Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell

BTW the overwhelming number of US military vote REP EVERY ELECTION!

When we ran out guy in '08 and '12, he received more money from service members than all of the other campaigns combined.

He ran on bringing them home and building more bases here. He said, we marched right in there, we can turn around and march right back out.

No other Republican or Democrat has ever ran on that. None of them.

Here goes this site again! I’m becoming positive it’s a Leftist front out to belittle our president anyway they can.

Troops bored? Good Lord! They obviously don’t know the most basic rule of being in the military. Hurry up and wait? It’s why we learned to pass our time anyway possible, to include getting lots and lots of sleep. And, any NCO worth his or her salt would be finding all sorts of ways of giving them make-work tasks.

The Times likened the atmosphere to the early years in Afghanistan. Rep. Anthony G. Brown, a Maryland Democrat and Iraq War veteran, said a key difference is that in Afghanistan the soldiers have a mission.

Brown said that even on holidays, that mission, a sense of purpose, helped troops maintain morale. Along the border, it seems, that purpose is missing.

While some of the troops spend their days constructing barbed-wire fences, others are just trying to make their bases livable, according to The Times. Many are performing the same tasks as previously deployed National Guard units.

When you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all,” Brown told The Times.

Of course they cite the NYT and find a Dim Rep for the commentary.

More of this trash @ Troops Assigned To The US Border Mission Are Bored As Hell

Our bone spur challenged president had a mission for the save the House of Representatives from a midterm beat down on his presidency.

Didn’t work and he doesn’t admit mistakes.
the US military is a volunteer occupation so, if anyone is bored, then they signed up for boredom

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