TrUaNcY !


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
has gone and done it.Reached a record level in our Public
Schools.Like 25 %. I'm not talkin' small potatoes like in
the era of Our Gang comedies where Miss Crabtree has to
discipline any our gang member - gone fishin' -.Or skipping
class.No little thing.As most red-blooded parents can attest to.
No laughing matter.Yet our " corrupted " public teachers union
is also truant.Which explains all one need know or care to know.
So 1 in 4 public schools have a student not in class.
Hardly a good sign.In fact,a great sign of how to slowly destroy
a once great country.By helping students skip class.
Making it worth their while to ignore authority.Shrugging it off
as if some juvenile version of - Animal House - and pathetic
Dean Wormer.And his insistence on Double Secret Probation.
Or " Fat,Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life. "
I get it. " cut the horseshit,son.I've got their disciplinary files
right here. "
Is any responsible parent keeping track of todays public
school students.?
I should have wrote 1 out of 4 students are not
attending class.That's a big deal.No matter how one
slices it.Randi Weingarten is the one to blame.
She LIES. Former President of the United Federation of
Teachers and currently American Federation of Teachers
{ ATF } President.She was interviewed by Fox's Martha
MacCallum who has family members who teach school.
This was last year at about this time.MacCallum was her usual
tough but very polite trying to get this Weingarten leftist
to just answer pointed questions as they are asked.
Weingarten was unable or unwilling to speak truth to
power.In other words merely sugar-coating her reply's as
if all is well in our schools.I've noticed how she lies.It's
the same way Biden's White House lies.Like his female
{ WH Press Secretary } Karine Jean-Pierre.Just making things up out
of thin air.But this Weingarten has this very annoying smug attitude.
Like how dare anyone question her expertise.Another Biden
WH trait.

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