True history of the birther movement: Telegraph UK 2011

There's a mountain of accusations. But they don't hold up to evidence.

For example.....the State of Hawaii. Why would I ignore them and instead believe whatever hapless nonsens you make up?
Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Hawaii is still telling the truth- and Birthers can't handle the truth
Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints


Wash believes he is the font of truth, much like Markle.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Then why did Alvin Onaka affirm.....twice.....that the information on the birth certificate is accurate and matches their original records?

You're literally arguing that it is a 100% accurate forgery. Which is stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Then why did Alvin Onaka affirm.....twice.....that the information on the birth certificate is accurate and matches their original records?

You're literally arguing that it is a 100% accurate forgery. Which is stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Steve loves him sum lies, and this is one of them.

Obama's white heritage in America goes back further than Steve's, a piece of delicious irony.
And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Then why did Alvin Onaka affirm.....twice.....that the information on the birth certificate is accurate and matches their original records?

You're literally arguing that it is a 100% accurate forgery. Which is stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Steve loves him sum lies, and this is one of them.

Obama's white heritage in America goes back further than Steve's, a piece of delicious irony.
that part i like, we agree on poetic justice.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Then why did Alvin Onaka affirm.....twice.....that the information on the birth certificate is accurate and matches their original records?

You're literally arguing that it is a 100% accurate forgery. Which is stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Steve loves him sum lies, and this is one of them.

Obama's white heritage in America goes back further than Steve's, a piece of delicious irony.
that part i like, we agree on poetic justice.

Sigh.....more word salad.
it's always been a vibe, i got into it way deeper than most, nothing's happened to change my mind. the story is in limbo.

And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Then why did Alvin Onaka affirm.....twice.....that the information on the birth certificate is accurate and matches their original records?

You're literally arguing that it is a 100% accurate forgery. Which is stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Onaka didn't verify all the information requested.
And nothing ever will change your mind.

Regardless of the facts.
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Then why did Alvin Onaka affirm.....twice.....that the information on the birth certificate is accurate and matches their original records?

You're literally arguing that it is a 100% accurate forgery. Which is stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Onaka didn't verify all the information requested.

Yes, he did. Twice.

Including Obama's place of birth: Hawaii.

Now why would I ignore Hawaii....and instead believe whatever hapless batshit you believe?
no, it's that we still don't know. in chess, it's a stalemate, for now. there is so much doubt, it's only facts that would change my mind. we still haven't seen the birth certificate or know for sure if it exists. this is a group of people that orchestrate lies to fix scandals.

Nope. See, the State of Hawaii already ended this debate by any rational standard. Your entire argument is ignoring overwhelming evidence.....and then bizarrely insisting that because you ignore evidence, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how chess is played. Or reality for that matter.
Hawaii is still covering for the usurper. Alvin Onaka, such a clever little man to give us hints

Then why did Alvin Onaka affirm.....twice.....that the information on the birth certificate is accurate and matches their original records?

You're literally arguing that it is a 100% accurate forgery. Which is stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Onaka didn't verify all the information requested.

Yes, he did. Twice.

Including Obama's place of birth: Hawaii.
Onaka only proved that the records they retain on file are legally non-valid.
The problem is she didn't "fact check" it. Why didn't she fact check it? That was her job and it was a blurb. Was she PMSing and forgot to do her job that day?

In Kaz's world no one ever makes a mistake.

And if a woman says she made a mistake- he asks whether it was because of her menstrual cycle.

So criticizing her for just flat out not doing her job = believing no one makes a mistake

I call that out as the bull crap that you are. I mean that it is ...
No you don't.
Yeah, he does. The document clears Obama.

There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii

No, because it doesn't say where the information did come from. So, who wrote on a blank piece of paper that Obama was born in Kenya and why? Obama's a moron. I mean really, who gets their own birth country wrong?

She indicates that it was a mistake. And that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

So much for your imaginary nonsense that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

And as an aside.....why? Your entire conspiracy is rock stupid. You can't back any of it up. And you *always* lose whenever you try to polish this little turd. Even the premise of your reasoning is a steaming pile of horseshit. As why would the Literary Agency taken Obama on as a client without knowing anything about him?

