Truckers are starting a working-class revolution — and the left hates it

Enemies of Freedom. Those who have said OBEY ME or you will be fired..........who can't go to the store..........with no income we will throw you and your family into the streets and starve you to death.

That is what you Fascist have become.

Let me make my position perfectly clear. I thought the idiots blocking the roads two years ago were morons. I did not support ramming them or otherwise teaching them a lesson.

I think these truckers are equally dumb. If they are Owner Operators, they are risking their livelihoods to make a point. If they are company drivers. They have potentially stolen the truck. That may be the result of driving off with someone else’s property.

I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy. The same people demanding that the laws be changed to allow running over the people two years ago for blocking the road, are championing similar disruptions today.

I still think both groups are idiots.
Let me make my position perfectly clear. I thought the idiots blocking the roads two years ago were morons. I did not support ramming them or otherwise teaching them a lesson.

I think these truckers are equally dumb. If they are Owner Operators, they are risking their livelihoods to make a point. If they are company drivers. They have potentially stolen the truck. That may be the result of driving off with someone else’s property.

I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy. The same people demanding that the laws be changed to allow running over the people two years ago for blocking the road, are championing similar disruptions today.

I still think both groups are idiots.
i DON'T CARE ANYMORE...........they burned in 200 cities and in Canada they have gone full Fascist.........A passport if they want to work or go to a store............Those people will not be able to work and then lose everything and their families will be thrown out in the streets to starve.

So if it is a cause you support then the people blocking roads are heroes. If it is not they are commie bastards who deserve death. And if someone gets fed up with blocked roads and throws a Molotov cocktail at the trucks, they would be what?

They would be attempting murder.

You are trying to equate government forcing people to take medication they don't want in order to make a living with people blocking the road for some lowlife drug addict even though the officer was properly arrested and charged almost immediately. Justice was already served because of the lowlife but it hasn't been served here or in Canada. People want liberty from authoritarian force. There is not enough time to wait for the next election. They have to make changes now or be forced to put something in their own bodies they don't want.
So get your ass out there and do it. On wait, like the other moron, you’re sitting your fat ass on the couch. Go ahead and try violence against truckers. Guarantee it won’t end well for you.

Search my history. I’ve had a CDL for more than 25 years. I drove OTR for more than two years before getting my current job, which is more heavy equipment operator, but I still have my CDL. Dolt.

And that bit from Top Gear, was hilarious. The entire segment was hilarious. If you didn’t have a stick so far up your ass it was choking you, you would have seen it.
Yet you won’t do it. And never will.
Tumbly supports the working class.

support working class.jpg
Tumbly supports the working class.

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How does Tumbly support the working class, a higher min wage? We know that so-called conservatives do not support an increase in the min. wage. Nor do they support equal pay for all employed at a business, nor do they support caps on CEO's income or golden parachute retirements....They are not for income equity, nor do they support the right of the workers to unionize and create representation inside of the workplace, I could go on and on but we all know that the so-called conservative support for the working class is a joke.
How does Tumbly support the working class, a higher min wage? We know that so-called conservatives do not support an increase in the min. wage. Nor do they support equal pay for all employed at a business, nor do they support caps on CEO's income or golden parachute retirements....They are not for income equity, nor do they support the right of the workers to unionize and create representation inside of the workplace, I could go on and on but we all know that the so-called conservative support for the working class is a joke.
Ooooh, the comic strip stepped on your toes, didn't it?

Ask yourself why.
Reminder, in ten twenty years tops, there will be no human truck drivers in North America.

That's what they said 20 years ago. You will always need truck drivers. Even now when companies buy autonomous vehicles, you need a licensed driver on board in case something goes wrong with the computer and necessary action is immediately needed.

Computers are not going to calculate how to take a turn not designed for a tractor-trailer in the city (which is over half of them today). It's not going to be able to back into a dock. It's not going to be able to drop a trailer or pick one up. It's not going to be able to smell that something is wrong such as a brake chamber malfunction or wires burning. All autonomous trucks can do is go straight.

Before we advance to those, we would have to perfect cars first, and even that hasn't happened yet. Uber was sued for one of their autonomous vehicles going haywire and killing somebody. Even after perfection it will still take years of selling them by the millions and making sure all the bugs are corrected.
So you are saying the Conservatives actually support all those things he listed?
I'm saying he took the comic personally and got all huffy about it.

There is absolutely no reason to believe leftists support the working class.
That's what they said 20 years ago. You will always need truck drivers. Even now when companies buy autonomous vehicles, you need a licensed driver on board in case something goes wrong with the computer and necessary action is immediately needed.

