Trmxit will happen this fall

If you're a Republican you bought him regardless of whether you voted for him or not, you're basically Scotland and until you do something to pull away, you're apart of the problem.

You say some really stupid shit, but this is possibly the worst. Those of us in the Republican party who are opposed to Trump are to blame for Trump? That's like saying that modern day white people are to blame for slavery. Oh...well, yeah that's pretty much what you liberals say, so I guess it makes sense.

Well, who chose him to be your nominee if it wasn't Republicans? Your party has been demanding crazy through right wing radio for a long time, and you finally got it.

If 10 years ago someone in the GOP said "are we going too far?" I might have listened and respected their opinion. Now that Trump is the nominee and it's way past obvious the GOP is in deep with scared nativist nationalism, it's too late. Voting for a weak 3rd party candidate doesn't make up for it.

The GOP started going too far more than 10 years ago. Gingrich and Delay decided integrity didn't matter and the GOP has been going down hill since.
He will exit the electoral field with the wost defeat in American presidential history.

The American voter will overwhelmingly reject him.
I'm still trying to figure out who is dumber, trump or the morons who support him.
I'm trying to figure out why anyone would trust a loopy kunt like the hildabeast... Although she is good at dodging the sniper fire
If you're a Republican you bought him regardless of whether you voted for him or not, you're basically Scotland and until you do something to pull away, you're apart of the problem.

You say some really stupid shit, but this is possibly the worst. Those of us in the Republican party who are opposed to Trump are to blame for Trump? That's like saying that modern day white people are to blame for slavery. Oh...well, yeah that's pretty much what you liberals say, so I guess it makes sense.

Well, who chose him to be your nominee if it wasn't Republicans? Your party has been demanding crazy through right wing radio for a long time, and you finally got it.

If 10 years ago someone in the GOP said "are we going too far?" I might have listened and respected their opinion. Now that Trump is the nominee and it's way past obvious the GOP is in deep with scared nativist nationalism, it's too late. Voting for a weak 3rd party candidate doesn't make up for it.

The GOP started going too far more than 10 years ago. Gingrich and Delay decided integrity didn't matter and the GOP has been going down hill since.

I know, giving the benefit of the doubt.
Your girl HRC is a tramp, HJ.

Shit, just to requote your post. You sound exactly like one Donald J. Trump and in twitter format no les.
:) Hit a nerve, Hillary ain't the answer, but she is better than Trump, and Johnson is better than both put together. Tis what is, girl. Go watch 'MegaMind' if you want some tips.

You posting like Trump doesn't hit a nerve, just disappointment. I think you're better than this.

We'll disagree with Clinton, I'd expect that. To vote for Johnson over Trump and claim to have any real values is dreaming, life isn't that perfect. Hell, I doubt you're much of a libertarian, you're voting for Johnson only because nobody has bothered to rip him to pieces.

If Johnson is so great, why haven't we heard about all the wonderful things he has to offer? He's a reverse scapegoat for Republicans who stood by and watched their tortured party turn into the shit show it is today. You guys either let the tea party take over or are just afraid of them and they chose Trump. Where were you when that shit was going down?

While you're voting your values with Johnson, we'll topple over your Frankenstein that you left behind. You're welcome.
He will exit the electoral field with the wost defeat in American presidential history.

The American voter will overwhelmingly reject him.

If you're a Republican you bought him regardless of whether you voted for him or not, you're basically Scotland and until you do something to pull away, you're apart of the problem.
That is why I am voting for Johnson. I think Utah may go Clinton. Texas may end up with more Dems in their state lege than in four elections.

Just to go back to this post.

First off, it's wishful thinking. Utah will be closer because the GOP nominee actually managed to piss off a loyal Republican constituent. Texas due to changing demographics and Trump just being a dick may lead to Trump only winning the state by 10 points. If this is intend to make you feel better about Clinton, let's talk Pennsylvania, where does that stand right now? Its' a state that actually hangs in the balance but let's play Barbie with Utah if that makes you feel better.

But sadly, what I mostly see in your post is you are expecting Democrats, or at least people voting for Clinton to do all the heavy lifting while you vote your 'conscience'.

I'd like to see a conservative and/or Republican actually take responsibility for their party and do something real with it. I mean until it hurts, until it actually feels bad. I'd like to see a tad bit of humility.

