Trump: 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

There is, of course, no reasonable comparison between the colonies' relationship to an empire and the Perpetual Union which the states that attempted to secede had voluntarily joined. Again, the very definitions of reason and rational thought are challenged by such twisting of logic.

secession was perfectly legal..They voluntarily joined and they tried to voluntarily leave...but they got attacked.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Declaration of Independence

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can may revolutionize and make their own of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

Abraham Lincoln

Jan 12, 1848
From the perspective of a southern bigot begat by the traitors of the Southern Rebellion, I guess one of that sort could see it like that through their distorted lens.

They were no more "traitors" than the colonists (patriots) in 1776 who wanted to peacefully secede from england....england wouldn't have it and they invaded....exactly the same as lincoln.

Regardless of how loud and long you protest, that will never fly. The BIG DIFFERENCE is that the founders, the Revolutionaries rebelled against the despotic rule and tyrannical governance of Crazy King George III. Where was the Southern Declaration of Independence with the list of tyrannies perpetrated by the United States against them when the South initiated their REBELLION! I'm thinking you really need to look at Article III Sec. 3 of the Constitution...better yet I'll post it for your lazy ass!

US Constitution - Article III, Section 3:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted."
[Emphasis Added]

You are lucky that your ancestors of the Southern Rebellion were given amnesty by swearing an Oath of Allegiance to the United States along with their traitorous conduct didn't taint your birthright by blood relationship!

Those who sided with and then took part in the Southern Rebellion were, indeed, TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Q.E.D.

But then, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia." HUH!
~~George O.~~

The south didn't "rebel"..the south tried to peacefully secede....There is no "rule" that you have to publish a "declaration of independence" before you secede..there was no "treason"...What drivel...
We weren't asking permission...
when the north tried to invade to reinforce the fort...which was no longer their property, the south did what any patriots do when their country is invaded..repel the invaders.
You hate the south and southerners..ok..We don't care...but to lie and spread disinformation only makes you look weak...anyone can go read the facts....and they are as stated.

When US forces attempted to "invade to reinforce the fort" [Sumter, a Federal fortification], that was an act of rebellion. You must live in an alternate universe to state otherwise!
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Declaration of Independence

The south tried to do it had to have his war, though...

Here's what the lying POS said;

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can may revolutionize and make their own of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

Abraham Lincoln

Jan 12, 1848

The south was invaded and forced to fight..Lincoln purposely sent ships to charleston with reinforcements because he knew it would be provocative to have foreign ships invade. He needed a cassus belli as an excuse to wage total war on fellow americans who merely wanted to legally withdraw.

No one was fooled at the time, either...

"But what am I to do in the meantime with those men at Montgomery [meaning the Confederate constitutional convention]? Am I to let them go on... [a]nd open Charleston, etc., as ports of entry, with their ten-percent tariff. What, then, would become of my tariff?" ~ Lincoln to Colonel John B. Baldwin, deputized by the Virginian Commissioners to determine whether Lincoln would use force, April 4, 1861.

"Union means so many millions a year lost to the South; secession means the loss of the same millions to the North. The love of money is the root of this as of many other evils....The quarrel between the North and South is, as it stands, solely a fiscal quarrel".... Charles Dickens in a London periodical in December 1861

"The contest is really for empire on the side of the North and for independence on that of the South....". ..... London Times of 7 Nov 1861

"Slavery is not the cause of the rebellion ....Slavery is the pretext on which the leaders of the rebellion rely, 'to fire the Southern Heart' and through which the greatest degree of unanimity can be produced....Mr. Calhoun, after finding that the South could not be brought into sufficient unanimity by a clamor about the tariff, selected slavery as the better subject for agitation"..... North American Review (Boston October 1862)

"They [the South] know that it is their import trade that draws from the people's pockets sixty or seventy millions of dollars per annum, in the shape of duties, to be expended mainly in the North, and in the protection and encouragement of Northern interests....These are the reasons why these people [the North] do not wish the South to secede from the Union." ..... New Orleans Daily Crescent 21 January 1861

"In one single blow our foreign commerce must be reduced to less than one-half what it now is. Our coastwise trade would pass into other hands. One-half of our shipping would lie idle at our wharves. We should lose our trade with the South, with all of its immense profits. Our manufactories would be in utter ruins. Let the South adopt the free-trade system, or that of a tariff for revenue, and these results would likely follow." .... Chicago Daily Times December 1860

"At once shut down every Southern port, destroy its commerce and bring utter ruin on the Confederate States." ..... NY Times 22 March 1861

