True history of the birther movement: Telegraph UK 2011

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Yep, she was

Nope, she wasn't:

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii"

That's specific and direct. Now, your response when I ask you who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya.....that's vague and non-specific. Watch:

Q: Who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

You may now begin demonstrating vague and non-specific.

I notice multiple questions confuse you, so let's start with one. And this question is right up your alley as you have hordes of unnamed people following your every word as well.

Who is "us?" Is she using the royal we? And don't make up an answer, prove it. Is it her? Her department? The entire firm? Who does she mean by "us?"

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii"

And your little conspiracy theory crumbles.

What else have you got?

Who exactly is "us." No speculation, show how you know that
she didn't say he didn't tell anyone at the firm, just that he didn't tell her
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
Even after given the truth, the Right just continue to insult everyone's intelligence by lying, as if everyone else is too stupid to see their obvious lies!

Who else did she not tell? That's the point, dumb ass. The only one we know was part of "us" was "her" because she didn't say. She didn't say no one told anyone that, just some collection of unspecified people.
You prove my point, the Right will even lie about "us" being singular so they can keep on lying.
Thank you.

This has got to be the stupidest fucking conspiracy theory I've ever heard. And Kaz can't back any of it. Yet like a dog returning to its own vomit.....Kaz just can't keep himself from lapping at his steaming pile of conspiracy batshit.

Not only is his narrative factually doesn't make the slightest sense. As why would the Literary Agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him? How would they have even heard of him?

As per Kaz's just bone stupid narrative, the Literary Agency had no knowledge of Obama's national media profile. Had never read nor even heard of the numerous articles written about Obama by the likes of the New York Times, Vanity Fair, the Chicago Herald, the LA Times and the Boston Globe. Per Kaz's batshit fantasy, the Literary Agency would have done no research, fact checked nothing, and apparently pcked Obama at random to represent.

And yet when pressed to explain why the literary agency would have done *any* of the stupid shit his theory requires.....Kaz has nothing. can't fix stupid.

Actually none of that addresses what I said. You are parroting their claim that none of the authors give any information for their bios. Then you argue they could have found Obama's articles. Non sequitur.

What you don't address is how in 1991 they would ever possibly find the references in the first place. It would be a bitch to accomplish it today
You agreed with my claim,t

No- why would I agree with your lie? You claim Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya- there is no evidence that he ever said any such thing.

What evidence we do have says he did not.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya

You said you wanted to know they went in your case to Yale before you followed up

Feel free to quote me- rather than use your garbled Birther English.

You don't remember saying you'd want to know he went to Yale? What if I find that quote, are you going to admit you are a stupid bitch and wow, what a moron you don't remember saying that? What are you going to do? I want the commitment upfront rather than I show you and you ignore it.

How stupid will you admit you are for saying it and then denying it then making me go find what you said to show what you said to you?

Go for it- I already posted my quotes- and I explained in detail how I would obtain the information I needed

Here I post it again to show how you have just lied- again

No- just you lying again- I am thinking it is pathological with you

Here are my two responses regarding my theoretical Yale author- note not once did I say anything about asking the author 'to tell' me things.

Why would I ask the author those questions when I already knew the answers? In my fantasy publishing company, we don't sign on new talent just because they walk in the door, they have to have demonstrated achievements or perhaps garnered some publicity- all of which we would have records of before we ever considered signing the potential new author to a contract.

Likely we would have had copies of every national publication that mention her being the first woman editor of the Yale Law review before we even signed her contract.

If we didn't, we would hire a newspaper clipping service to get them for us, for future promotional purposes.


If we are speaking theoretically- I went to college in the 1980's and we were taught how to do research at the time.
And one of the sources we were taught to research were publications.

If I was told to write a bio of a new author and told no more than say that she was the first woman editor of the Yale Law Review, and a graduate of Yale, I would go to the library and research popular publications that might have noted the first woman editor of the Yale Law Review.

Of course if I was in the publishing industry- which had money to pay for research- I likely would have paid a newspaper clipping service for articles about this theoretical young woman. My publishing company of course would already have had lots of information about the potential young author prior to ever signing the author- indeed the likelhood would be that the promising young author was signed on because of the national publicity created by the numerous articles in national publications regarding the potential authors accomplishments.

