TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

My biggest reason for posting the OP was the illegal behavior by the Democrats at the polling place.

You, of course, see nothing wrong with it.

Democrats hate democracy. All you care about is political power, and you don't care how you get it.

What illegal behavior was that? The manufactured kind that you continually manufacture in your conspiratorial crackpot skull? Perhaps you ought to stop using places like Prison Planet to get your facts and opinion.
I'd ask you for a link to where I've ever cited PP, but we both know you don't back up your assertions.

Dickless likes the Big Lie approach.

Look at this thread. It didn't take your tin foil noggin to buy into the 146% of registered voters voted.

This is standard issue, wingnut, conspiracy formula.

1. Present an out of context fact, and by lies of omission, make it your conspiracy premise.

2. Present "unanswered questions", that I'm sure will be answered.

3. Present a viewpoint that pushes people to connect a series of unrelated dots.

Arguing with a conspiracist is like arguing with a bipolar Scientologist.
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The man was an embarrassment and we should be glad he's out of Congress.

You don't get to dictate other people's views, pussy.

Nope, I just help throw them out.

I worked with the PAC that helped get West and Walsh out of Congress... and was happy to do so.

But if I were you whacks, I'd start worrying about my own... The GOP wants you guys gone more than the Democrats do... you keep costing them elections.
One advantage of the West, Bachmann, TeaBagging wing of the party is they provide a broad brush to paint all Republicans as crazy and out of touch with America

West will be missed in that regard
TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal
The race for Florida’s 18th Congressional district has taken an ugly turn, with charges of incompetence, illegal activity and possible fraud on the part of local election officials. Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy has declared victory with an apparent 160,328 votes to West's 157,872. However, serious questions arose immediately about the integrity of the vote count, especially in St. Lucie County. On election night incumbent Republican Allen West had maintained a district-wide lead of nearly 2000 votes until St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker inexplicably “recounted” thousands of early ballots, resulting in 4,400 vote shift to the challenger. Observers on the scene say the process is biased and the election results are fatally compromised. Mr. West is asking a court to impound the ballots and order a recount.


“We are not getting to observe the vote count,” he said. Mr. Shapiro has been overseeing the process at the Riveria Beach vote tabulation center. Temporary workers are helping the local staff oversee the count of absentee ballots, those damaged by voting machines, and ballots in which the three pages have become separated. They are making new ballots to replace the damaged ones, and are required to mark them with the same votes. Florida law allows observers to be present but they are being blocked from making sure the ballots are marked accurately.
A physical barrier had been erected making it impossible for the observers to see what was going on. After repeated objections, the observers were allowed to stand behind the people reproducing the ballots. But then the ballot workers blocked their view. “Half of the people reproducing the ballots are crowding together,” Mr. Shapiro said, “to make it impossible for anyone to see what they are doing.” He added that “there is a sense that since they spend so much time obstructing our view they are not reproducing [the ballots] correctly.”
An elderly man who stood up to try to get a better look at the ballots was ordered to sit down. When he asked why, Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher called a sheriff’s deputy to have him escorted out of the building. Team West volunteer Ellen Snyder has also faced the wrath of the supervisory staff. “They screamed at me twice” for asking questions she said, and threatened to have her removed.
Critical questions are also being raised about the estimated 8,000 military absentee ballots, These ballots could decide the election but were only picked up on Wednesday. They are being counted in an area that is off-limits to observers, but no explanation has been given why. Unlike the damaged ballots, the military ballots are not being reproduced but only counted. Yet from a distance Ms. Snyder saw a worker marking them. When she tried to bring this to the attention Mrs. Bucher’s assistant she was ignored. Another observer saw four military ballots in a row being peremptorily invalidated with no explanation. When Ms. Snyder tried to ask Mrs. Bucher a question about what was happening “she looked like she wanted to spit she was so mad. She is very hostile.”​
Democrats sure do hate democracy, don't they?
Even after your monumental ass-kicking and the total discrediting of the Rightwing media complex, you refuse to leave the bubble, and post more conspiracy bullshit from the Washington Times.