"the mask has been thrown off and it is apparent that the people of the principal seceding states are now for commercial independence. They dream that the centres of traffic can be changed from Northern to Southern a revenue system verging on free trade...." .... Boston Transcript 18 March 1861

"You and I both anticipated that the cause of the country would be advanced by making the attempt to provision Fort Sumter, even if it should fail ; and it is no small consolation now to feel that our anticipation is justified by the result. "

Abraham Lincoln, in a letter to Gustavus Fox, May 1, 1861

"The affair at Fort Sumter, it seems to us, has been planned as a means by which the war feeling at the North should be intensified, and the administration thus receive popular support for its policy.... If the armament which lay outside the harbor, while the fort was being battered to pieces [the US ship The Harriet Lane, and seven other reinforcement ships], had been designed for the relief of Major Anderson, it certainly would have made a show of fulfilling its mission. But it seems plain to us that no such design was had. The administration, virtually, to use a homely illustration, stood at Sumter like a boy with a chip on his shoulder, daring his antagonist to knock it off. The Carolinians have knocked off the chip. War is inaugurated, and the design of the administration accomplished." ~ The Buffalo Daily Courier, April 16, 1861.

"We have no doubt, and all the circumstances prove, that it was a cunningly devised scheme, contrived with all due attention to scenic display and intended to arouse, and, if possible, exasperate the northern people against the South.... We venture to say a more gigantic conspiracy against the principles of human liberty and freedom has never been concocted. Who but a fiend could have thought of sacrificing the gallant Major Anderson and his little band in order to carry out a political game? Yet there he was compelled to stand for thirty-six hours amid a torrent of fire and shell, while the fleet sent to assist him, coolly looked at his flag of distress and moved not to his assistance! Why did they not? Perhaps the archives in Washington will yet tell the tale of this strange proceeding.... Pause then, and consider before you endorse these mad men who are now, under pretense of preserving the Union, doing the very thing that must forever divide it." ~ The New York Evening Day-Book, April 17, 1861.

CONServative CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa were/ARE fukking traitors!

Great vocabulary..I can tell you're another real deep thinker...LMAO..
the 14th wasn't legally ratified.
It was rammed through by an opportunistic and vengeful fed gvmt as further punishment for the southern states...which were ruled by military "provisional" governors who were appointed for the purpose of evading the normal constitutional requirements.
By all means go with that

Prohibition was once the law of the land, how well did that fare?
From the perspective of a southern bigot begat by the traitors of the Southern Rebellion, I guess one of that sort could see it like that through their distorted lens.

They were no more "traitors" than the colonists (patriots) in 1776 who wanted to peacefully secede from england....england wouldn't have it and they invaded....exactly the same as lincoln.

Regardless of how loud and long you protest, that will never fly. The BIG DIFFERENCE is that the founders, the Revolutionaries rebelled against the despotic rule and tyrannical governance of Crazy King George III. Where was the Southern Declaration of Independence with the list of tyrannies perpetrated by the United States against them when the South initiated their REBELLION! I'm thinking you really need to look at Article III Sec. 3 of the Constitution...better yet I'll post it for your lazy ass!

US Constitution - Article III, Section 3:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted."
[Emphasis Added]

You are lucky that your ancestors of the Southern Rebellion were given amnesty by swearing an Oath of Allegiance to the United States along with their traitorous conduct didn't taint your birthright by blood relationship!

Those who sided with and then took part in the Southern Rebellion were, indeed, TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Q.E.D.

But then, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia." HUH!
~~George O.~~

The south didn't "rebel"..the south tried to peacefully secede....There is no "rule" that you have to publish a "declaration of independence" before you secede..there was no "treason"...What drivel...
We weren't asking permission...
when the north tried to invade to reinforce the fort...which was no longer their property, the south did what any patriots do when their country is invaded..repel the invaders.
You hate the south and southerners..ok..We don't care...but to lie and spread disinformation only makes you look weak...anyone can go read the facts....and they are as stated.

When US forces attempted to "invade to reinforce the fort" [Sumter, a Federal fortification], that was an act of rebellion. You must live in an alternate universe to state otherwise!

the fort didn't belong to them any more. The south even paid the union for many federal properties and arranged safe passage for any troops or civilians there.
lincoln hoped that by sailing ships right into charleston, though...the capital city of the confederacy..he could provoke the south and that would give him the casus belli excuse he needed...
shed your anti white, anti southern bias and read some history... or try to debunk any of the quotes from the people there at the time...the whole world was watching...educate yourself on this subject.
He wasn't the only source..and despite your smears you can't deny what he said is true
That's why you resort to the standard lib fallback position of namecalling and insults....but don't address the issue...keep trying to distract.

