Truckers are refusing to Deliver to NYC after Engoron's Ruling

I guess you didn't get your cult talking points it wasn't a strike the truckers are boycotting NYC not striking

Yeah, OK Mr. Semantics. Either way, they're still going to deliver and pick up products in NYC. There's not going to be a real boycott.
Numbnuts here's how Newsweek is spinning the boycott that you said wasn't happening

I don't care what the media is saying. None of them. It's all a farce. Click bait BS. I was a trucker for 15 years. And everyone was always going to boycott NYC, for 1000 different reasons. It never happens. And never will happen.
Exactly. I would direct you to histories of the Americas. its fascinating. Some quickie summaries:

This one is more detailed and much better.

The problem with most of these is they are far behind the current scholarly data.

It is now known that modern humans were in the America's at least 130,000 years ago.
Well numbnuts make up your mind was it striking or boycotting?
Way to divert from her very good point. Most truckers don’t give a shit about politicians and aren’t going to sacrifice their jobs or a good payday for one. As always yall grab on to wingnut outliers and paint the masses with their antics. Grow up and do better.
I don't care what the media is saying. None of them. It's all a farce. Click bait BS. I was a trucker for 15 years. And everyone was always going to boycott NYC, for 1000 different reasons. It never happens. And never will happen.
You don't care because you've been proven wrong. Dismissed numbnuts.
Way to divert from her very good point. Most truckers don’t give a shit about politicians and aren’t going to sacrifice their jobs or a good payday for one. As always yall grab on to wingnut outliers and paint the masses with their antics. Grow up and do better.
Numbnuts you to need to make up you mind is it a strike or a boycott?
You don't care because you've been proven wrong. Dismissed numbnuts.

Proven wrong? The truckers are still taking everything into NYC. This is a rehash someone online started up again. It didn't happen a month ago. and it's not happening now.
Proven wrong? The truckers are still taking everything into NYC. This is a rehash someone online started up again. It didn't happen a month ago. and it's not happening now.
Yes numbnuts you were proven wrong by your cult media
Yes numbnuts you were proven wrong by your cult media

Oh snap, the someone beat me at a game of semantics. Well give them a big old shiny trophy. :auiqs.jpg:

Did the loads in NYC still get delivered?
Are they gonna keep getting delivered?
Also yes.

So a word game of semantics is all I lost. Boycott vs Strike.... It's the same thing in the truckers world.
Oh snap, the someone beat me at a game of semantics. Well give them a big old shiny trophy. :auiqs.jpg:

Did the loads in NYC still get delivered?
Are they gonna keep getting delivered?
Also yes.

So a word game of semantics is all I lost. Boycott vs Strike.... It's the same thing in the truckers world.
Laughing at yourself when you realize how foolish ignorant you are is a good thing keep laughing simp.
Did the loads in NYC still get delivered?
Are they gonna keep getting delivered?
Also yes.
Numbnuts not all truckers are making deliveries to new York city. They are boycotting the shit hole
Which you want to dismiss. Yes some truck drivers are making deliveries but not all. Which in the end brings prices up
Numbnuts you to need to make up you mind is it a strike or a boycott?
No I really don’t because I haven’t made a statement about either and those details have nothing to do with the point I made. Just another distraction by you cause you can’t stay on point.
No I really don’t because I haven’t made a statement about either and those details have nothing to do with the point I made. Just another distraction by you cause you can’t stay on point.
Yes you made a statement when you interject your opinion to a post that wasn't directed to you. Numbnuts
Yes you made a statement when you interject your opinion to a post that wasn't directed to you. Numbnuts
Correct and my statement had to do with the point that you ignored and are still ignoring.

I don’t give a shit about a strike vs a boycott. You can play your little gotchya games with the other poster. But the relevant point is about the majority of truckers not giving two shits about politicians and not going to risk their jobs or paychecks for a loudmouth billionaire political wannabe

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