Trouble in Bill & Hill’s House

Guess the only sex Bill and Hillary have is hall-sex. They walk past each other down the hall and just say "Fuck You".

Bill and Hillary Clinton not speaking after blow-up over memoir, author says

Bill and Hillary Clinton are no longer speaking to one another after a fight over edits to the former Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign memoir, according to a controversial author and journalist who has covered the Clintons for years.

Ed Klein, who says he has reliable sources close to the former first family, told "Fox & Friends" on Friday that former President Bill Clinton threw a manuscript of Hillary's new book, “What Happened,” in the trash after she ignored his advice not to publish it. The book recounts her experience throughout the 2016 presidential election.

“He told her she looked angry and out of touch,” Klein told “Fox & Friends," claiming Bill was giving Hillary constructive criticism and trying to help edit, but “she didn’t listen to him.”

“He tried to edit it and she would have nothing to do with it,” Klein said.

When asked for comment, Clinton representatives sharply disputed Klein's reporting.
I bet Bill is loving Hillary shutting the fuck up.

She is a walking boner killer. No wonder Bill had to rape interns to get off.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with former President Bill Clinton - the book only made Hillary look small, bitter, and Out of Touch with reality.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with former President Bill Clinton - the book only made Hillary look small, bitter, and Out of Touch with reality.

Pretty sure she was there before the book
I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with former President Bill Clinton - the book only made Hillary look small, bitter, and Out of Touch with reality.

But that wasn't her was the editor and publisher who always had it out for her.

They are misogynistic racist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacists from Macedonia.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with former President Bill Clinton - the book only made Hillary look small, bitter, and Out of Touch with reality.

As if you read it...:laugh:
I read the article about Hillary and Bill Clinton being at odds, and how Bill Clinton advised her not to write the book because it would make her look small, bitter, like she was trying to blame everyone else, and that she was out of touch.

Everything that has been reported about the contents of the book does exactly what Bill Clinton predicted.

How many threads about a gossip columnist known for making shit up do we need?

It's like Conservatives have all become clucking hens in the supermarket line.

How many threads about a gossip columnist known for making shit up do we need?

It's like Conservatives have all become clucking hens in the supermarket line.

Based on how many were trotted out, and are being trotted out about trump, I figure there will be an unending supply.

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