Of course they did research about Obama before they agreed to represent him. Of course they read everything they could about him. And of course they read the NY Times, LA Times, Boston Globe and other articles about him from when he had become the Harvard Reviews first black editor. Of course they were aware of his national media profile.

His national media profile is almost certainly how they learned about him in the first place.

So why in the fuck are you pretending that its 'absurd' that they would have read these articles? Its just....pure stupidity. Like watching a dog returning to its own vomit. Why do you keep doing it?

You're obsessed with that the girl who didn't do her job made a mistake in fact checking it, you still can't say how the words appeared on a piece of blank paper that he was born in Kenya. Who wrote the lie? And why would be believe an incompetent who admits she didn't do her job and fact check a blurb?

What lie?

So far the only lie we have clearly identified is your lie that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya.

Wow, Queen Elizabeth, so the British people think I lied that he said he was born in Kenya? Why would the British Empire care about that since your people have no such rule and a bunch of British Monarchs were in fact born outside Britain?

Do tell, I love culture and history ..
The problem is she didn't "fact check" it. Why didn't she fact check it? That was her job and it was a blurb. Was she PMSing and forgot to do her job that day?

In Kaz's world no one ever makes a mistake.

And if a woman says she made a mistake- he asks whether it was because of her menstrual cycle.

So criticizing her for just flat out not doing her job = believing no one makes a mistake

I call that out as the bull crap that you are. I mean that it is ...

Kaz: Was she PMSing and forgot to do her job that day?

In Kaz's world no one ever makes a mistake.

And if a woman says she made a mistake- he asks whether it was because of her menstrual cycle.

Meanwhile- Kaz still can't manage to find any proof to support his claim that Obama was the first Birther.
she didn't say he didn't tell anyone at the firm, just that he didn't tell her
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
Even after given the truth, the Right just continue to insult everyone's intelligence by lying, as if everyone else is too stupid to see their obvious lies!

Who else did she not tell? That's the point, dumb ass. The only one we know was part of "us" was "her" because she didn't say. She didn't say no one told anyone that, just some collection of unspecified people.
You prove my point, the Right will even lie about "us" being singular so they can keep on lying.
Thank you.

This has got to be the stupidest fucking conspiracy theory I've ever heard. And Kaz can't back any of it. Yet like a dog returning to its own vomit.....Kaz just can't keep himself from lapping at his steaming pile of conspiracy batshit.

Not only is his narrative factually doesn't make the slightest sense. As why would the Literary Agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him? How would they have even heard of him?

As per Kaz's just bone stupid narrative, the Literary Agency had no knowledge of Obama's national media profile. Had never read nor even heard of the numerous articles written about Obama by the likes of the New York Times, Vanity Fair, the Chicago Herald, the LA Times and the Boston Globe. Per Kaz's batshit fantasy, the Literary Agency would have done no research, fact checked nothing, and apparently pcked Obama at random to represent.

And yet when pressed to explain why the literary agency would have done *any* of the stupid shit his theory requires.....Kaz has nothing. can't fix stupid.

You left out the rest of how stupidly fucked up Kaz's theory is.

In 1990 Barack Obama came onto the national scene as the first African American editor of the Harvard Law Review- articles were written in the publications with the largest circulation in America. A great number of them specifically noted that he was born in Hawaii.

Kaz's whole fantasy revolves around the idea that Barack Obama ignored that millions of people in the United States knew that he was born in Hawaii- and he believes that Obama was attempting to telling his new publishers that he was born in Kenya......and that Obama would assume that no one at the publisher would have read any of the articles about him in the New York Times, or the Washington Post or the Chicago Tribune.

Kaz also assumes that Obama would believe that none of the publishers that he lied to would notice when his book was finally published- he said he was born in Hawaii.

Kaz's fantasy makes no sense at all

And there is absolutely no fact that supports it.

So of course, Kaz will continue to lie and claim President Obama was the first Birther.

Because that is what Kaz does.

Yes, Obama was the original birther. No one accused him of being born in Kenya before he did. What a moron, he was actually born in Hawaii
Yeah, he does. The document clears Obama.

There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii

No, because it doesn't say where the information did come from. So, who wrote on a blank piece of paper that Obama was born in Kenya and why? Obama's a moron. I mean really, who gets their own birth country wrong?