Of course because you appear to be a pathological liar, you ignore what I actually said and then claim I said something else.

Hmmm just like you ignore what President Obama has actually said- and claim he said something else.

So I'm curious when you keep saying I "lied." Do you know what a lie" is? You think I know that Obama didn't say he was born in Hawaii? I know you think he wasn't because you have Obama's cock so deep in your mouth that it cuts off the air and you lose the ability to think.

But how do you know that I don't believe he said he was born in Kenya? In fact, I know that I do think that. I have inside information. What's your evidence that I don't think Obama ever said it?
she didn't say he didn't tell anyone at the firm, just that he didn't tell her
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
Even after given the truth, the Right just continue to insult everyone's intelligence by lying, as if everyone else is too stupid to see their obvious lies!

Who else did she not tell? That's the point, dumb ass. The only one we know was part of "us" was "her" because she didn't say. She didn't say no one told anyone that, just some collection of unspecified people.
You prove my point, the Right will even lie about "us" being singular so they can keep on lying.
Thank you.

This has got to be the stupidest fucking conspiracy theory I've ever heard. And Kaz can't back any of it. Yet like a dog returning to its own vomit.....Kaz just can't keep himself from lapping at his steaming pile of conspiracy batshit.

Not only is his narrative factually doesn't make the slightest sense. As why would the Literary Agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him? How would they have even heard of him?

As per Kaz's just bone stupid narrative, the Literary Agency had no knowledge of Obama's national media profile. Had never read nor even heard of the numerous articles written about Obama by the likes of the New York Times, Vanity Fair, the Chicago Herald, the LA Times and the Boston Globe. Per Kaz's batshit fantasy, the Literary Agency would have done no research, fact checked nothing, and apparently pcked Obama at random to represent.

And yet when pressed to explain why the literary agency would have done *any* of the stupid shit his theory requires.....Kaz has nothing. can't fix stupid.

Actually none of that addresses what I said.

Actually, all of that obliterates what you said. As the premise of your brain dead argument is that the Literary Agency would have had access to NONE of the articles about Obama, nor been aware of them....or even had the slightest clue about Obama's national media profile. Despite Obama being featured in Vanity Fair, the NY Times, the Chicago Herald, the LA Times and the Boston Globe.

Which is just beyond idiotic. As how would they have learned about Obama? You can't say. Why would they agree to represent him if they didn't know anything about him? You can't say. Why would they refuse to research the man or learn anything about him?You can't say.

None of your narrative makes the slightest sense.
Nor can you back any of it with anything more than your imagination about a topic you know jack shit about.

Leaving Miriam Goderich as the world's leading authority on the pamphlet....and contradicting you. And you still utterly clueless.....and nobody.

You are parroting their claim that none of the authors give any information for their bios.

I'm citing the world's leading authority on that pamphlet:

Miriam Goderich said:
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

You're citing yourself. And you're nobody.

Try again.
Last edited:
No- why would I agree with your lie? You claim Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya- there is no evidence that he ever said any such thing.

What evidence we do have says he did not.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya

You said you wanted to know they went in your case to Yale before you followed up

Feel free to quote me- rather than use your garbled Birther English.

You don't remember saying you'd want to know he went to Yale? What if I find that quote, are you going to admit you are a stupid bitch and wow, what a moron you don't remember saying that? What are you going to do? I want the commitment upfront rather than I show you and you ignore it.

How stupid will you admit you are for saying it and then denying it then making me go find what you said to show what you said to you?

Go for it- I already posted my quotes- and I explained in detail how I would obtain the information I needed

Here I post it again to show how you have just lied- again

No- just you lying again- I am thinking it is pathological with you

Here are my two responses regarding my theoretical Yale author- note not once did I say anything about asking the author 'to tell' me things.

Why would I ask the author those questions when I already knew the answers? In my fantasy publishing company, we don't sign on new talent just because they walk in the door, they have to have demonstrated achievements or perhaps garnered some publicity- all of which we would have records of before we ever considered signing the potential new author to a contract.

Likely we would have had copies of every national publication that mention her being the first woman editor of the Yale Law review before we even signed her contract.

If we didn't, we would hire a newspaper clipping service to get them for us, for future promotional purposes.


If we are speaking theoretically- I went to college in the 1980's and we were taught how to do research at the time.
And one of the sources we were taught to research were publications.

