Trum(p)man show: Anti-establishment billionaire changes policies: abortion, Syria and wall: for dumm


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Trum(p)man show: Anti-establishment billionaire changes policies: abortion, Syria and wall: for dummies
From false promises to psy-ops to suggest that it was previously different and real inversions that are already being fully implemented elsewhere in the IV Reich.
After reading the article below make sure you read "How Trump was named".

Introduction added Jan 29, 2017
Trump during his inauguration "fulfills" the promise to drain the swamp, the way it was predicted:
Addressing the penultimate and final actors casted as in the BushClinton leading role in the "End of USA" script: "I feel deeply honored by your presence".
Timing for this one and only statement about Hitlery and GW Bush on Jan 20: immediately after leaving the stage for his speech to the same cattle that previously came to his rallies to chant "Hillary for prison".
One week later:
Muslims, from seven muslim majority countries (to start with), including Iran as predicted, no longer allowed to enter the USA.
American army translator who worked for the government for TEN YEARS is among migrants and refugees blocked from entering the U.S. while firms like Google scramble to get Middle Eastern workers back into the country

Somebody should forward to Google Last Prophet's words from ...:
Dec 2016 - No muslims (same as hispanics or any non-whites) are going to be allowed to leave America.
After reading the article below you'll know why. Also implied in the answer: why the actor casted as "liberal prime-minister Trudeau calls refugees to come to Canada".

Anti-establishment Trump changes policies - for dummies: bombing, from Libya to Afghanistan; pipelines; US borders
Fake inversions: from false promises to psy-ops to suggest that it was previously different.
Real inversions: as illustrated by the ultimate example, extermination camps extended to an entire continent, North America: they already started elsewhere in the IV Reich.
Reminder: refugees started to be gassed in Europe as soon as the fencing of Hungary was completed in Oct 2015.

1. False promises
All it takes to detect Trump's false promises is to know who are the illuminati, which includes their agendas.
Examples: stop military deployments around the world, stop abortion:
Trump's war against abortion is as real as "keeping America out of foreign conflicts" or "draining the swamp".
Trump's fight against abortion contradicts the illuminati agenda of depopulation, which is about to reach its climax: Global Genocide which includes the global kill shot, using as pretext the "super pandemic virus" hoax.

Agendas for false promises go beyond staging the fake inversion.
Campaign slogans such as "Drain the swamp" were also meant to have Trump's rallies attended not by only dozens or at most hundreds, as it was the case of Clinton and I don't mean only during her "head to head" race with the actor playing "socialist Sanders".
As for "anti-abortion" it's part of discrediting the real pro-life movement. In other words: yet another Trump mission in his suicide bomber role.
Reminder: at the end of his classic bomber missions (see real inversions that already started elsewhere) and same as "arrested Obama", Trump will fully detonate.
Both will be stripped of their president titles to let terminator Hitlery be proclaimed "the real 44th president, successor of GW Bush".

2. Psy-ops to suggest that it was previously different.
Trump changes policy on Syria, advances controversial pipelines: FAKE inversions, all in plain sight, either again propagating the big lies served until now or repainting black as white.
Syria "change" is a repetition of the big lie "Obama opposed Assad, supported rebels".
The "new pipelines" repaint Obama/clinton's "fracking the hell out of the USA" as "before Trump it was environment friendly".
As for the "wall with Mexico": it's not an inversion, it's a completion.
As for "muslims no longer allowed to enter the US": this apparently real inversion is in fact again part of completing the process hidden under Mamma Merkel.

3. The REAL BIG BANG inversions already started elsewhere BEFORE Trump's inauguration:
The KEY example: Closing US borders, death camps operating in a huge fenced area, upscaled now to the whole of North America.

