Zone1 Trolling/"Off Topic" Posts Will be Removed From the Politics Section

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What the left thinks is trolling is just free speech. What with that TX ruling the rules on all sites might just go out the window as long as no threats are made.....Silence free speech, get sued.

Talk about your double-edged sword though....Jeez.
The more rules they devise, the more opportunities they have to control content through selective interpretation of those rules.
It is like taking a grain of sand from a sandbox. Eventually that sand will be gone. That sand being anti-narrative opinions.
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"To cut down on the abuse and to increase the quality/exchange in threads in the Politics Forum, it is imperative that we begin to eliminate "off topic" posts, aka trolling, in the Politics Forum. Below you will find examples of what is unacceptable and will be removed from the the forum."

I love this. This is great.

Its too bad its not enforced.

Every time I start a thread a swarm of leftists come in and derail it. Its getting real old man. Any when I report it? My reports are met with crickets chirping, or if I am lucky a mod my derail my report and start accusing ME of stuff..

I see some mods have plenty of time to post stupid Marxist leftwing bullshit in threads (no names but rhymes with Peyote and Won't Phase Me Moe) but apparently they have not time for this, and when its reported they have no time for that either.

If a forum allows threads to be destroyed then whats the point of even having a forum.

And now folks, behold with your own eyes . . here come the defenders of derailing threads. I yield the floor:
All I've seen out of you is that you're a cry baby Karen.
The more rules they devise, the more opportunities they have to control content through selective interpretation of those rules.
But the corollary to that is that the less rules you have, the more things devolve into anarchy. I give you reddit as an example.
Exactly. Forum used to be free wheeling but lately it's like walking on eggshells

That stupid clean start crap is a great example.

"OMG, someone called someone a left loon!"
The one thing I have observed is that every time similar discussions occur, the most Stalinist posters indicate their support of the rules.

That tells you more than anything else HOW the rules are actually applied.
What I take issue with is the whole Zone 1 thing as the leftists and worse yet the anti-white crowd are using it as a safe space to spew their tripe.

The Zone 1 thing should be eliminated with prejudice.

I just stay out of it. That sub forum is a pathetic disaster same with the religious forum
Sense of humor....emergency replacement needed stat!

The irony is that we had one of the daughter's long time friends move in with us until she can find a position, and she has huge cat. The cat is finally beginning to explore - it disappeared - and we found it behind a little shelf in the bathroom. What????

That's beyond the point I was trying to make. :rolleyes:
What I take issue with is the whole Zone 1 thing as the leftists and worse yet the anti-white crowd are using it as a safe space to spew their tripe.

The Zone 1 thing should be eliminated with prejudice.
I disagree..I like a site with choices. You want to brangle..we got places for that. Badlands..flame Zone. No rulez except no pedo-calling and no family shots.

Choice. The only true freedom~
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