If I was told to write a bio of a new author and told no more than say that she was the first woman editor of the Yale Law Review, and a graduate of Yale, I would go to the library and research popular publications that might have noted the first woman editor of the Yale Law Review.

Of course if I was in the publishing industry- which had money to pay for research- I likely would have paid a newspaper clipping service for articles about this theoretical young woman. My publishing company of course would already have had lots of information about the potential young author prior to ever signing the author- indeed the likelhood would be that the promising young author was signed on because of the national publicity created by the numerous articles in national publications regarding the potential authors accomplishments.

Of course because you appear to be a pathological liar, you ignore what I actually said and then claim I said something else.

Hmmm just like you ignore what President Obama has actually said- and claim he said something else.

So I'm curious when you keep saying I "lied." Do you know what a lie" is? You think I know that Obama didn't say he was born in Hawaii? I know you think he wasn't because you have Obama's cock so deep in your mouth that it cuts off the air and you lose the ability to think.

But how do you know that I don't believe he said he was born in Kenya? In fact, I know that I do think that.

I'm curious why you keep running from cartoon simple questions like...

Who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Its been months....and you've never been able to cite a single person backing your silly turd of an argument. You can't even explain why the Literary Agency would have agreed to represent Obama if they knew nothing about him.

I have inside information. What's your evidence that I don't think Obama ever said it?

You have nothing. You can't even name a single person who claims Obama told them he was born in Kenya.

Your argument, as always, is poorly thought through baseless nonsense backed by nothing.
Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Yep, she was

Nope, she wasn't:

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii"

That's specific and direct. Now, your response when I ask you who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya.....that's vague and non-specific. Watch:

Q: Who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

You may now begin demonstrating vague and non-specific.

I notice multiple questions confuse you, so let's start with one. And this question is right up your alley as you have hordes of unnamed people following your every word as well.

Who is "us?" Is she using the royal we? And don't make up an answer, prove it. Is it her? Her department? The entire firm? Who does she mean by "us?"

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii"

And your little conspiracy theory crumbles.

What else have you got?

Who exactly is "us." No speculation, show how you know that

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii"

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
Yeah, he does. The document clears Obama.

There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii

No, because it doesn't say where the information did come from. So, who wrote on a blank piece of paper that Obama was born in Kenya and why? Obama's a moron. I mean really, who gets their own birth country wrong?

She indicates that it was a mistake. And that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

So much for your imaginary nonsense that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

And as an aside.....why? Your entire conspiracy is rock stupid. You can't back any of it up. And you *always* lose whenever you try to polish this little turd. Even the premise of your reasoning is a steaming pile of horseshit. As why would the Literary Agency taken Obama on as a client without knowing anything about him?

Of course they did research about Obama before they agreed to represent him. Of course they read everything they could about him. And of course they read the NY Times, LA Times, Boston Globe and other articles about him from when he had become the Harvard Reviews first black editor. Of course they were aware of his national media profile.

His national media profile is almost certainly how they learned about him in the first place.

So why in the fuck are you pretending that its 'absurd' that they would have read these articles? Its just....pure stupidity. Like watching a dog returning to its own vomit. Why do you keep doing it?

You're obsessed with that the girl who didn't do her job made a mistake in fact checking it, you still can't say how the words appeared on a piece of blank paper that he was born in Kenya. Who wrote the lie?

What 'lie'? She made a simple mistake in a 90 word bio blurb in some obscure pamphlet. Apparently getting Barack Hussein Obama confused with Barack Hussein Obama. The former being born in Kenya. The latter, Hawaii.

The only one claiming that Obama told her he was born in you citing your imagination. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Even your narrative doesn't make the slightest sense. As why would the Literary Agency agree to represent Obama without knowing anything about him? How did they even know he existed? your brain dead fantasy, they knew nothing of his national media profile, had never read nor even heard of the articles written about him in the NYT, LA Times, Chicago Herald, Boston Globe or Vanity Fair. In your fantasy, they did no research on the man, they fact checked nothing. They just decided to represent him....apparently at random.

Your narrative is just stupid. Nor can you back *any* of it up. usual.