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously? :lol:

Ever wonder why the Dems in Washington were ordering millions of rounds of ammo and training riot police?
Jindall is talking about 'the stupid' in the party. That means, West, Walsh, Akin, you, and the rest.

Change, get out, or get thrown out.

Alan West and those who support him are the type of people that Bobby Jindall talks about in the article 'Jindal: End 'dumbed-down conservatism'. He is talking about the davemans, Uncensoreds, and all the wacks that are holding back the GOP.

I notice you utterly failed to state which of the legislation he sponsored was dangerous.
Here's the problem the GOP has.

They've gerrymandered a lot of these districts in such a way that characters like West can get the nomination.

What amazed me was in the 8th CD in IL, Walsh, despite being a deadbeat dad, despite screaming obscentities at his constituents in town halls, despite everything, still got 44% of the voters here.

His opponent, a woman who served in Iraq, who lost both of her legs in Combat.
Here's the problem the GOP has.

They've gerrymandered a lot of these districts in such a way that characters like West can get the nomination.

What amazed me was in the 8th CD in IL, Walsh, despite being a deadbeat dad, despite screaming obscentities at his constituents in town halls, despite everything, still got 44% of the voters here.

His opponent, a woman who served in Iraq, who lost both of her legs in Combat.

Obviously a liberal
I would, as a GOP, rather have Duckworth, a true American hero, than a hater like Walsh or West.

Ahhh, yes, the "sane" people at ThinkProgress. :lol:

You know, ThinkProgress, where they can't even get Wasserman Schultz's party right.
(1) “YOU ARE NOT A LADY”: In July 2011, West responded to a perceived slight from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (R-FL)...​
Is that anything like a Rightwing "news" channel getting a Republican pedophile Congressman's party wrong?

I'm waiting for davy to tell us why there should be a recount.

"because we might lose our token" is not a good reason. :lol:

You mean the recount they did yesterday, dumbass? That recount?


Yes. There was no need for a recount. They weren't close enough in vote totals.

But West got lawyered up. You know, those lawyers filing frivolous cases, that wingnuts always rail against.
My biggest reason for posting the OP was the illegal behavior by the Democrats at the polling place.

You, of course, see nothing wrong with it.

Democrats hate democracy. All you care about is political power, and you don't care how you get it.

And....what exactly was "illegal"? Be very clear...because illegal means a crime which means you should report it.
What's the number to 911 in St. Lucie County? Do I need to dial the area code first?
Here ya go - knock yourself out. And I mean that.

St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections
4132 Okeechobee Road Fort Pierce, FL 34947
(772) 462-1500
What illegal behavior was that? The manufactured kind that you continually manufacture in your conspiratorial crackpot skull? Perhaps you ought to stop using places like Prison Planet to get your facts and opinion.
I'd ask you for a link to where I've ever cited PP, but we both know you don't back up your assertions.

Dickless likes the Big Lie approach.

Look at this thread. It didn't take your tin foil noggin to buy into the 146% of registered voters voted.

This is standard issue, wingnut, conspiracy formula.

1. Present an out of context fact, and by lies of omission, make it your conspiracy premise.

2. Present "unanswered questions", that I'm sure will be answered.

3. Present a viewpoint that pushes people to connect a series of unrelated dots.

Arguing with a conspiracist is like arguing with a bipolar Scientologist.
Just as I predicted: No proof to back up your claims.
The man was an embarrassment and we should be glad he's out of Congress.

You don't get to dictate other people's views, pussy.

Nope, I just help throw them out.

I worked with the PAC that helped get West and Walsh out of Congress... and was happy to do so.

But if I were you whacks, I'd start worrying about my own... The GOP wants you guys gone more than the Democrats do... you keep costing them elections.
We have one Democratic Party; we don't need two -- as much as you retards would love one-party rule.

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