Trial Begins for Marietta, GA Teen--Similar to the Zimmerman trial.

"They intentionally misled detectives regarding Jordan Davis' actions and verbal threats, and the detectives allowed for the misinformation to continue despite having evidence that the young men's stories were not truthful," he said.

Trial set for Fla. man who killed black teen

Say it ain't so! The cops didn't do their job correctly!? NOOOOO that would never happen...guess its a good thing there was no cameras since supposedly there was no gun found in the thugs car.
In the 911 recording released Monday, one of the witnesses supported the defense’s contention that Davis and the three other occupants inside the red Dodge Durango briefly fled the scene, returning before police arrived.
The witness told the operator that the teens “looked like they were either looking … or trying to stash something inside the car.”
According to the caller, the SUV circled the parking lot of an adjoining shopping center before returning to the gas station where the shots were fired.
“They didn’t even pull into a parking space,” Phillips said. “And we’re talking 60 to 90 seconds. There was no chance for anything to be hidden or purged.”

Ahem...So many holes and not just in the thug either...this guy gets convicted I will be shocked...but not surprised.
He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.
So he is supposed to stand there and let these "youth" as the media calls them attack him?I don't think so.
Obviously you haven't dealt with a group of hyped up negro boys,they are violence prone and are like a pack of animals.Only way to deal with rabid animals is to shoot which is what he did...oh and no he doesn't need to go to another store they needed to respect ALL the rest of the people there that day and turn the crap down. He is being being made an example of to keep the NAACP and the likes of Sharpton and Jackson happy.

Obviously you are wrong. I have dealt with Black youth doing the exact same thing. What makes you think they were hyped up or any different from white kids playing their crappy music? Are you saying i should go shoot into a car full of white kids because their music is loud? The guy was not a cop. You just said he was afraid for his life. Are you advocating vigilante justice?

Happy for you,obviously you are either black or they were scared of you for some reason...I am guessing you are black...I would say he should shoot ANYONE who threatened his life which he says they did.How convenient there were no surveillance videos.

I'm Black and they were not afraid of me. I spoke to them about having respect for everyone else that may not want to hear the music being played that loud. They understood that and turned the music down. I just noticed in your signature your unspoken cry of fear. Your definition of power is wrong. Look at my signature to find out the true meaning of power. When you understand that you don't even need a gun.
He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.

He also left the scene and had to be traced thru his license plate. He's toast.
He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.

The difference here is that he was arrested and is in jail. The issue with Zimmerman is that the police did no investigation, he was never arrested, etc.
So far 3 left wingers who can't handle the truth have negged me...bring it on lefties...I don't care.
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He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.

The difference here is that he was arrested and is in jail. The issue with Zimmerman is that the police did no investigation, he was never arrested, etc.

Wrong as usual, the police investigated Zimmerman and the DA ruled it self defense. You really should try to learn what you are talking about.
He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.

The difference here is that he was arrested and is in jail. The issue with Zimmerman is that the police did no investigation, he was never arrested, etc.

What planet are you living on?

Zimmerman Arrested On Murder Charge In Martin Case; Will Plead Not Guilty
Echoes of Zimmerman might be heard in Fla. trial |

I will not be joining you this go round. Enjoy.

Certain to be 'less interesting' than 'the first one'. GA has a different SYG law--how this is interpreted in Marietta--I cannot say. Cobb County--conservative community in general but in transition to more Progressive. They love Justice there. True all over the ATL--different interpretations of what is justice--as we learned from the Zimmerman trial.

Did you even read this before you posted it?
This happened in Jacksonville and I live right outside there so this has been on the news since it happened. I believe this man is guilty as sin and is not even close to the Zimmerman case.
The difference here is that he was arrested and is in jail. The issue with Zimmerman is that the police did no investigation, he was never arrested, etc.

Good grief. "I don't always believe the shit that is force fed to me, but when I do I like to repeat it over and over, and over and over again"
He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.

The difference here is that he was arrested and is in jail. The issue with Zimmerman is that the police did no investigation, he was never arrested, etc.

Wrong as usual, the police investigated Zimmerman and the DA ruled it self defense. You really should try to learn what you are talking about.

They only did that after the media and the black community pushed it. Originally they did nothing. They talked to Z a bit, went back to the site and asked him to re-enact the event, and accepted his version w/o question. Case closed. Then the black leaders and community go involved, the media got involved, then the police investigated.

You really should try to learn what you are talking about.
He had absolutely no reason to pick up the gun, let alone shoot it into the vehicle.

He's guilty and I hope all his money doesn't keep him from getting the punishment he deserves.

My only comment is - where are Jackson and Sharpton, along with the rest of the race-baitors.

The difference here is that he was arrested and is in jail. The issue with Zimmerman is that the police did no investigation, he was never arrested, etc.

What planet are you living on?

Zimmerman Arrested On Murder Charge In Martin Case; Will Plead Not Guilty
Only AFTER weeks, months went by and the black community and the media pushed it into the public eye. The guy in the OP was arrested immediately. Why are you guys trying to rewrite history?????
And as the jury proved, Zimmerman should have never been arrested in the first place

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