True Colors . . . Where Do You Stand?

Would you kneel to BLM to save your job?

  • I'll do whatever it takes to stay afloat.

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Well black lives do matter, so if your wife is asked?
People have been fired for saying all lives matter

so the evil is with libs who only care about black people
Preaching ones own political agenda while at work representing an employer; is an entirely different matter compared to being forced to submit to a political agenda under threat of termination.
I kneel for no man or God under duress and would tell anyone trying to make me to go to hell. That being said I seriously doubt it's something that would ever come up. I see this whole controversy as a civil liberty issue rather than an exclusively racial thing. While black people clearly get singled out by the police it's poor working class people who get the shitty end of the criminal justice system. The whole system needs reformed.
The other day my wife's employer issued a statement of allegiance to Black Lives Matter. They want people to buy their drugs, apparently—they're a pharmaceutical company. We'd already decided she'd smile and nod if her boss or a higher up popped the dreaded question: do Black Lives Matter? While that hasn't exactly happened (yet) I feel bad for her. My wife is East Indian Guyanese. Her mother, along with her aunties and uncles, immigrated to New York in the 70's for the purpose of escaping gangs of politically sanctioned (yes, black) thugs who seized her grandfather's generational dairy farm and forced the entire extended family into an urban hellhole; from comfortable upper-middle class land owners to inner-city poverty. Now, my wife is not racist toward blacks or anyone else. She doesn't know how to be. Her mother sure as hell is, but considering the Third World nightmare the woman escaped as a teenager, well—c'est la vie, non? So I feel bad for my wife who is now living under the threat of termination from an amazing career-making position should she decide to speak her opinion about a trending political movement. All her twenty plus years of hard work getting close to the top of her field could very well go poof! in an instant.

Me? I guess I'm the lucky one. I recently started my own company and thus am in a position to filter out clients who've been ideologically brainwashed to swallow the BLM narrative. Also lucky for me, most of my clients are law enforcement agencies so I don't think too many of them will mind if I accidentally disrespect BLM in casual chit-chat or on social media. Nevertheless, my wife and I and millions of others are Americans. We live in America. That means there shouldn't be any bullets to dodge, ideological or otherwise, on a daily basis or ever, really, in order to keep our livelihoods intact. What will history have to say, in hindsight (of course) about a supposedly free people who bowed down to mob rule and sold not just themselves out, but also sold out the freedom of expression of their future generations?

But, moving on. Just curious. Where do you all stand, individually, in regards to the threat of ideological thugs costing you your jobs/careers/income if you do not bend the knee to BLM? Would you bend the knee to BLM if it came down to losing your job if you refused? In my wife's case I can understand if she pretended to be a kneeler in order to keep her career going, but at least I'd still know where she really stands . . . on the side of truth and justice—and compassion for all.

So where are you all in all of this madness? Where do you stand? When and if the time comes, will you bend down and kiss the feet of ideological madness and political cultism in order to keep your lives intact or will you damn the torpedoes and tell it like it is?
I don't have to, and refuse to deal with communist fucktards.
So where are you all in all of this madness? Where do you stand? When and if the time comes, will you bend down and kiss the feet of ideological madness and political cultism in order to keep your lives intact or will you damn the torpedoes and tell it like it is?


BLM really does have a good point. There is too much of an inclination by police to use violence against them and police departments do not do enough to hold their "bad apples" accountable.

Please note, you are seeing the "Bad Apple" term thrown around a lot. The problem isn't just the bad apples, it's a whole system that protects them.

The thing is, this never should have come to riots. This should have been addressed five years ago after the first incident.
There is too much of an inclination by police to use violence against them
My neighbor who is black, has never had a run in with police, because he is an upstanding citizen who obeys the law. But most, not all black people will commit a crime.
I kneel for no man or God under duress and would tell anyone trying to make me to go to hell. That being said I seriously doubt it's something that would ever come up. I see this whole controversy as a civil liberty issue rather than an exclusively racial thing. While black people clearly get singled out by the police it's poor working class people who get the shitty end of the criminal justice system. The whole system needs reformed.
Holy shit! This one said something I agree with. :aargh:
I kneel to God, not Commie pukes. No sir, not no commie pukes, no.
I kneel for no man or God under duress and would tell anyone trying to make me to go to hell. That being said I seriously doubt it's something that would ever come up. I see this whole controversy as a civil liberty issue rather than an exclusively racial thing. While black people clearly get singled out by the police it's poor working class people who get the shitty end of the criminal justice system. The whole system needs reformed.
While black people clearly get singled out by the police
Because more black people will commit a crime per capita. More whites are shot and killed by police every year than blacks.
Take a look at the statistics the Warshington Compost "dared" to show. They use the term RATE instead of total amount because RATE makes their argument look better.