You've still given zero explanation of how someone in 1991 is going to write a bio about someone without talking to them. Again, I actually did extensive research and it was a bitch. I've had my background investigated even a few years after that when I worked on wall street and they not only had my resume but had to follow up with me on questions.

You confuse your refusing to accept anyone else's answer with not being given one.

Both Skylar and I have pointed out that the biographical information about Barack Obama was available in national media reports- the same reports which likely brought Barack Obama to their attention.

But what you still haven't provided is any proof for your claims that Barack Obama was the first Birther.

None- nada- zilch-zero.

So why do you keep making the same lies- over and over......?
Let us review- there is absolutely no evidence to support your claim that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya.

Instead you are left trying to pick apart a very clear message where the editor says this was her mistake and that Obama never told her he was born Kenya

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya

Based upon the information we actually have- your continual claim that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya is just a malicious lie.

Ouch, It was "malicious." Liberals love to tell people what they think and how they feel, then you whine like bitches if anyone says that to you. LOL

So how is it "malicious?"

Laughjing.....Miriam Goderich specifically and directly annihilates your little fantasy with this:

" This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. "

And you reply with babble about 'liberals' and 'whining'. How delightfully vague and non-specific.

Yes, the problem isn't that someone sat down in front of a blank piece of paper and wrote that he was born in Kenya

And made a simple mistake in a 90 word bio blurb.


Fair enough, I always make the mistake of making up where people were born. I usually say they were born in Australia by mistake. But I could see Africa too. Think they thought he was born in Africa because he's black?

Considering you have made up Barack Obama telling anyone he was born in Kenya- I see no reason to doubt your statement that you have made up where other people were born.

But you haven't made up your claim about Barack Obama by mistake- you have made it up as a deliberate falsehood.
she didn't say he didn't tell anyone at the firm, just that he didn't tell her
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
Even after given the truth, the Right just continue to insult everyone's intelligence by lying, as if everyone else is too stupid to see their obvious lies!

Who else did she not tell? That's the point, dumb ass. The only one we know was part of "us" was "her" because she didn't say. She didn't say no one told anyone that, just some collection of unspecified people.
You prove my point, the Right will even lie about "us" being singular so they can keep on lying.
Thank you.

This has got to be the stupidest fucking conspiracy theory I've ever heard. And Kaz can't back any of it. Yet like a dog returning to its own vomit.....Kaz just can't keep himself from lapping at his steaming pile of conspiracy batshit.

Not only is his narrative factually doesn't make the slightest sense. As why would the Literary Agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him? How would they have even heard of him?

As per Kaz's just bone stupid narrative, the Literary Agency had no knowledge of Obama's national media profile. Had never read nor even heard of the numerous articles written about Obama by the likes of the New York Times, Vanity Fair, the Chicago Herald, the LA Times and the Boston Globe. Per Kaz's batshit fantasy, the Literary Agency would have done no research, fact checked nothing, and apparently pcked Obama at random to represent.

And yet when pressed to explain why the literary agency would have done *any* of the stupid shit his theory requires.....Kaz has nothing. can't fix stupid.

Actually none of that addresses what I said. You are parroting their claim that none of the authors give any information for their bios. Then you argue they could have found Obama's articles. Non sequitur.

What you don't address is how in 1991 they would ever possibly find the references in the first place. It would be a bitch to accomplish it today

Explained over and over to you.

You just won't accept it.

"how would they possibly find the references'?

Well they might read the New York Times- the newspaper with the largest circulation in the United States?

Why do you think the publishers never would have read any of the following publications?

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

That last one is interesting- because Miriam Goderich got her Masters at Columbia- and lives in the New York City area- so what are the odds she would- as a literary agent- and Columbia grad- read the New York Times or Columbia Today.

I would think pretty good odds.

Now- who told you that Barack Obama told someone he was born in Kenya?
No- why would I agree with your lie? You claim Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya- there is no evidence that he ever said any such thing.

What evidence we do have says he did not.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya

You said you wanted to know they went in your case to Yale before you followed up

Feel free to quote me- rather than use your garbled Birther English.

You don't remember saying you'd want to know he went to Yale? What if I find that quote, are you going to admit you are a stupid bitch and wow, what a moron you don't remember saying that? What are you going to do? I want the commitment upfront rather than I show you and you ignore it.

How stupid will you admit you are for saying it and then denying it then making me go find what you said to show what you said to you?