Computers are not going to calculate how to take a turn not designed for a tractor-trailer in the city (which is over half of them today). It's not going to be able to back into a dock. It's not going to be able to drop a trailer or pick one up. It's not going to be able to smell that something is wrong such as a brake chamber malfunction or wires burning. All autonomous trucks can do is go straight.

Before we advance to those, we would have to perfect cars first, and even that hasn't happened yet. Uber was sued for one of their autonomous vehicles going haywire and killing somebody. Even after perfection it will still take years of selling them by the millions and making sure all the bugs are corrected.
And until autonomous trucks are in widespread use, it's going to get awfully hungry in the cities.
How does Tumbly support the working class, a higher min wage? We know that so-called conservatives do not support an increase in the min. wage. Nor do they support equal pay for all employed at a business, nor do they support caps on CEO's income or golden parachute retirements....They are not for income equity, nor do they support the right of the workers to unionize and create representation inside of the workplace, I could go on and on but we all know that the so-called conservative support for the working class is a joke.

Equal pay is only for equal work, and all employees work at different levels. Unions guarantee equal pay regardless how much work one does. That's one of the reasons unions failed in this country.

Our federal government was designed by our founders to govern, not make sure CEO's only make X amount of money. That's a business decision as it should be, not a governments decision.

Increased minimum wage would only create a domino effect and as we are seeing today, an inflation problem. While there has been no federal minimum wage hike, employers have to offer more pay to attract workers. Those costs get transferred to the products and services we use, and when things cost more, that's the definition of inflation which is today at a 40 year high.

By lowering taxes on businesses, and beefing up our security at the border, that's what Trump did for the working class. Before covid we had nearly a million more jobs than Americans who could work them. That's a plus for the American worker.

Truckers are starting a working-class revolution — and the left hates it

3 Feb 2022 ~~ By Glen H. Reynolds
So we’re finally seeing a genuine, bottom-up, working-class revolution. In Canada, and increasingly in the United States, truckers and others are refusing to follow government orders, telling the powerful that, in a popular lefty formulation, if there’s no justice, there’s no peace.
Naturally, the left hates it.
For more than a century, lefties have talked about such a revolt. But if you really paid attention, the actual role of the working class in their working-class revolution was not to call the shots — it was to do what it was told by the “intellectual vanguard” of the left.
A working-class revolution led by the working class is the left’s worst nightmare because the working class doesn’t want what the left wants. The working class wants jobs, a stable economy, safe streets, low inflation, schools that teach things and a conservative, non-adventurous foreign policy that won’t get a lot of working-class people killed. It’s not excited about gender fluidity, critical race theory, “modern monetary theory,” foreign adventures and defunding police.
But nobody believes that because it’s as obvious a lie as the claims about Russians. Leftists talk about race because they don’t want people to notice they’ve been waging class war.
The “white supremacist” bit we can write right off. If white supremacy were a serious thing, leftists — like hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett — wouldn’t have to invent it.
Once again, Biden’s main source of support is the press, which will always back a Democrat, especially against working-class opposition.
But as Twitter user Greg Price noted: “If truckers quit their jobs, society would immediately collapse. If politicians quit their jobs, the world would become a better place. We need truckers more than anybody else.”
Truckers have figured that out. Right now Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are worrying about truckers coming out. They should really worry about truckers staying home.

Truckers of the world, unite? Politicians and the Elite don’t like that? :abgg2q.jpg:
I think it’s hilarious that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are furious about the workers of the world uniting against them.
I understand that American truckers are looking to do the same as Canadian truckers are doing in Canada.
GO Convoy DC 2022

Hmm..., I like the tag line.
Who will the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists blame for this "Insurrection"?
Will Joe Biden call out the national Guard and have DC Cops arrest them all when the truckers roll down Pennsylvania Ave?
I’m pretty sure reality is going to soon hit PM/DSA Democrats like a Mack truck soon.

The left is the working class son. They're the ones who are going to lose work because of these fuckwits.

But that's what they're being funded by the elites on the right to do, ain't they boy?
The left is the working class son. They're the ones who are going to lose work because of these fuckwits.

But that's what they're being funded by the elites on the right to do, ain't they boy?

It could all end tomorrow but authoritarians refuse to back down. Trudeau could easily end vaccine mandates and Biden the same, since it was actually Biden who started this bullshit.

It's up to representatives to listen to the people, not people listen to the representatives.

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