She indicates that it was a mistake. And that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

So much for your imaginary nonsense that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

And as an aside.....why? Your entire conspiracy is rock stupid. You can't back any of it up. And you *always* lose whenever you try to polish this little turd. Even the premise of your reasoning is a steaming pile of horseshit. As why would the Literary Agency taken Obama on as a client without knowing anything about him?

Of course they did research about Obama before they agreed to represent him. Of course they read everything they could about him. And of course they read the NY Times, LA Times, Boston Globe and other articles about him from when he had become the Harvard Reviews first black editor. Of course they were aware of his national media profile.

His national media profile is almost certainly how they learned about him in the first place.

So why in the fuck are you pretending that its 'absurd' that they would have read these articles? Its just....pure stupidity. Like watching a dog returning to its own vomit. Why do you keep doing it?

You're obsessed with that the girl who didn't do her job made a mistake in fact checking it, you still can't say how the words appeared on a piece of blank paper that he was born in Kenya. Who wrote the lie? And why would be believe an incompetent who admits she didn't do her job and fact check a blurb?

What lie?

So far the only lie we have clearly identified is your lie that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya.

Wow, Queen Elizabeth, so the British people think I lied that he said he was born in Kenya? Why would the British Empire care about that since your people have no such rule and a bunch of British Monarchs were in fact born outside Britain?

Do tell, I love culture and history ..

Since your post has nothing to do with mine- I will just respond with my post again- since it is as accurate as before:

Kaz- So far the only lie we have clearly identified is your lie that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya
Even after given the truth, the Right just continue to insult everyone's intelligence by lying, as if everyone else is too stupid to see their obvious lies!

Who else did she not tell? That's the point, dumb ass. The only one we know was part of "us" was "her" because she didn't say. She didn't say no one told anyone that, just some collection of unspecified people.
You prove my point, the Right will even lie about "us" being singular so they can keep on lying.
Thank you.

This has got to be the stupidest fucking conspiracy theory I've ever heard. And Kaz can't back any of it. Yet like a dog returning to its own vomit.....Kaz just can't keep himself from lapping at his steaming pile of conspiracy batshit.

Not only is his narrative factually doesn't make the slightest sense. As why would the Literary Agency agree to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him? How would they have even heard of him?

As per Kaz's just bone stupid narrative, the Literary Agency had no knowledge of Obama's national media profile. Had never read nor even heard of the numerous articles written about Obama by the likes of the New York Times, Vanity Fair, the Chicago Herald, the LA Times and the Boston Globe. Per Kaz's batshit fantasy, the Literary Agency would have done no research, fact checked nothing, and apparently pcked Obama at random to represent.

And yet when pressed to explain why the literary agency would have done *any* of the stupid shit his theory requires.....Kaz has nothing. can't fix stupid.

You left out the rest of how stupidly fucked up Kaz's theory is.

In 1990 Barack Obama came onto the national scene as the first African American editor of the Harvard Law Review- articles were written in the publications with the largest circulation in America. A great number of them specifically noted that he was born in Hawaii.

Kaz's whole fantasy revolves around the idea that Barack Obama ignored that millions of people in the United States knew that he was born in Hawaii- and he believes that Obama was attempting to telling his new publishers that he was born in Kenya......and that Obama would assume that no one at the publisher would have read any of the articles about him in the New York Times, or the Washington Post or the Chicago Tribune.

Kaz also assumes that Obama would believe that none of the publishers that he lied to would notice when his book was finally published- he said he was born in Hawaii.

Kaz's fantasy makes no sense at all

And there is absolutely no fact that supports it.

So of course, Kaz will continue to lie and claim President Obama was the first Birther.

Because that is what Kaz does.

Yes, Obama was the original birther. No one accused him of being born in Kenya before he did.

Like I said- Kaz will continue to lie and claim that President Obama was the first Birther

Because that is what Kaz does.
Day 10- the Vigil for Kaz to tell the truth continues

Kaz: Actually it started when Obama told his publisher in roughly 1990 that he was born in Kenya. Obama was the original birther

Day 10- Kaz still unable to provide any proof for his obsessive claim.

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