Trillion dollar stimulus package proposed by Trump

EDITORIAL: Trillion-dollar coronavirus bailout justified, but put working people first

This is where I part way with Trump. Don't get me wrong, if you forbid people from working the government then needs to pay them, but forbidding them to work is not only unconstitutional, it is buying into corona hysteria. Also expect legislation giving the state more 'emergency' powers over the populace in order to control them better.

At the end of the day, the government will cut people a check that really won't help them much but will add to an already overwhelming deficit and massive debt with other money going God knows where for all the corrupt bureaucrats, much like Obama did as well with his stimulus package. In fact, there seemingly is always a reason to create trillion dollar stimulus packages. The list is never ending.
I've always assumed Trump may be a Dim plant, and now I now for sure.
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...

Seems like both parties are in love with trillion dollar stimulus packages.

Funny thing, they never seem to help with money going God knows where.

All I know is that I never see a penny of where my tax money is going.
I’m confident a lot finds it’s way into the pockets of those not in need...
EDITORIAL: Trillion-dollar coronavirus bailout justified, but put working people first

This is where I part way with Trump. Don't get me wrong, if you forbid people from working the government then needs to pay them, but forbidding them to work is not only unconstitutional, it is buying into corona hysteria. Also expect legislation giving the state more 'emergency' powers over the populace in order to control them better.

At the end of the day, the government will cut people a check that really won't help them much but will add to an already overwhelming deficit and massive debt with other money going God knows where for all the corrupt bureaucrats, much like Obama did as well with his stimulus package. In fact, there seemingly is always a reason to create trillion dollar stimulus packages. The list is never ending.
I've always assumed Trump may be a Dim plant, and now I now for sure.
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...
Thanks to welfare democrats we can’t
You seem confused. Deficits were much lower when trump took over. A tax cut and increased military spending increased deficits.
You fail to understand investment, more people producing the more self-reliant they become less entitlements we need more money we save.. trump had to invest to get people independent from Obama policies.. it will take effect in 7 more years.. like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit.. then a democrat comes in and spends all the money..
EDITORIAL: Trillion-dollar coronavirus bailout justified, but put working people first

This is where I part way with Trump. Don't get me wrong, if you forbid people from working the government then needs to pay them, but forbidding them to work is not only unconstitutional, it is buying into corona hysteria. Also expect legislation giving the state more 'emergency' powers over the populace in order to control them better.

At the end of the day, the government will cut people a check that really won't help them much but will add to an already overwhelming deficit and massive debt with other money going God knows where for all the corrupt bureaucrats, much like Obama did as well with his stimulus package. In fact, there seemingly is always a reason to create trillion dollar stimulus packages. The list is never ending.
I've always assumed Trump may be a Dim plant, and now I now for sure.
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...
Thanks to welfare democrats we can’t
You seem confused. Deficits were much lower when trump took over. A tax cut and increased military spending increased deficits.
You fail to understand investment, more people producing the more self-reliant they become less entitlements we need more money we save.. trump had to invest to get people independent from Obama policies.. it will take effect in 7 more years.. like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit.. then a democrat comes in and spends all the money..
You have some imagination.
EDITORIAL: Trillion-dollar coronavirus bailout justified, but put working people first

This is where I part way with Trump. Don't get me wrong, if you forbid people from working the government then needs to pay them, but forbidding them to work is not only unconstitutional, it is buying into corona hysteria. Also expect legislation giving the state more 'emergency' powers over the populace in order to control them better.

At the end of the day, the government will cut people a check that really won't help them much but will add to an already overwhelming deficit and massive debt with other money going God knows where for all the corrupt bureaucrats, much like Obama did as well with his stimulus package. In fact, there seemingly is always a reason to create trillion dollar stimulus packages. The list is never ending.
I've always assumed Trump may be a Dim plant, and now I now for sure.
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...

Seems like both parties are in love with trillion dollar stimulus packages.

Funny thing, they never seem to help with money going God knows where.

All I know is that I never see a penny of where my tax money is going.
I’m confident a lot finds it’s way into the pockets of those not in need...
Of course. But there is always a little that goes into the pockets of those in need so anyone who criticizes them will get nailed to a cross for hating the poor.

In fact, Al Capone even ran soup kitchens for the poor. It gives you legitimacy, just like the Hillary money laundering foundation.