Instead what I see is a bunch of highbrow centrist Republicans browbeating their lower intelligence brothers who don't get concepts like global warming or diversity. That's great on a message board and liberals will applaud you on, but in the grand scheme of things, you're doing nothing to change your party.
  • POLITICO delegate survey: Dump Trump lacks the votes (Anti-Trumpers Outnumbered BigTime!!!)
    Politico ^ | 06/24/16 06:35 PM EDT | Kyle Cheney
    The presumptive nominee’s foes appear to be outnumbered on the panel they’d hoped would pave the way to a new nominee. [ Caption under photo: "The Trump campaign has enjoyed the full backing of the RNC since Ted Cruz left the race. It’s had access for weeks to lists of convention delegates and has begun building a team of more than 150 staff members and volunteers intended to work the convention floor, as well as the rules committee." ] Republicans looking to dump Donald Trump at next month’s convention have passion, energy and a fierce sense that their party will...
  • POLITICO delegate survey: Dump Trump lacks the votes (Anti-Trumpers Outnumbered BigTime!!!)
    Politico ^ | 06/24/16 06:35 PM EDT | Kyle Cheney
    The presumptive nominee’s foes appear to be outnumbered on the panel they’d hoped would pave the way to a new nominee. [ Caption under photo: "The Trump campaign has enjoyed the full backing of the RNC since Ted Cruz left the race. It’s had access for weeks to lists of convention delegates and has begun building a team of more than 150 staff members and volunteers intended to work the convention floor, as well as the rules committee." ] Republicans looking to dump Donald Trump at next month’s convention have passion, energy and a fierce sense that their party will...

Trump is the nominee, can we move on now?

This fantasy of moderate Republicans thinking there is still a chance and wingnuts who don't know when a win is a win. Would the two groups just fight for real or fuck or something?
He will exit the electoral field with the wost defeat in American presidential history.

The American voter will overwhelmingly reject him.
Go ahead, count your chickens before they hatch. Still a long ways to election day.

The "worst" goes to Jimmah Carter. THAT was an ugly beating, followed up by Mondale's drubbing. Those will be pretty tough to beat.
He will exit the electoral field with the wost defeat in American presidential history.

The American voter will overwhelmingly reject him.
Go ahead, count your chickens before they hatch. Still a long ways to election day.

The "worst" goes to Jimmah Carter. THAT was an ugly beating, followed up by Mondale's drubbing. Those will be pretty tough to beat.
Trump always lowers the bar.
That's like a proud Scotsman voting for ice cream, it doesn't matter one way or the other.

If Trump wins, the Republican party owns him forever and gets to live with it (never mind the rest of the country). If Trump loses then it was just that crazy election that one time.

If you vote for Johnson you're basically begging the rest of the country to vote for Clinton so that you can hang on to your asinine and high minded values.

If Trump wins, I hope people like that feel it first.

So you are writing that if those that oppose Trump should vote for Clinton and if not they are basically voting for Trump?

For once I wish the left and right would quit with that silly nonsense and understand that the American Public should vote for the best candidate and not what the two bigger political parties shove down our damn throat.

There is no damn way I will vote for Trump nor for Clinton because they are worthless kunts that should not be in the oval office!

Trump is the typical used car salesman that will tell you whatever you want to hear so you buy his lemon, and the guy has made a living out of bull crapping his way through life while cheating the system by abusing the bankruptcy system.

The you have Clinton that is living off her first lady status and has done very little when she was in the damn senate or in the state department. She is under more investigations and will be hunted by those like Trey Gowdy if she win this November.

So tell me how the hell can anyone in their damn correct state of mind cast a vote for a charlatan or Clinton?

Now of course you will educate me how my vote is a wasted vote while your vote is for the protection of our Democracy and with that it make me wonder if the Founding Fathers were alive today would they applaud your opinion of those like me or shake their head and wonder why the fuck did they even fight to liberate us from England?

Pretty, sounds like you're sitting this out, so why does your opinion matter? Voting for a candidate that will go nowhere and doing nothing elsewhere to make a difference. Johnson will lose, either at least try to make a difference for his campaign or move aside.
Johnson is going to take some votes from both camps.

Look Jake, the little fascist is saying what we all know. If Trump wins, I hope you can live with it.
You're an idiot. Pinochet was not a fascist. He was the head of a legal military junta and a hero. I'm a capitalist, not some corporatist piece of shit like Hillary and the Democrats.
Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pinochet assumed power in Chile following a United States-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973 that overthrew the elected socialist Unidad Popular government of PresidentSalvador Allende and ended civilian rule. Several academics have stated that the support of the United States was crucial to the coup and the consolidation of power afterward.[6][7][8]Pinochet had been promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Army by Allende on 23 August 1973, having been its General Chief of Staff since early 1972.[9] In December 1974, the rulingmilitary junta appointed Pinochet President of Chile by joint decree, although without the support of one of the coup's instigators, Air Force General Gustavo Leigh.[10]

From the start of the new military government harsh measures were implemented.[11] During the period of Pinochet's rule, various investigations have identified the murder of 1,200 to 3,200 people with up to 80,000 people forcibly interned and as many as 30,000 tortured.[12][13][14] As of 2011, the official number of deaths and forced disappearances stands at 3,065.[15]
The right is playing footsie with a narcissistic neo-fascist. I'll take Clinton anyday. Shit, have the crap you believe about Clinton is probably based in right wing echo chamber bullshit anyway.

