TROUBLE: Campaign Manager Ed Rollins And His Deputy Step Down From Bachmanns Campaign


May 29, 2010
Well, well well. She is citing health reasons but to have his deputy step down too because of differences is a sign of clear trouble. Bachmann gaffes and the gay issue with her husbands clinic just has been a problem for her in my opinion. That plus Palin crashing the state fair in Iowa drawing crowds away from her and then over the weekend Palin made two big speeches, one in Bachmann's homestate and one yesterday morning in New Hampshire and drew huge crowds for both was a bad sign for her since she has never been able to draw that kind of support. On a side note, Palin's speech yesterday in New Hampshire even drew a crowd double the size of Romneys who also gave a speech in NH yesterday.

Story on Bachmanns Campaign Chief:
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Oh goodie, I can't wait to see Palin's cellulite legs on the campaign trail...
I don't know what's been funnier, Bachmann's campaign itself, or the media covering it with a straight face.
Well, well well. She is citing health reasons but to have his deputy step down too because of differences is a sign of clear trouble. Bachmann gaffes and the gay issue with her husbands clinic just has been a problem for her in my opinion. That plus Palin crashing the state fair in Iowa drawing crowds away from her and then over the weekend Palin made two big speeches, one in Bachmann's homestate and one yesterday morning in New Hampshire and drew huge crowds for both was a bad sign for her since she has never been able to draw that kind of support. On a side note, Palin's speech yesterday in New Hampshire even drew a crowd double the size of Romneys who also gave a speech in NH yesterday.

Story on Bachmanns Campaign Chief:

Okay. Palin still isn't getting in.

I think Bachmann jumped the Shark at Ames... She's been sinking into double digits.

The real fight right now is between Perry for the TEA and Religious conservative factions of the GOP vs. Romney for the Establishment and Wall Street factions.
Meanwhile, Perry continues to open up his lead...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Here's how it's going to play out.

Some time between now and Iowa, Palin is going to endorse Perry, and the few dead enders will fall into line.

Perry will beat Bachmann in Iowa, and she'll fold up her tent. She'll call it a victory as she got the party to embrace TEA principles.

Romney will win New Hampshire, but Perry will place a close second. (I think there's a 10% chance Perry could win New Hampshire with momentum from Iowa, which means the rest of the dominos will fall.)

Perry will win South Carolina, and after that, his momentum will become irresitable.
Meanwhile, Perry continues to open up his lead...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Here's how it's going to play out.

Some time between now and Iowa, Palin is going to endorse Perry, and the few dead enders will fall into line.

Perry will beat Bachmann in Iowa, and she'll fold up her tent. She'll call it a victory as she got the party to embrace TEA principles.

Romney will win New Hampshire, but Perry will place a close second. (I think there's a 10% chance Perry could win New Hampshire with momentum from Iowa, which means the rest of the dominos will fall.)

Perry will win South Carolina, and after that, his momentum will become irresitable.

That's certainly a plausible scenario. But can he win the nomination without winning something in the Midwest and Northeast? Romney can certainly make it tough for Perry in those regions.
Well, well well. She is citing health reasons but to have his deputy step down too because of differences is a sign of clear trouble. Bachmann gaffes and the gay issue with her husbands clinic just has been a problem for her in my opinion. That plus Palin crashing the state fair in Iowa drawing crowds away from her and then over the weekend Palin made two big speeches, one in Bachmann's homestate and one yesterday morning in New Hampshire and drew huge crowds for both was a bad sign for her since she has never been able to draw that kind of support. On a side note, Palin's speech yesterday in New Hampshire even drew a crowd double the size of Romneys who also gave a speech in NH yesterday.

Story on Bachmanns Campaign Chief:

There are several politicians I would like to see as VP, not president, and Bachmann is one of them. I don't wish to see her OR Palin as president.....
Meanwhile, Perry continues to open up his lead...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Here's how it's going to play out.

Some time between now and Iowa, Palin is going to endorse Perry, and the few dead enders will fall into line.

Perry will beat Bachmann in Iowa, and she'll fold up her tent. She'll call it a victory as she got the party to embrace TEA principles.

Romney will win New Hampshire, but Perry will place a close second. (I think there's a 10% chance Perry could win New Hampshire with momentum from Iowa, which means the rest of the dominos will fall.)

Perry will win South Carolina, and after that, his momentum will become irresitable.

That's certainly a plausible scenario. But can he win the nomination without winning something in the Midwest and Northeast? Romney can certainly make it tough for Perry in those regions.

Again, I don't see how. I haven't talked to one person who has told me about how they just can't WAIT to get out and vote for Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney's constituency is 1) Wall Street, 2) The GOP Estabishment and 3) Mormons.

Not a really big slice of the electorate. They can generate enough money to maybe fool stupid people for a while, but that didn't work in 2008 and it probably won't work this time.
Meanwhile, Perry continues to open up his lead...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Here's how it's going to play out.

Some time between now and Iowa, Palin is going to endorse Perry, and the few dead enders will fall into line.

Perry will beat Bachmann in Iowa, and she'll fold up her tent. She'll call it a victory as she got the party to embrace TEA principles.