Go for it- I already posted my quotes- and I explained in detail how I would obtain the information I needed

Here I post it again to show how you have just lied- again

No- just you lying again- I am thinking it is pathological with you

Here are my two responses regarding my theoretical Yale author- note not once did I say anything about asking the author 'to tell' me things.

Why would I ask the author those questions when I already knew the answers? In my fantasy publishing company, we don't sign on new talent just because they walk in the door, they have to have demonstrated achievements or perhaps garnered some publicity- all of which we would have records of before we ever considered signing the potential new author to a contract.

Likely we would have had copies of every national publication that mention her being the first woman editor of the Yale Law review before we even signed her contract.

If we didn't, we would hire a newspaper clipping service to get them for us, for future promotional purposes.


If we are speaking theoretically- I went to college in the 1980's and we were taught how to do research at the time.
And one of the sources we were taught to research were publications.

If I was told to write a bio of a new author and told no more than say that she was the first woman editor of the Yale Law Review, and a graduate of Yale, I would go to the library and research popular publications that might have noted the first woman editor of the Yale Law Review.

Of course if I was in the publishing industry- which had money to pay for research- I likely would have paid a newspaper clipping service for articles about this theoretical young woman. My publishing company of course would already have had lots of information about the potential young author prior to ever signing the author- indeed the likelhood would be that the promising young author was signed on because of the national publicity created by the numerous articles in national publications regarding the potential authors accomplishments.

Of course because you appear to be a pathological liar, you ignore what I actually said and then claim I said something else.

Hmmm just like you ignore what President Obama has actually said- and claim he said something else.

So I'm curious when you keep saying I "lied." Do you know what a lie" is? You think I know that Obama didn't say he was born in Hawaii?

Yes- I do know what a lie is- and I wonder sometimes whether you do.

You have repeatedly made the claim that "Barack Obama was the first Birther" and that "Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya"- even though you know there is absolutely no evidence that either is true- and despite having been shown the evidence repeatedly that it is not true.

Since you keep repeating the same falsehood, once you have been informed it is false- that is indeed a lie.

You lie.

To attack Barack Obama

Because that is what you do.
No- why would I agree with your lie? You claim Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya- there is no evidence that he ever said any such thing.

What evidence we do have says he did not.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya

You said you wanted to know they went in your case to Yale before you followed up

Feel free to quote me- rather than use your garbled Birther English.

You don't remember saying you'd want to know he went to Yale? What if I find that quote, are you going to admit you are a stupid bitch and wow, what a moron you don't remember saying that? What are you going to do? I want the commitment upfront rather than I show you and you ignore it.

How stupid will you admit you are for saying it and then denying it then making me go find what you said to show what you said to you?

Go for it- I already posted my quotes- and I explained in detail how I would obtain the information I needed

Here I post it again to show how you have just lied- again

No- just you lying again- I am thinking it is pathological with you

Here are my two responses regarding my theoretical Yale author- note not once did I say anything about asking the author 'to tell' me things.

Why would I ask the author those questions when I already knew the answers? In my fantasy publishing company, we don't sign on new talent just because they walk in the door, they have to have demonstrated achievements or perhaps garnered some publicity- all of which we would have records of before we ever considered signing the potential new author to a contract.

Likely we would have had copies of every national publication that mention her being the first woman editor of the Yale Law review before we even signed her contract.

If we didn't, we would hire a newspaper clipping service to get them for us, for future promotional purposes.


If we are speaking theoretically- I went to college in the 1980's and we were taught how to do research at the time.
And one of the sources we were taught to research were publications.

If I was told to write a bio of a new author and told no more than say that she was the first woman editor of the Yale Law Review, and a graduate of Yale, I would go to the library and research popular publications that might have noted the first woman editor of the Yale Law Review.

Of course if I was in the publishing industry- which had money to pay for research- I likely would have paid a newspaper clipping service for articles about this theoretical young woman. My publishing company of course would already have had lots of information about the potential young author prior to ever signing the author- indeed the likelhood would be that the promising young author was signed on because of the national publicity created by the numerous articles in national publications regarding the potential authors accomplishments.

Of course because you appear to be a pathological liar, you ignore what I actually said and then claim I said something else.

Hmmm just like you ignore what President Obama has actually said- and claim he said something else.