Because the left playing footsie with an avowed socialist is so much better? There are whacked out morons on both sides of the aisle. The difference here is that most Republicans oppose Trump. While Democrats have been electing and re-electing the likes of Sanders, Boxer, and Pelosi for decades.
He will exit the electoral field with the wost defeat in American presidential history.

The American voter will overwhelmingly reject him.
You predicted Trump would never get the nomination, Fakey. So we'll consider the source in evaluating the claim in your OP.
So you are writing that if those that oppose Trump should vote for Clinton and if not they are basically voting for Trump?

For once I wish the left and right would quit with that silly nonsense and understand that the American Public should vote for the best candidate and not what the two bigger political parties shove down our damn throat.

There is no damn way I will vote for Trump nor for Clinton because they are worthless kunts that should not be in the oval office!

Trump is the typical used car salesman that will tell you whatever you want to hear so you buy his lemon, and the guy has made a living out of bull crapping his way through life while cheating the system by abusing the bankruptcy system.

The you have Clinton that is living off her first lady status and has done very little when she was in the damn senate or in the state department. She is under more investigations and will be hunted by those like Trey Gowdy if she win this November.

So tell me how the hell can anyone in their damn correct state of mind cast a vote for a charlatan or Clinton?

Now of course you will educate me how my vote is a wasted vote while your vote is for the protection of our Democracy and with that it make me wonder if the Founding Fathers were alive today would they applaud your opinion of those like me or shake their head and wonder why the fuck did they even fight to liberate us from England?

Pretty, sounds like you're sitting this out, so why does your opinion matter? Voting for a candidate that will go nowhere and doing nothing elsewhere to make a difference. Johnson will lose, either at least try to make a difference for his campaign or move aside.
Johnson is going to take some votes from both camps.

Look Jake, the little fascist is saying what we all know. If Trump wins, I hope you can live with it.
You're an idiot. Pinochet was not a fascist. He was the head of a legal military junta and a hero. I'm a capitalist, not some corporatist piece of shit like Hillary and the Democrats.
Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pinochet assumed power in Chile following a United States-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973 that overthrew the elected socialist Unidad Popular government of PresidentSalvador Allende and ended civilian rule. Several academics have stated that the support of the United States was crucial to the coup and the consolidation of power afterward.[6][7][8]Pinochet had been promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Army by Allende on 23 August 1973, having been its General Chief of Staff since early 1972.[9] In December 1974, the rulingmilitary junta appointed Pinochet President of Chile by joint decree, although without the support of one of the coup's instigators, Air Force General Gustavo Leigh.[10]

From the start of the new military government harsh measures were implemented.[11] During the period of Pinochet's rule, various investigations have identified the murder of 1,200 to 3,200 people with up to 80,000 people forcibly interned and as many as 30,000 tortured.[12][13][14] As of 2011, the official number of deaths and forced disappearances stands at 3,065.[15]

By "harsh measures" you mean fighting a civil war against communist insurgents, many of whom were sent from Cuba.
The right is playing footsie with a narcissistic neo-fascist. I'll take Clinton anyday. Shit, have the crap you believe about Clinton is probably based in right wing echo chamber bullshit anyway.

Because the left playing footsie with an avowed socialist is so much better? There are whacked out morons on both sides of the aisle. The difference here is that most Republicans oppose Trump. While Democrats have been electing and re-electing the likes of Sanders, Boxer, and Pelosi for decades.

You're mistaken. Most Republicans support Trump. It's only a minority of dead enders who oppose him.
Pretty, sounds like you're sitting this out, so why does your opinion matter? Voting for a candidate that will go nowhere and doing nothing elsewhere to make a difference. Johnson will lose, either at least try to make a difference for his campaign or move aside.
Johnson is going to take some votes from both camps.