The federal government has been lawless and corrupt for far too long and is too powerful to stop.
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...
Thanks to welfare democrats we can’t
You seem confused. Deficits were much lower when trump took over. A tax cut and increased military spending increased deficits.
You fail to understand investment, more people producing the more self-reliant they become less entitlements we need more money we save.. trump had to invest to get people independent from Obama policies.. it will take effect in 7 more years.. like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit.. then a democrat comes in and spends all the money..
You have some imagination.
Just facts and American history..
EDITORIAL: Trillion-dollar coronavirus bailout justified, but put working people first

This is where I part way with Trump. Don't get me wrong, if you forbid people from working the government then needs to pay them, but forbidding them to work is not only unconstitutional, it is buying into corona hysteria. Also expect legislation giving the state more 'emergency' powers over the populace in order to control them better.

At the end of the day, the government will cut people a check that really won't help them much but will add to an already overwhelming deficit and massive debt with other money going God knows where for all the corrupt bureaucrats, much like Obama did as well with his stimulus package. In fact, there seemingly is always a reason to create trillion dollar stimulus packages. The list is never ending.
I've always assumed Trump may be a Dim plant, and now I now for sure.
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...
Thanks to welfare democrats we can’t
You seem confused. Deficits were much lower when trump took over. A tax cut and increased military spending increased deficits.
You fail to understand investment, more people producing the more self-reliant they become less entitlements we need more money we save.. trump had to invest to get people independent from Obama policies.. it will take effect in 7 more years.. like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit.. then a democrat comes in and spends all the money..
So Trump is creating self reliant people by forcing them not to work, eh?
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...
Thanks to welfare democrats we can’t
You seem confused. Deficits were much lower when trump took over. A tax cut and increased military spending increased deficits.
You fail to understand investment, more people producing the more self-reliant they become less entitlements we need more money we save.. trump had to invest to get people independent from Obama policies.. it will take effect in 7 more years.. like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit.. then a democrat comes in and spends all the money..
You have some imagination.
Just facts and American history..
The fact is that trump policy ran up trillion dollar deficits during good times.
EDITORIAL: Trillion-dollar coronavirus bailout justified, but put working people first

This is where I part way with Trump. Don't get me wrong, if you forbid people from working the government then needs to pay them, but forbidding them to work is not only unconstitutional, it is buying into corona hysteria. Also expect legislation giving the state more 'emergency' powers over the populace in order to control them better.

At the end of the day, the government will cut people a check that really won't help them much but will add to an already overwhelming deficit and massive debt with other money going God knows where for all the corrupt bureaucrats, much like Obama did as well with his stimulus package. In fact, there seemingly is always a reason to create trillion dollar stimulus packages. The list is never ending.
I've always assumed Trump may be a Dim plant, and now I now for sure.
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...

Seems like both parties are in love with trillion dollar stimulus packages.

Funny thing, they never seem to help with money going God knows where.

All I know is that I never see a penny of where my tax money is going.
I’m confident a lot finds it’s way into the pockets of those not in need...
Of course. But there is always a little that goes into the pockets of those in need so anyone who criticizes them will get nailed to a cross for hating the poor.

In fact, Al Capone even ran soup kitchens for the poor. It gives you legitimacy, just like the Hillary money laundering foundation.

The federal government has been lawless and corrupt for far too long and is too powerful to stop.
We really need to fix the corruption...
like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit..
Bullshit- pure and simple. Digging a deeper hole NEVER gets you out of a hole. Going further in debt will NEVER get you out of debt.
The borrow to spend is a policy subscribed to by BOTH Party's- the only difference is the rhetoric used to sell the bullshit. History proves it.
Thanks to welfare democrats we can’t
You seem confused. Deficits were much lower when trump took over. A tax cut and increased military spending increased deficits.
You fail to understand investment, more people producing the more self-reliant they become less entitlements we need more money we save.. trump had to invest to get people independent from Obama policies.. it will take effect in 7 more years.. like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit.. then a democrat comes in and spends all the money..
You have some imagination.
Just facts and American history..
The fact is that trump policy ran up trillion dollar deficits during good times.
Good times for who? Black slave plantations? Lol are you nuts? Black unemployment went lowest its ever been, the investment worked and will lower the Deficit overtime
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...

Seems like both parties are in love with trillion dollar stimulus packages.

Funny thing, they never seem to help with money going God knows where.

All I know is that I never see a penny of where my tax money is going.
I’m confident a lot finds it’s way into the pockets of those not in need...
Of course. But there is always a little that goes into the pockets of those in need so anyone who criticizes them will get nailed to a cross for hating the poor.