Total blacks killed by police - 1,298
Total whites killed by police - 2,475

Almost twice as many whites have been killed by police, but we all know that blacks who are only 35% of the population commit 65% of the crime....
The other day my wife's employer issued a statement of allegiance to Black Lives Matter. They want people to buy their drugs, apparently—they're a pharmaceutical company. We'd already decided she'd smile and nod if her boss or a higher up popped the dreaded question: do Black Lives Matter? While that hasn't exactly happened (yet) I feel bad for her. My wife is East Indian Guyanese. Her mother, along with her aunties and uncles, immigrated to New York in the 70's for the purpose of escaping gangs of politically sanctioned (yes, black) thugs who seized her grandfather's generational dairy farm and forced the entire extended family into an urban hellhole; from comfortable upper-middle class land owners to inner-city poverty. Now, my wife is not racist toward blacks or anyone else. She doesn't know how to be. Her mother sure as hell is, but considering the Third World nightmare the woman escaped as a teenager, well—c'est la vie, non? So I feel bad for my wife who is now living under the threat of termination from an amazing career-making position should she decide to speak her opinion about a trending political movement. All her twenty plus years of hard work getting close to the top of her field could very well go poof! in an instant.

Me? I guess I'm the lucky one. I recently started my own company and thus am in a position to filter out clients who've been ideologically brainwashed to swallow the BLM narrative. Also lucky for me, most of my clients are law enforcement agencies so I don't think too many of them will mind if I accidentally disrespect BLM in casual chit-chat or on social media. Nevertheless, my wife and I and millions of others are Americans. We live in America. That means there shouldn't be any bullets to dodge, ideological or otherwise, on a daily basis or ever, really, in order to keep our livelihoods intact. What will history have to say, in hindsight (of course) about a supposedly free people who bowed down to mob rule and sold not just themselves out, but also sold out the freedom of expression of their future generations?

But, moving on. Just curious. Where do you all stand, individually, in regards to the threat of ideological thugs costing you your jobs/careers/income if you do not bend the knee to BLM? Would you bend the knee to BLM if it came down to losing your job if you refused? In my wife's case I can understand if she pretended to be a kneeler in order to keep her career going, but at least I'd still know where she really stands . . . on the side of truth and justice—and compassion for all.

So where are you all in all of this madness? Where do you stand? When and if the time comes, will you bend down and kiss the feet of ideological madness and political cultism in order to keep your lives intact or will you damn the torpedoes and tell it like it is?
First off, great post.
I do not fear any political group. I wouldn't bend the knee to any of these clowns as they could never remove or restrict what I have.
I feel that BLM may have started as a grass roots organization which was genuinely concerned about an issue.
They have, unfortunately, morphed into a money funneling front for the DNC, and an external instrument of the radical left.
Now, this is not unique, as this type of thing happens to many grassroots organization whose initial intention was genuine, if not altruistic.
Look no further than the Tea Party, a perfect example of a grass roots movement, started by concerned citizens, co-opted, and corrupted by powerful interests who have absolutely no concern for the needs of the common man.
Oh, and your mother in law is correct. That WILL come here eventually. I have absolutely no doubt about that.
Well black lives do matter, so if your wife is asked?
People have been fired for saying all lives matter

so the evil is with libs who only care about black people
Preaching ones own political agenda while at work representing an employer; is an entirely different matter compared to being forced to submit to a political agenda under threat of termination.
The people who have been terminated were not preaching their political agenda at work
Well black lives do matter, so if your wife is asked?
People have been fired for saying all lives matter

so the evil is with libs who only care about black people
Preaching ones own political agenda while at work representing an employer; is an entirely different matter compared to being forced to submit to a political agenda under threat of termination.
The people who have been terminated were not preaching their political agenda at work
Then it sounds like a slam dunk law suit.
Go to
Click on "DONATE"...
That takes you over to... ( Black Lives Matter: Urgent Donation Needed
Who is "act blue?"
Go to ActBlue Expenditures | OpenSecrets

Well my, my... SHOCKER... once again, FOLLOW THE MONEY... BLM is nothing more than a FRONT for DONATIONS to the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

The fact of the matter is, BLM doesn't have a damn thing to do with BLACK LIVES. BLM is a nothing more than a FAKE CAUSE to drum up MONEY to help DEMOCRATS get ELECTED.