Look Jake, the little fascist is saying what we all know. If Trump wins, I hope you can live with it.
You're an idiot. Pinochet was not a fascist. He was the head of a legal military junta and a hero. I'm a capitalist, not some corporatist piece of shit like Hillary and the Democrats.
Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pinochet assumed power in Chile following a United States-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973 that overthrew the elected socialist Unidad Popular government of PresidentSalvador Allende and ended civilian rule. Several academics have stated that the support of the United States was crucial to the coup and the consolidation of power afterward.[6][7][8]Pinochet had been promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Army by Allende on 23 August 1973, having been its General Chief of Staff since early 1972.[9] In December 1974, the rulingmilitary junta appointed Pinochet President of Chile by joint decree, although without the support of one of the coup's instigators, Air Force General Gustavo Leigh.[10]

From the start of the new military government harsh measures were implemented.[11] During the period of Pinochet's rule, various investigations have identified the murder of 1,200 to 3,200 people with up to 80,000 people forcibly interned and as many as 30,000 tortured.[12][13][14] As of 2011, the official number of deaths and forced disappearances stands at 3,065.[15]

By "harsh measures" you mean fighting a civil war against communist insurgents, many of whom were sent from Cuba.
Boom! Spot on!
Pretty, sounds like you're sitting this out, so why does your opinion matter? Voting for a candidate that will go nowhere and doing nothing elsewhere to make a difference. Johnson will lose, either at least try to make a difference for his campaign or move aside.
Johnson is going to take some votes from both camps.

Look Jake, the little fascist is saying what we all know. If Trump wins, I hope you can live with it.
You're an idiot. Pinochet was not a fascist. He was the head of a legal military junta and a hero. I'm a capitalist, not some corporatist piece of shit like Hillary and the Democrats.
Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pinochet assumed power in Chile following a United States-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973 that overthrew the elected socialist Unidad Popular government of PresidentSalvador Allende and ended civilian rule. Several academics have stated that the support of the United States was crucial to the coup and the consolidation of power afterward.[6][7][8]Pinochet had been promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Army by Allende on 23 August 1973, having been its General Chief of Staff since early 1972.[9] In December 1974, the rulingmilitary junta appointed Pinochet President of Chile by joint decree, although without the support of one of the coup's instigators, Air Force General Gustavo Leigh.[10]

From the start of the new military government harsh measures were implemented.[11] During the period of Pinochet's rule, various investigations have identified the murder of 1,200 to 3,200 people with up to 80,000 people forcibly interned and as many as 30,000 tortured.[12][13][14] As of 2011, the official number of deaths and forced disappearances stands at 3,065.[15]

By "harsh measures" you mean fighting a civil war against communist insurgents, many of whom were sent from Cuba.
From the same link:

Human rights violations[edit]
See also: Military dictatorship of Chile (1973–90) § Human rights violations, and Human rights violations in Pinochet's Chile
Pinochet's regime was responsible for various human rights abuses during its reign, including murder and torture of political opponents. According to a government commission report that included testimony from more than 30,000 people, Pinochet's government killed at least 3,197 people and tortured about 29,000. Two-thirds of the cases listed in the report happened in 1973.[141]

Professor Clive Foss, in The Tyrants: 2500 Years of Absolute Power and Corruption (Quercus Publishing 2006), estimates that 1,500–2,000 Chileans were killed or "disappeared" during the Pinochet regime. In October 1979, the New York Times reported that Amnesty Internationalhad documented the disappearance of approximately 1,500 Chileans since 1973.[142] Among the killed and disappeared during the military regime were at least 663 Marxist MIR guerrillas.[143] The Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, however, has stated that only 49 FPMR guerrillas were killed but hundreds detained and tortured.[144] According to a study in Latin American Perspectives,[145] at least 200,000 Chileans (about 2% of Chile's 1973 population) were forced to go into exile. Additionally, hundreds of thousands left the country in the wake of the economic crises that followed the military coup during the 1970s and 1980s.[145] Some of the key individuals who fled because of political persecution were followed in their exile by the DINA secret police, in the framework of Operation Condor, which linked South Americanmilitary dictatorships together against political opponents.

According to Peter Kornbluh in The Pinochet File, "routine sadism was taken to extremes" in the prison camps. The rape of women was common, including sexual torture such as the insertion of rats into genitals and "unnatural acts involving dogs." Detainees were forcibly immersed in vats of urine and excrement. Beatings with gun butts, fists and chains were routine; one technique known as "the telephone" involved the torturer slamming "his open hands hard and rhythmically against the ears of the victim," leaving the person deaf. At Villa Grimaldi, prisoners were dragged into the parking lot and had the bones in their legs crushed as they were run over with trucks. Some died from torture; prisoners were beaten with chains and left to die from internal injuries.[146] Following abuse and execution, corpses were interred in secret graves, dropped into rivers or the ocean, or just dumped on urban streets in the night. The body of the renowned Chilean singer, theatre director and academic Víctor Jara was found in a dirty canal "with his hands and face extremely disfigured" and with "forty-four bullet holes."[147]

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