Troops dues Home: Where is the Parade??


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
The troops are through the door by August 31st, nd thank gawd that will shut republicans up. As a veteran my concern is where is this Nations Welcome Home for our Veterans? Where are the parades and the celebrations? Where are the jobs for them to raise their families with? I can see another Vietnam welcome, some 20 after the fact, that is coming up for the troops.

And it is a time to take pause and "justify" one way or the other what this war really was. Is it another shameful event with baby killers, torturers, murderers of Innocent civilians, or is their some honor, and if so for what?? So lets pause to Obama's statement and dissect it.

The US military has pulled tens of thousands of combat troops out of Iraq in recent months, with numbers now below 50,000, less than a third of the peak level in 2007, ahead of a complete pullout in December 2011.

"I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the men and women who have served in Iraq and who are currently serving in Iraq," Obama said in the short video posted on the White House website.

"Your dedication, your bravery, your courage, has made America safer and has helped stand up democracy in Iraq."

Obama will mark the end of US combat operations in Iraq on August 31 in a speech to be delivered from the Oval Office.

I have a problem with this war has somehow made America safer. There is no proof anywhere that the Iraq war stopped any attack on the American soil. The borders never stopped being opened to any terrorist who wanted to walk in, and no one can say they did or they didn't.

I give the troops honor for doing what their country asked of them, maybe or maybe not bringing democracy to Iraq. In either event, I think they deserve a parade & a week of celebrations.
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How do you know towns that have soldiers that served aren't having a parade for them? Do you scan every small town paper and check?

They deserve our respect and honor, and you can do this every single day by thanking them for your service when you see them, where ever that may be.

Also, you could honor them by visiting a vet in a VA Hospital, or donating your time or money to help out the vets who need it.
How do you know towns that have soldiers that served aren't having a parade for them? Do you scan every small town paper and check?

They deserve our respect and honor, and you can do this every single day by thanking them for your service when you see them, where ever that may be.

Also, you could honor them by visiting a vet in a VA Hospital, or donating your time or money to help out the vets who need it.

Yes, there are lots of ways to thank them. I think they deserve parades, and I do hope every town in America honors them in celebration. I hope it is called a National parade and a National holiday.
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I give the troops honor for doing what their country asked of them, maybe or maybe not bringing democracy to Iraq. In either event, I think they deserve a parade & a week of celebrations.
The reality is their country did not ask them to go to Iraq. Their government did -- which is why Obama is thanking them. The sad bottom-line fact is they have been very badly used.

What exactly would a parade and a week of celebration be for? Gratitude? What for?

I give the troops honor for doing what their country asked of them, maybe or maybe not bringing democracy to Iraq. In either event, I think they deserve a parade & a week of celebrations.
The reality is their country did not ask them to go to Iraq. Their government did -- which is why Obama is thanking them. The sad bottom-line fact is they have been very badly used.

What exactly would a parade and a week of celebration be for? Gratitude? What for?

For their bravery and sacrifice no matter the mission or you're own view. it's not that hard to understand.

I give the troops honor for doing what their country asked of them, maybe or maybe not bringing democracy to Iraq. In either event, I think they deserve a parade & a week of celebrations.
The reality is their country did not ask them to go to Iraq. Their government did -- which is why Obama is thanking them. The sad bottom-line fact is they have been very badly used.

What exactly would a parade and a week of celebration be for? Gratitude? What for?

For their bravery and sacrifice no matter the mission or you're own view. it's not that hard to understand.
". . .no matter the mission?" Oh, no? I remind you that we are Americans, not Nazis.

Should we include the Blackwater and Halliburton "contract" soldiers in this expression of gratitude for their bravery and sacrifice? If not, why not?

Also, I recommend you read the message by Really Ornery in the Introduce Yourself section. He is a combat veteran and he has something to say about this rather controversial topic.
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