Trump closing US borders v Mamma Merkel, patroness of refugees
This ranges from the "wall with Mexico" to "anyone from muslim majority countries forbiden to enter the US" and the Registry for internment camps, that starts with muslims.
For reality start with what the satanic joke of serving Hitler's younger daughter as "Mamma Merkel" is about:
Since Oct 2015 more than 1.5 million refugees and migrants were gassed in extermination camps in Europe, mostly located in fenced Hungary but some also in Germany.
If you think that this is impossible because "muslims" Erdogan and Iran's ayatollah's (let alone the puppets installed in Afghanistan) would have denounced it then that's because you are a specimen of human cattle.
More precisely you are unable to add 1+1, one of the features of humans reduced to beasts.
See next section:

Trump's fake and real inversions: grotesque pushed to the utter limits: Iran
Trump keeping America out of foreign conflicts

This "inversion" illustrates first of all a false promise, immediately detected by the fact that it contradicts the agenda of "Global Slavery".
Reality: nothing changes from Obama to Trump.

Trump no longer allows iranians to enter the US ...
while Iran will continue to supply the ground troops for the US led coalition bombing the rebels in Syria and Iraq.
In numbers: 160,000 foreign mercenaries, 90% shia militias that pledged alliance to the actor playing "Iran's supreme leader".
Notes: in Iraq the rebels are falsely labeled ISIS and in Syria Russia replaced the "US led coalition" in the leading role since Oct 2015.
As for "US and Russia bombing ISIS in Syria" it's a staged war, the only targets are civilians, yet another method to carry out the genocide of sunnis.
No wonder: the ISIS mini-state at Raqqa was created by the illuminati, all ISIS leaders do nothing but to execute illuminati orders.

Reminder of what was explained in advance worldwide only by Last Prophet and is now already unfolding, from the Ukraine to the Philippines:
BIG BANG: the most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever.
The ultimate reverse script starts with a sudden inversion just before the BIG BANG, launched with Obama's staged arrest.
Some of the scripts that will be suddenly inverted:
1. Multiracial society and open borders becomes manhunt for aliens and non-whites
2. Legalize drugs becomes execution of drug addicts
3. "Gay marriage legalized" becomes manhunt for homosexuals.
4. "Ultra-nationalists" become "our national heroes"
5. Staged democracy becomes Hitler was right
See also the added preview section with unfolding examples.:
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever

Jul 2015 - Psy-ops to paint refugees as criminal migrants: set stage for death trains and 2 months later already to keep them rolling.
Illuminati jokes: Why was a major psy-op staged on New Year's Eve at the Cologne main train station?
Last Prophet's words from Jul 2015, two months before the "relocations by death train" restarted, 80 years later, also explains it in advance.
Mind Control Techniques - in fact just the Big Lie at work: Death trains; Paint Refugees as criminal migrants to set stage and after to keep them rolling

"Euthanasia" same basic type of genocide as the Holocaust not as abortion
Abortion and "euthanasia" vs kill shot and extermination camps:
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda: Abortion euthanasia v kill shot extermination camps

After reading this article you'll know how similar are the missions of shia militias in Iraq and Syria and UN peacekeeper in South Sudan and the Central African Republic.
Ukrainian batallions wearing nazi symbols in the manhunt for ethnic russians and dissidents:
Neither the first nor the only neo-Gestapo now carrying out a genocide.
UN peackeepers v shia militias, christian v sunni genocide
IV Reich, led by Adolf Hitler's great nephew: UN peackeepers shia militias: Neo-Gestapo: christian v sunni genocide

All in Blog
Simulated Reality, the world as we know it: Trumpman show: Anti-establishment billionaire changes policies: abortion, Syria and wal:l for dummies
Fake inversions: from false promises to psy-ops to suggest that it was previously different.
Trump's task completing the legal terror state will be served as one of such psy-ops [as illustrated by these headlines one year later, Jan 2018: democratic freedoms waning in US under Trump].
Reminder: the US terror state is completely established for more than a decade now. It was one of two key agendas of the 9/11 2001 script. What followed: simply completing its legalization.

Jan 16, 2018 - Watchdog says democratic freedoms waning in US under Trump
Watchdog says democratic freedoms waning in US under Trump

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