Truck in Iowa Runs Over Protester

Hilarious. People desiring to murder babies calling others violent.
If you see someone murdering the babies, call the police.

You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. You just say you do, because you're a sad little loser who literally gets off on controlling others. Abortion is just stage one of your quest to control everyone.

And boy howdy, does it upset the pro-life pervs when I highlight their chosen perv lifestyles. That's why they keep calling for my death.
False comparison. Show me my family member blocking traffic and holding up signs.

They need to stay the fuck out of the road and protest on the sidewalk.
According to the reporter they were just crossing the street at the crosswalk when Velociraptor (license plate VRAPTER) made his move.
I can't disagree with that All Lives Splatter message.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The big question is how many will finally scatter when something like this happens? In other words, will people ever learn to look for less life-threatening ways to get their two cents out there?
People need to realize that the members of the hive mind would not be members if they were capable of observing anything at all and arriving at their own conclusion. They need to be TOLD by their masters, instead.

This pattern of behavior begins in childhood where schools reward compliance and discourage independant thought. As we can see here, some never grow out of this.
If you see someone murdering the babies, call the police.

You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. You just say you do, because you're a sad little loser who literally gets off on controlling others. Abortion is just stage one of your quest to control everyone.

And boy howdy, does it upset the pro-life pervs when I highlight their chosen perv lifestyles. That's why they keep calling for my death.
The best thing about some Leftard leaking the decision months ago is many steps already moved forward to restrict abortions already, saving tens of thousands of lives.

The next time you see a pregnant woman, ask her how her fetus is doing.
The best thing about some Leftard leaking the decision months ago is many steps already moved forward to restrict abortions already, saving tens of thousands of lives.

The next time you see a pregnant woman, ask her how her fetus is doing.
I think I'll go and park in front of what used to be the PP clinic in Sioux Falls and savor the victory.
The very definition of terrorism is the use of violence against innocent people chosen BECAUSE they are innocent and with the idea that by terrorizing people at random, an entire populace can be intimidated into accepting the political positions of the perpetrators.

While this action might not rise to the level of terrorism, it displays the same mindset -- that by irritating the living daylights out of people who have nothing to with the grievance, an entire population will eventually capitulate to the demands of those using this tactic.

This almost like an IQ test here, folks. Goodness, gracious, if your next-door neighbor runs his car over your petunias, are you then justified when you run across the street and kick that person's dog?


It is terrorism, plain and simple.

Yesterday it was an actual insurrection in Arizona.

We will protect our children. That's all anyone has to know.

If protesters surround my car when my kids are in it, that is an act of terror and it will be dealt with accordingly.
According to the reporter they were just crossing the street at the crosswalk when Velociraptor (license plate VRAPTER) made his move.
I think there must be more video just prior to what has been offered so far
Or, you can just look at the damn, fucking video where it is patently obvious that idiots were placing themselves in front of it intentionally.

Of course, if you would rather wait for your globalist masters........
I saw the "damn, fucking video". Did you read the report that the video did not start until after the truck ran over the protester? I am not saying I know how it will be seen by law enforcement or predicting who gets paid in lawsuits. I am just saying, looking at vid or pics not really knowing the timeframes and not even reading witness accounts is no way to decide the crap from across the country, otherwise, there would be no courts.

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