In fact, Al Capone even ran soup kitchens for the poor. It gives you legitimacy, just like the Hillary money laundering foundation.

The federal government has been lawless and corrupt for far too long and is too powerful to stop.
We really need to fix the corruption...
Aren’t you a democrat?
You seem confused. Deficits were much lower when trump took over. A tax cut and increased military spending increased deficits.
You fail to understand investment, more people producing the more self-reliant they become less entitlements we need more money we save.. trump had to invest to get people independent from Obama policies.. it will take effect in 7 more years.. like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit.. then a democrat comes in and spends all the money..
You have some imagination.
Just facts and American history..
The fact is that trump policy ran up trillion dollar deficits during good times.
Good times for who? Black slave plantations? Lol are you nuts? Black unemployment went lowest its ever been, the investment worked and will lower the Deficit overtime
You are deranged...
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...

Seems like both parties are in love with trillion dollar stimulus packages.

Funny thing, they never seem to help with money going God knows where.

All I know is that I never see a penny of where my tax money is going.
I’m confident a lot finds it’s way into the pockets of those not in need...
Of course. But there is always a little that goes into the pockets of those in need so anyone who criticizes them will get nailed to a cross for hating the poor.

In fact, Al Capone even ran soup kitchens for the poor. It gives you legitimacy, just like the Hillary money laundering foundation.

The federal government has been lawless and corrupt for far too long and is too powerful to stop.
We really need to fix the corruption...
Aren’t you a democrat?
Independent. I don’t support the corruption.
like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit..
Bullshit- pure and simple. Digging a deeper hole NEVER gets you out of a hole. Going further in debt will NEVER get you out of debt.
The borrow to spend is a policy subscribed to by BOTH Party's- the only difference is the rhetoric used to sell the bullshit. History proves it.
Wrong happens all the time.. if I go in debt to fund my dream business, people want my product, I pay down the debt, and now have a surplus.. it’s Called economics sit down shut the fuck up and learn
EDITORIAL: Trillion-dollar coronavirus bailout justified, but put working people first

This is where I part way with Trump. Don't get me wrong, if you forbid people from working the government then needs to pay them, but forbidding them to work is not only unconstitutional, it is buying into corona hysteria. Also expect legislation giving the state more 'emergency' powers over the populace in order to control them better.

At the end of the day, the government will cut people a check that really won't help them much but will add to an already overwhelming deficit and massive debt with other money going God knows where for all the corrupt bureaucrats, much like Obama did as well with his stimulus package. In fact, there seemingly is always a reason to create trillion dollar stimulus packages. The list is never ending.
I've always assumed Trump may be a Dim plant, and now I now for sure.
So many business will close so many will be out of work if we don’t use our resources to keep them going. I’m ok with it
If only we had been fiscally responsible during good times...
Are you saying a space offence dept is a poor investment strategy ?
You fail to understand investment, more people producing the more self-reliant they become less entitlements we need more money we save.. trump had to invest to get people independent from Obama policies.. it will take effect in 7 more years.. like always republicans plant the seed of reducing the deficit.. then a democrat comes in and spends all the money..
You have some imagination.
Just facts and American history..
The fact is that trump policy ran up trillion dollar deficits during good times.
Good times for who? Black slave plantations? Lol are you nuts? Black unemployment went lowest its ever been, the investment worked and will lower the Deficit overtime
You are deranged...
That’s not A substantive response
In November all who voted for the Cheeto will vote for him again. The package could be 20T and it wouldn’t sway a blob supporter

Well the GOP wants to stop everyone from working and kill the economy because of the naturally occurring flu, but democrats in addition want to also stop people from working and kill the economy because of the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide.

But if there is nothing left of the economy after this, I'm not sure it all matters.
Paying people not to work is something most democrats will like
Seems like both parties are in love with trillion dollar stimulus packages.

Funny thing, they never seem to help with money going God knows where.

All I know is that I never see a penny of where my tax money is going.
I’m confident a lot finds it’s way into the pockets of those not in need...
Of course. But there is always a little that goes into the pockets of those in need so anyone who criticizes them will get nailed to a cross for hating the poor.

In fact, Al Capone even ran soup kitchens for the poor. It gives you legitimacy, just like the Hillary money laundering foundation.

The federal government has been lawless and corrupt for far too long and is too powerful to stop.
We really need to fix the corruption...
Aren’t you a democrat?
Independent. I don’t support the corruption.
I’ve never seen you question a Democrat on this site it’s only been conservative Republicans,, Who are the most successful party in the history of America

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