I can say and did say what "Judge" Perez wrote is Bullshit! I can find all sorts of revisionist claptrap any's a big world beyond the red clay of Georgia! There are a bunch of papers out in the great beyond declaring Amendment XVI is unconstitutional, too, but most folks are still paying their income tax! How about the flat earthers...ya gonna jump on board with that when it suits?

Your "Judge" Perez wrote in that "paper" of his that Georgia, for instance, had rejected Amendment XIV in Nov 1866, and Georgia had. But the good "Judge" and segregationist bigot failed to also note that Georgia had then ratified it on July 21, 1868 among other southern States doing the same.

If one is not a neoconservative, bigot upholding the precepts of the Traitors of the Southern Rebellion, that automatically makes one a "lib"? It's possible I was a voting Republican before you were born...but I don't know our age difference, and it's beside the point because I don't buzz around any political hive as a mindless functionary or drone upholding neo fascist principles!

georgia was ruled by provisional military governors sent by the fed gvmt to continue to punish the south and more importantly to make sure any laws they wanted passed were rammed the 14th amendment...
It was ratified in 1868 and was key to granting Blacks citizenship. Why do some of you say it was never ratified?

not legally ratified according to the procedures outlined to pass an amendment.
Do your own research..

Yawn! Get another turd to recycle OR use your own mind!

it's been resolved the amendment wasn't ratified legally...there is ample proof...typical hyperpartisan lib...when cornered by facts go vulgar.

Its been resolved- Confederate fanboys just can't accept the 14th Amendment- and presumably not the 13th Amendment either.

The 14th Amendment is considered legal according to the Supreme Court.

That you don't accept it as legal is really just your issue- no one elses.
From the perspective of a southern bigot begat by the traitors of the Southern Rebellion, I guess one of that sort could see it like that through their distorted lens.

They were no more "traitors" than the colonists (patriots) in 1776 who wanted to peacefully secede from england....england wouldn't have it and they invaded....exactly the same as lincoln.

Regardless of how loud and long you protest, that will never fly. The BIG DIFFERENCE is that the founders, the Revolutionaries rebelled against the despotic rule and tyrannical governance of Crazy King George III. Where was the Southern Declaration of Independence with the list of tyrannies perpetrated by the United States against them when the South initiated their REBELLION! I'm thinking you really need to look at Article III Sec. 3 of the Constitution...better yet I'll post it for your lazy ass!

US Constitution - Article III, Section 3:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted."
[Emphasis Added]

You are lucky that your ancestors of the Southern Rebellion were given amnesty by swearing an Oath of Allegiance to the United States along with their traitorous conduct didn't taint your birthright by blood relationship!

Those who sided with and then took part in the Southern Rebellion were, indeed, TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Q.E.D.

But then, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia." HUH!
~~George O.~~

The south didn't "rebel"..the south tried to peacefully secede....There is no "rule" that you have to publish a "declaration of independence" before you secede..there was no "treason"...What drivel...
We weren't asking permission...
when the north tried to invade to reinforce the fort...which was no longer their property, the south did what any patriots do when their country is invaded..repel the invaders.
You hate the south and southerners..ok..We don't care...but to lie and spread disinformation only makes you look weak...anyone can go read the facts....and they are as stated.

When US forces attempted to "invade to reinforce the fort" [Sumter, a Federal fortification], that was an act of rebellion. You must live in an alternate universe to state otherwise!

the fort didn't belong to them any more. The south even paid the union for many federal properties and arranged safe passage for any troops or civilians there.t.

That is what the Confederate fanboys keep saying.

Meanwhile- rebel troops fired on American soldiers- which started the war.

No one forced South Carolina to decide to plunge America into a Civil War.
They were no more "traitors" than the colonists (patriots) in 1776 who wanted to peacefully secede from england....england wouldn't have it and they invaded....exactly the same as lincoln.

Regardless of how loud and long you protest, that will never fly. The BIG DIFFERENCE is that the founders, the Revolutionaries rebelled against the despotic rule and tyrannical governance of Crazy King George III. Where was the Southern Declaration of Independence with the list of tyrannies perpetrated by the United States against them when the South initiated their REBELLION! I'm thinking you really need to look at Article III Sec. 3 of the Constitution...better yet I'll post it for your lazy ass!

US Constitution - Article III, Section 3:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted."
[Emphasis Added]

You are lucky that your ancestors of the Southern Rebellion were given amnesty by swearing an Oath of Allegiance to the United States along with their traitorous conduct didn't taint your birthright by blood relationship!

Those who sided with and then took part in the Southern Rebellion were, indeed, TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Q.E.D.

