Truck with pro-Trump stickers set on fire in Vancouver Washington

When you attain a certain level of intelligence, you never pay attention to what a politician says. You learn to pay attention to what he/she does.

No, actually, I pay attention to both...

If you had told me in 2016 we'd be throwing kids into concentration camps in 2018, I'd have probably looked at you sideways... But Trump said he was going to do that sort of thing and he did.
You’re clearly hysterical from consuming too much DNCMSM.
You’re clearly hysterical from consuming too much DNCMSM.

Okay, if you say so. 5000 kids yanked from their parents and traumatized for life is kind of a big deal.

Sorry Joe...
Just not feeling the outrage.
You’re clearly hysterical from consuming too much DNCMSM.

Okay, if you say so. 5000 kids yanked from their parents and traumatized for life is kind of a big deal.

If your side of the aisle had any respect for our borders or our immigration laws, those families likely wouldn't have attempted to come here in the first place.
You and your ilk are more responsible for these families being torn apart than anyone else.
If your side of the aisle had any respect for our borders or our immigration laws, those families likely wouldn't have attempted to come here in the first place.
You and your ilk are more responsible for these families being torn apart than anyone else.

I think you guys are confused about who causes people to come here and why.

They are coming here because their own countries are violent and poor, and because rich Republican types offer them jobs so they don't have to pay Americans a decent wage.

So Trump does the big showy "Let's punish brown people' for you rubes, and the whole illegal market for labor continues on.
Oh wow! It’s true! Liberals are violent extremists! They set alll cars with Trump stickers on fire! It’s time to retaliate!

Uber driver is out of a vehicle, so now he now he gets ins to pay. I think this is a set up, happened but he probably did it.

Well that's an interesting thought. It's possible, but the atmosphere around the Portland/Vancouver area is toxic it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was an Antifa attack.

Perhaps he was a "runaway" I noticed he said he didn't vote for TRUMP but supports TRUMP now.

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