I wouldn't bow to one of these shysters if my life depended on it. They can kiss my white ass.
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Well black lives do matter, so if your wife is asked? and its a hypothetical question because your wife is not living under a threat of termination.

who is now living under the threat of termination from an amazing career-making position should she decide to speak her opinion about a trending political movement

No I would never kneel for anyone, or stand in line for rallies.
Would people not lift a finger to stop someone from attacking large metropolitan areas with nuclear, biological or chemical agents? At one time damn near all of us would try to stop or warn others. Today? What do you think? It seems safety may be more compromised in other ways for many more people.
We'd already decided she'd smile and nod if her boss or a higher up popped the dreaded question: do Black Lives Matter?
I'm retired. During my career I've always found it best to deal honestly with my employer. If I had been faced with the situation my response would have been, "just as much as anybody else's" and let them deal with it.
Yes, you have outed yourself for a long time now. Lol you scum won't ever leave the Democrat controlled shtiholes where you're protected and fed. Your 'revolution' is a joke. You're just a mob who thinks your parents are going to show up and bail you out when you get bored, is all.

My parents passed 40 years ago.

The reality- you guys have already lost this argument. When the Big Corporations are all putting up BLM Colors on their websites... YOU'VE LOST!!!!
Yes, you have outed yourself for a long time now. Lol you scum won't ever leave the Democrat controlled shtiholes where you're protected and fed. Your 'revolution' is a joke. You're just a mob who thinks your parents are going to show up and bail you out when you get bored, is all.

My parents passed 40 years ago.

The reality- you guys have already lost this argument. When the Big Corporations are all putting up BLM Colors on their websites... YOU'VE LOST!!!!
Wow, the Big Corporations are in league with the Demoncraps? I thought Big Corps were evil. So if Big Corps are evil, then the Demoncraps are evil....
I was lookin' for a job when I found this one.

I feel for y'all that have to bend the knee to keep your pension or health insurance. I get it. Lucky for me I work for myself. The boss is an asshole but I'll never get fired. The place would fall apart without me.
The other day my wife's employer issued a statement of allegiance to Black Lives Matter. They want people to buy their drugs, apparently—they're a pharmaceutical company. We'd already decided she'd smile and nod if her boss or a higher up popped the dreaded question: do Black Lives Matter? While that hasn't exactly happened (yet) I feel bad for her. My wife is East Indian Guyanese. Her mother, along with her aunties and uncles, immigrated to New York in the 70's for the purpose of escaping gangs of politically sanctioned (yes, black) thugs who seized her grandfather's generational dairy farm and forced the entire extended family into an urban hellhole; from comfortable upper-middle class land owners to inner-city poverty. Now, my wife is not racist toward blacks or anyone else. She doesn't know how to be. Her mother sure as hell is, but considering the Third World nightmare the woman escaped as a teenager, well—c'est la vie, non? So I feel bad for my wife who is now living under the threat of termination from an amazing career-making position should she decide to speak her opinion about a trending political movement. All her twenty plus years of hard work getting close to the top of her field could very well go poof! in an instant.

Me? I guess I'm the lucky one. I recently started my own company and thus am in a position to filter out clients who've been ideologically brainwashed to swallow the BLM narrative. Also lucky for me, most of my clients are law enforcement agencies so I don't think too many of them will mind if I accidentally disrespect BLM in casual chit-chat or on social media. Nevertheless, my wife and I and millions of others are Americans. We live in America. That means there shouldn't be any bullets to dodge, ideological or otherwise, on a daily basis or ever, really, in order to keep our livelihoods intact. What will history have to say, in hindsight (of course) about a supposedly free people who bowed down to mob rule and sold not just themselves out, but also sold out the freedom of expression of their future generations?

But, moving on. Just curious. Where do you all stand, individually, in regards to the threat of ideological thugs costing you your jobs/careers/income if you do not bend the knee to BLM? Would you bend the knee to BLM if it came down to losing your job if you refused? In my wife's case I can understand if she pretended to be a kneeler in order to keep her career going, but at least I'd still know where she really stands . . . on the side of truth and justice—and compassion for all.

So where are you all in all of this madness? Where do you stand? When and if the time comes, will you bend down and kiss the feet of ideological madness and political cultism in order to keep your lives intact or will you damn the torpedoes and tell it like it is?
Nobody's asked my you to kneel to Black Lives Matter you ninny.

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