Romney will win New Hampshire, but Perry will place a close second. (I think there's a 10% chance Perry could win New Hampshire with momentum from Iowa, which means the rest of the dominos will fall.)

Perry will win South Carolina, and after that, his momentum will become irresitable.

That's certainly a plausible scenario. But can he win the nomination without winning something in the Midwest and Northeast? Romney can certainly make it tough for Perry in those regions.

Again, I don't see how. I haven't talked to one person who has told me about how they just can't WAIT to get out and vote for Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney's constituency is 1) Wall Street, 2) The GOP Estabishment and 3) Mormons.

Not a really big slice of the electorate. They can generate enough money to maybe fool stupid people for a while, but that didn't work in 2008 and it probably won't work this time.

I think you're right that there's not much enthusiasm for Romney except for himself. I suspect that what you call the Repub establishment is larger than you seem to think it is. A lot of so-called middle-class suburbanites vote for an "establishment" candidate. One problem that Romney had in 2008 that he doesn't have now is an established, if aging, competitor. He might finally lose the nomination, but if he keeps at it and doesn't make any dreadful errors, he can take the fight deep into the primaries.
I don't know what's been funnier, Bachmann's campaign itself, or the media covering it with a straight face.

That's funny. We who is NOT in that 39% approval rating think the same thing about Obama.

I'm not real excited over this, I'm not sold on Bachmann or anyone else yet. Lots of time yet.
I think you're right that there's not much enthusiasm for Romney except for himself. I suspect that what you call the Repub establishment is larger than you seem to think it is. A lot of so-called middle-class suburbanites vote for an "establishment" candidate. One problem that Romney had in 2008 that he doesn't have now is an established, if aging, competitor. He might finally lose the nomination, but if he keeps at it and doesn't make any dreadful errors, he can take the fight deep into the primaries.

I think he lasts until Super Tuesday. Not much further than that.

You see the whole establishment argument for Romney is that he's more "electable" than Perry (when in fact, he lost 3 out of 4 elections he was in) and he ran last time. (Coming in third behind McCain and Huckabee.)

In 2008, Romney had Rush Limbaugh and many of his clones behind him. Rush didn't like McCain since 2000, and Huckabee was too much of a populist for his tastes. (The secret terror of the GOP Establishment, separating Christian Conservatives from Wall Street). Rush has said favorable things about Perry, Perry will be a guy Wall Street can live with.

And I don't want to keep beating this drum because people get upset with me when I do, but his Mormonism is a deal killer for a lot of people.
Well, well well. She is citing health reasons but to have his deputy step down too because of differences is a sign of clear trouble. Bachmann gaffes and the gay issue with her husbands clinic just has been a problem for her in my opinion. That plus Palin crashing the state fair in Iowa drawing crowds away from her and then over the weekend Palin made two big speeches, one in Bachmann's homestate and one yesterday morning in New Hampshire and drew huge crowds for both was a bad sign for her since she has never been able to draw that kind of support. On a side note, Palin's speech yesterday in New Hampshire even drew a crowd double the size of Romneys who also gave a speech in NH yesterday.

Story on Bachmanns Campaign Chief:

Okay. Palin still isn't getting in.

I think Bachmann jumped the Shark at Ames... She's been sinking into double digits.

The real fight right now is between Perry for the TEA and Religious conservative factions of the GOP vs. Romney for the Establishment and Wall Street factions.

Palin wont run unless she has to to keep the people who send her money sending her money.

Both Perry and Romeny are owned.

The money perfers Romeny because they can control him easier than Perry due to the tea partys total lack of reason ( willing to push a default and distroying the economy).
Well, well well. She is citing health reasons but to have his deputy step down too because of differences is a sign of clear trouble. Bachmann gaffes and the gay issue with her husbands clinic just has been a problem for her in my opinion. That plus Palin crashing the state fair in Iowa drawing crowds away from her and then over the weekend Palin made two big speeches, one in Bachmann's homestate and one yesterday morning in New Hampshire and drew huge crowds for both was a bad sign for her since she has never been able to draw that kind of support. On a side note, Palin's speech yesterday in New Hampshire even drew a crowd double the size of Romneys who also gave a speech in NH yesterday.

Story on Bachmanns Campaign Chief:

Okay. Palin still isn't getting in.

I think Bachmann jumped the Shark at Ames... She's been sinking into double digits.

The real fight right now is between Perry for the TEA and Religious conservative factions of the GOP vs. Romney for the Establishment and Wall Street factions.

Palin wont run unless she has to to keep the people who send her money sending her money.

Both Perry and Romeny are owned.

The money perfers Romeny because they can control him easier than Perry due to the tea partys total lack of reason ( willing to push a default and distroying the economy).

The money prefers Romney, but I think even they are starting to get that there's no real enthusiasm for him.

I think Obama is just as "owned" as the rest of those guys. He's just the Affirmative Action Hire that didn't work out.
Rollins jumped from a sinking ship. Bachmann's time in the sun, brief as it was, is over. This race is between Romney and Perry unless someone else like Christie get's in.

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