But then, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia." HUH!
~~George O.~~

The south didn't "rebel"..the south tried to peacefully secede....There is no "rule" that you have to publish a "declaration of independence" before you secede..there was no "treason"...What drivel...
We weren't asking permission...
when the north tried to invade to reinforce the fort...which was no longer their property, the south did what any patriots do when their country is invaded..repel the invaders.
You hate the south and southerners..ok..We don't care...but to lie and spread disinformation only makes you look weak...anyone can go read the facts....and they are as stated.

When US forces attempted to "invade to reinforce the fort" [Sumter, a Federal fortification], that was an act of rebellion. You must live in an alternate universe to state otherwise!

the fort didn't belong to them any more. The south even paid the union for many federal properties and arranged safe passage for any troops or civilians there.t.

That is what the Confederate fanboys keep saying.

Meanwhile- rebel troops fired on American soldiers- which started the war.

No one forced South Carolina to decide to plunge America into a Civil War.

the north invaded a sovereign nation, the C.S.A.
.All patriots repel invasions.Just like the colonists did when the english invaded to try to force them to remain colonies some history yankee fanboy.
It was ratified in 1868 and was key to granting Blacks citizenship. Why do some of you say it was never ratified?
Not 3/4 of the states willingly voted for it by their elected leaders. We forced governors on them that were unelected.

South got asses kicked... You loose your right to decide shit for a while especially around Black rights....

Did you still want to continue fighting?
I am always bemused by the Confederate fanboys who, after 150 years, still defend an attempted rebel country that was created for the express purpose of maintaining human slavery.

the war wasn't fought to preserve..or end...slavery...

The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am always bemused by the Confederate fanboys who, after 150 years, still defend an attempted rebel country that was created for the express purpose of maintaining human slavery.

the war wasn't fought to preserve..or end...slavery...

The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I got as far as Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, and knew it was a hit piece and skipped the rest...
The south didn't start the war. The north invaded a sovereign country....patriots always repel invader.
I am always bemused by the Confederate fanboys who, after 150 years, still defend an attempted rebel country that was created for the express purpose of maintaining human slavery.

the war wasn't fought to preserve..or end...slavery...

The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I got as far as Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, and knew it was a hit piece and skipped the rest...
The south didn't start the war. The north invaded a sovereign country....patriots always repel invader.


The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am always bemused by the Confederate fanboys who, after 150 years, still defend an attempted rebel country that was created for the express purpose of maintaining human slavery.

the war wasn't fought to preserve..or end...slavery...

The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I got as far as Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, and knew it was a hit piece and skipped the rest...
The south didn't start the war. The north invaded a sovereign country....patriots always repel invader.

Which part of you getting your asses kicked don't you get you racist?

You lost. NO SAY...
I am always bemused by the Confederate fanboys who, after 150 years, still defend an attempted rebel country that was created for the express purpose of maintaining human slavery.

the war wasn't fought to preserve..or end...slavery...

The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I got as far as Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, and knew it was a hit piece and skipped the rest...
The south didn't start the war. The north invaded a sovereign country....patriots always repel invader.


The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

an extemporaneous "speech" does not = policy.

even lincoln knew that negroes and whites would never be able to live in peace together and he didn't care one way or the other about them...until he saw a chance to destabilize the south with the "emancipation proclamation".
If the war was fought to free the slaves why didn't he "emancipate" them the first day?
..and I think by now everyone knows he didn't "free" them everywhere...just where he thought they would do the most damage...

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Letter to Horace Greeley
August 22, 1862

"Negro equality! Fudge!! How long, in the government of a God great enough to make and maintain this Universe, shall there continue knave to vend, and fools to gulp, so low a piece of demagoguism as this?"
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Fragments: Notes for Speeches
Sept. 1859 (Vol. III)

"But what shall we do with the Negroes after they are free? I believe that it would be better to export them all to some fertile country with a good climate, which they could have to themselves."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Letter to General Benjamin F. Butler
March 1865 (Vol. VII)

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, (applause from audience) that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people. I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, 4th Debate with Stephan A. Douglas in Illinois
Sept. 1858 (Vol. III)

"Judge Douglas has said to you that he has not been able to get an answer out of me to the question whether I am in favor of Negro citizenship. So far as I know, the Judge never asked me the question before. (applause from audience) He shall have no occasion to ever ask it again, for I tell him very frankly that I am not in favor of Negro citizenship. (renewed applause) If the state of Illinois has the power to grant Negroes citizenship, I shall be opposed to it. (cries of "here, here" and "good, good" from audience) That is all I have to say."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Speech at Sringfield, Illinois
June 1857 (Vol. II)

"In the course of his reply, the Senator remarked that he had always considered this a government made for the white people and not for the Negroes. Why, in point of mere fact, I think so, too."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Speech at Peoria, Illinois
Oct. 1854 (Vol. II)

"I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason why we should at least be separated."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Address on Colonization to a Deputation of
Africans in Washington D.C.
August 1862 (Vol. V)
I am always bemused by the Confederate fanboys who, after 150 years, still defend an attempted rebel country that was created for the express purpose of maintaining human slavery.

the war wasn't fought to preserve..or end...slavery...