So I'm curious when you keep saying I "lied." Do you know what a lie" is? You think I know that Obama didn't say he was born in Hawaii? I know you think he wasn't because you have Obama's cock so deep in your mouth that it cuts off the air and you lose the ability to think.

But how do you know that I don't believe he said he was born in Kenya? In fact, I know that I do think that. I have inside information. What's your evidence that I don't think Obama ever said it?

You have inside information on what?

Since you have a tendency to obfuscate, do you believe that Barack Obama told the publisher he was born in Kenya, yes or no?
Speculation is all the birfers have.
it's not all we have, there is a mountain range of anomalies, fabrications, composite stories and characters. bizarre real associations, missing parts, foggy timelines. (pun intended). but you are right, the scrubbers are good, but i believe one day we'll know what it was. it's a lot like global warming and Benghazi, for now.
Speculation is all the birfers have.
it's not all we have, there is a mountain range of anomalies, fabrications, composite stories and characters. bizarre real associations, missing parts, foggy timelines. (pun intended). but you are right, the scrubbers are good, but i believe one day we'll know what it was. it's a lot like global warming and Benghazi, for now.

There's a mountain of accusations. But they don't hold up to evidence.

For example.....the State of Hawaii. Why would I ignore them and instead believe whatever hapless nonsens you make up?
Speculation is all the birfers have.
it's not all we have, there is a mountain range of anomalies, fabrications, composite stories and characters. bizarre real associations, missing parts, foggy timelines. (pun intended). but you are right, the scrubbers are good, but i believe one day we'll know what it was. it's a lot like global warming and Benghazi, for now.

There's a mountain of accusations. But they don't hold up to evidence.

For example.....the State of Hawaii. Why would I ignore them and instead believe whatever hapless nonsens you make up?
Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
Speculation is all the birfers have.
it's not all we have, there is a mountain range of anomalies, fabrications, composite stories and characters. bizarre real associations, missing parts, foggy timelines. (pun intended). but you are right, the scrubbers are good, but i believe one day we'll know what it was. it's a lot like global warming and Benghazi, for now.

There's a mountain of accusations. But they don't hold up to evidence.

For example.....the State of Hawaii. Why would I ignore them and instead believe whatever hapless nonsens you make up?
i see your point, it would have to be a hell of a conspiracy. but benghazi is one hell of a conspiracy. time will tell, lot's of unanswered questions.
Speculation is all the birfers have.
it's not all we have, there is a mountain range of anomalies, fabrications, composite stories and characters. bizarre real associations, missing parts, foggy timelines. (pun intended). but you are right, the scrubbers are good, but i believe one day we'll know what it was. it's a lot like global warming and Benghazi, for now.

There's a mountain of accusations. But they don't hold up to evidence.

For example.....the State of Hawaii. Why would I ignore them and instead believe whatever hapless nonsens you make up?
Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.
Speculation is all the birfers have.
it's not all we have, there is a mountain range of anomalies, fabrications, composite stories and characters. bizarre real associations, missing parts, foggy timelines. (pun intended). but you are right, the scrubbers are good, but i believe one day we'll know what it was. it's a lot like global warming and Benghazi, for now.

There's a mountain of accusations. But they don't hold up to evidence.

For example.....the State of Hawaii. Why would I ignore them and instead believe whatever hapless nonsens you make up?
Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
Speculation is all the birfers have.
it's not all we have, there is a mountain range of anomalies, fabrications, composite stories and characters. bizarre real associations, missing parts, foggy timelines. (pun intended). but you are right, the scrubbers are good, but i believe one day we'll know what it was. it's a lot like global warming and Benghazi, for now.

There's a mountain of accusations. But they don't hold up to evidence.

For example.....the State of Hawaii. Why would I ignore them and instead believe whatever hapless nonsens you make up?
Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.
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it's not all we have, there is a mountain range of anomalies, fabrications, composite stories and characters. bizarre real associations, missing parts, foggy timelines. (pun intended). but you are right, the scrubbers are good, but i believe one day we'll know what it was. it's a lot like global warming and Benghazi, for now.

There's a mountain of accusations. But they don't hold up to evidence.

For example.....the State of Hawaii. Why would I ignore them and instead believe whatever hapless nonsens you make up?
Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.

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