful.That crap they call music is anything but music its noise and its usually obnoxious and disgusting and violent.

Go to another store. Call the cops. There is a list of things he could have done. Instead he was probably an arrogant prick. Why would anyone have respect for you if you if you are not respectable?
Obviously you haven't dealt with a group of hyped up negro boys,they are violence prone and are like a pack of animals.Only way to deal with rabid animals is to shoot which is what he did...oh and no he doesn't need to go to another store they needed to respect ALL the rest of the people there that day and turn the crap down. He is being being made an example of to keep the NAACP and the likes of Sharpton and Jackson happy.
He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.
These weren't just kids..they were damn near full grown negro men. I have dealt with many I know how the majority act and what they do when confronted...which is why any smart person would avoid them in groups...he should have known it would have done no good to ask them to turn it down but its all over and done with now. His life was in danger and he took the correct steps to save it.

17 years old is a kid. If you have dealt with them and were unable to get them to comply then you are lacking in the adult skills needed to influence kids. I just told you I have done it plenty of times and never had an argument about it. His life was not in danger. He may have thought so but then again that tells me what type of cowards some white men are. Imagine being frightened of some 17 year olds. :lol:

Oh and yes loud "music" is annoying and hurts peoples ears especially parked in front of a store in close proximity to each other its called being respectful.That crap they call music is anything but music its noise and its usually obnoxious and disgusting and violent.

Go to another store. Call the cops. There is a list of things he could have done. Instead he was probably an arrogant prick. Why would anyone have respect for you if you if you are not respectable?
Obviously you haven't dealt with a group of hyped up negro boys,they are violence prone and are like a pack of animals.Only way to deal with rabid animals is to shoot which is what he did...oh and no he doesn't need to go to another store they needed to respect ALL the rest of the people there that day and turn the crap down. He is being being made an example of to keep the NAACP and the likes of Sharpton and Jackson happy.

Obviously you are wrong. I have dealt with Black youth doing the exact same thing. What makes you think they were hyped up or any different from white kids playing their crappy music? Are you saying i should go shoot into a car full of white kids because their music is loud? The guy was not a cop. You just said he was afraid for his life. Are you advocating vigilante justice?
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He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.

As soon as this guy walks or gets a less than deserved sentence you will hear from them.
He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.
So he is supposed to stand there and let these "youth" as the media calls them attack him?I don't think so.
17 years old is a kid. If you have dealt with them and were unable to get them to comply then you are lacking in the adult skills needed to influence kids. I just told you I have done it plenty of times and never had an argument about it. His life was not in danger. He may have thought so but then again that tells me what type of cowards some white men are. Imagine being frightened of some 17 year olds. :lol:

Go to another store. Call the cops. There is a list of things he could have done. Instead he was probably an arrogant prick. Why would anyone have respect for you if you if you are not respectable?
Obviously you haven't dealt with a group of hyped up negro boys,they are violence prone and are like a pack of animals.Only way to deal with rabid animals is to shoot which is what he did...oh and no he doesn't need to go to another store they needed to respect ALL the rest of the people there that day and turn the crap down. He is being being made an example of to keep the NAACP and the likes of Sharpton and Jackson happy.

Obviously you are wrong. I have dealt with Black youth doing the exact same thing. What makes you think they were hyped up or any different from white kids playing their crappy music? Are you saying i should go shoot into a car full of white kids because their music is loud? The guy was not a cop. You just said he was afraid for his life. Are you advocating vigilante justice?

Happy for you,obviously you are either black or they were scared of you for some reason...I am guessing you are black...I would say he should shoot ANYONE who threatened his life which he says they did.How convenient there were no surveillance videos.

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