The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I got as far as Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, and knew it was a hit piece and skipped the rest...
The south didn't start the war. The north invaded a sovereign country....patriots always repel invader.

Mississippi's Declaration of Secession: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization."

From Texas' Declaration: "In all the non-slave-holding States, in violation of that good faith and comity which should exist between entirely distinct nations, the people have formed themselves into a great sectional party, now strong enough in numbers to control the affairs of each of those States, based upon an unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of equality of all men, irrespective of race or color-- a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of Divine Law. They demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States."

Confederates Speak: Yes, We Fought the Civil War Over Slavery

Confederates Speak: Yes, We Fought the Civil War Over Slavery

It all depends on how the court defines a word. And that word is

    • the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
      "federal courts had no jurisdiction over the case"
      synonyms: authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, command, sway,leadership, sovereignty, hegemony
      "an area under French jurisdiction"
      • the extent of the power to make legal decisions and judgments.
        "the claim will be within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal"
      • a system of law courts; a judicature.
        plural noun: jurisdictions
        "in some jurisdictions there is a mandatory death sentence for murder"
    • So now is it the land you are standing on OR the country you are sworn to?

I apologize to everyone for not reading the whole thread, but when I got to Darks post, what he states is the crux of the whole thing.

I am NOT a Trump supporter, but after listening to 2 constitutional experts, it appears that children of illegal aliens are NOT American citizens. I was shocked as they explained why, and it appears they are correct. They also explained that it takes no constitutional amendment to change what has NEVER been changed, and since the power sits with congress, the President can't even veto it unless they change what is. And as of this moment, they are NOT American citizens, so all it take is a President to enforce the law. And the kicker is the Supreme Court has no sway on this.

Good job Darkfury. Now I shall go back and read the rest of thread, lol.
I am always bemused by the Confederate fanboys who, after 150 years, still defend an attempted rebel country that was created for the express purpose of maintaining human slavery.

the war wasn't fought to preserve..or end...slavery...

The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I got as far as Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, and knew it was a hit piece and skipped the rest...
The south didn't start the war. The north invaded a sovereign country....patriots always repel invader.

Which part of you getting your asses kicked don't you get you racist?

You lost. NO SAY...


The south lost because they were naive enough to try to secede peacefully and took the lying POS lincoln at his word;

Lincoln's first inaugural address;

Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican Administration their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection. It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that—

I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.

Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them; and more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:

Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes.
I am always bemused by the Confederate fanboys who, after 150 years, still defend an attempted rebel country that was created for the express purpose of maintaining human slavery.

the war wasn't fought to preserve..or end...slavery...

The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, Stephens' speech explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession, and defended the enslavement of African Americans.

Stephens' speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I got as far as Delivered extemporaneously a few weeks before the Confederacy would start the American Civil War by firing on the U.S. Army at Fort Sumter, and knew it was a hit piece and skipped the rest...
The south didn't start the war. The north invaded a sovereign country....patriots always repel invader.

Mississippi's Declaration of Secession: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization."

From Texas' Declaration: "In all the non-slave-holding States, in violation of that good faith and comity which should exist between entirely distinct nations, the people have formed themselves into a great sectional party, now strong enough in numbers to control the affairs of each of those States, based upon an unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of equality of all men, irrespective of race or color-- a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of Divine Law. They demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States."

Confederates Speak: Yes, We Fought the Civil War Over Slavery

Confederates Speak: Yes, We Fought the Civil War Over Slavery

Oh stop..southerners and southern leaders knew slavery was going to fade on its own...the industrial revolution was beginning and it was easier and more efficient to use machines than farm animals. Machines didn't need to be fed, housed or clothed.

The cotton states were the ones who made sure to thumb their nose at the fed gvt by mentioning slaves in their constitutions.

The north forced the issue and the south had to address it..and they did by saying essentially that we'll handle our business and you keep out of it.
then the north invaded and the war criminal lincoln turned his armies loose on civilians.

The war was fought over unfair tariffs and taxes.
Read some history.

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