Trump 32% Carson 12% bush 10%

There it is! I knew the racial slurs would start as soon as a black Republican started to rise in the polls. But then, you ARE the party of the KKK and you are acting true to form.

Where have you been? I've been calling Carson an Uncle Tom for years.

Frankly, he fits the definition.

Full Definition of UNCLE TOM
: a black who is overeager to win the approval of whites (as by obsequious behavior or uncritical acceptance of white values and goals)
: a member of a low-status group who is overly subservient to or cooperative with authority <the worst floor managers and supervisors by far are women … Some of them are regular Uncle Toms— Jane Fonda>

don't worry, all the Bubba Rednecks who make up the GOP base will loose their fascination with him soon enough.
Trump is doing a good job at exposing Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/Socialists for their bullshit. He's setting the stage and garnering future GOP votes.

I think Carson will eventually overtake him, and be the nominee. Then he'll be President.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha! carson will never be president. you can't be president with only the votes of the winger base.

1. he will never get the votes of women
2. he will never get the votes of minorities
3. he will never get the votes of young people
4. he will never get the votes of gays.

you can't win if you sleeve more than 50% of the population.
it's not going to be Hillary. Hopefully you wont be too disapointed. She'll be alright with her 150 million and counting of dirty money

Just read a news article today. The Clinton's long time advisor told Hillary she better get her criminal defense team in order. I don't think Hillary is even going to make to to the primaries.
Ipsos/Reuters Poll (October 2): Core Political Approval | Ipsos Great news. Also shows Finonias phony bounce is over.
I just saw a poll that had Carson in front of Trump.

What the hell? Maybe that was for an individual state.

The poll you read that has Carson in the lead is the most recent poll. The poll in the OP was taken before the second debate three weeks ago.

Of course, what matters is not one single poll, but the trend in the polls. And the trend has Trump leading but falling.
Trump is doing a good job at exposing Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/Socialists for their bullshit. He's setting the stage and garnering future GOP votes.

I think Carson will eventually overtake him, and be the nominee. Then he'll be President.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha! carson will never be president. you can't be president with only the votes of the winger base.

1. he will never get the votes of women
2. he will never get the votes of minorities
3. he will never get the votes of young people
4. he will never get the votes of gays.

you can't win if you sleeve more than 50% of the population.
it's not going to be Hillary. Hopefully you wont be too disapointed. She'll be alright with her 150 million and counting of dirty money

Just read a news article today. The Clinton's long time advisor told Hillary she better get her criminal defense team in order. I don't think Hillary is even going to make to to the primaries.

And which non partisan news source did you get that from? Breitbart or hannity?
I read somewhere Carson topped Trump in a poll....
There are so many damn polls and they are likely all meaningless...
Just waiting for the Convention........
Trump is doing a good job at exposing Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/Socialists for their bullshit. He's setting the stage and garnering future GOP votes.

I think Carson will eventually overtake him, and be the nominee. Then he'll be President.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha! carson will never be president. you can't be president with only the votes of the winger base.

1. he will never get the votes of women
2. he will never get the votes of minorities
3. he will never get the votes of young people
4. he will never get the votes of gays.

you can't win if you sleeve more than 50% of the population.
it's not going to be Hillary. Hopefully you wont be too disapointed. She'll be alright with her 150 million and counting of dirty money

Just read a news article today. The Clinton's long time advisor told Hillary she better get her criminal defense team in order. I don't think Hillary is even going to make to to the primaries.

And which non partisan news source did you get that from? Breitbart or hannity?

The New York Post:

Hillary Clinton's legal adviser warns her -- Time to lawyer up

You DO have a mental problem! I show 2 polls that are just as recent as your Wall Street bought TIPP poll, and yet you fail to recognize them.... We know you hate Trump for being everything you aren't, a patriot, someone that wants to bring back greatness to America, help the beaten down middle class with REAL TAX reform, but Not the JakeAss!

Polling Convergence – OAN/GRAVIS and Reuters Show Donald Trump Surging With 34 – 35% Support… or refer to post #2 again!
So you finally admit that Carson has a lead in this poll along with Trump in the other two.

That's a step in maturity for you, bub.
Trump is doing a good job at exposing Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/Socialists for their bullshit. He's setting the stage and garnering future GOP votes.

I think Carson will eventually overtake him, and be the nominee. Then he'll be President.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha! carson will never be president. you can't be president with only the votes of the winger base.

1. he will never get the votes of women
2. he will never get the votes of minorities
3. he will never get the votes of young people
4. he will never get the votes of gays.

you can't win if you sleeve more than 50% of the population.
it's not going to be Hillary. Hopefully you wont be too disapointed. She'll be alright with her 150 million and counting of dirty money

Just read a news article today. The Clinton's long time advisor told Hillary she better get her criminal defense team in order. I don't think Hillary is even going to make to to the primaries.

And which non partisan news source did you get that from? Breitbart or hannity?

The New York Post:

Hillary Clinton's legal adviser warns her -- Time to lawyer up
Course, no name of this fictional adviser. Probably Dick Morris.
I know people who voted for Obama who are planning to vote for Trump. Some of them black. He gets support from all sides. If he's nominated, he'll win the election.
Exactly, I have two "old school" democrat friends that both voted both times for obama, but they have both told me that the kenyan went WAY too far to the left for them and they know he lied his filthy little "fundamental transformation" ass off, so they've decided we need a real turn around after that crap, and both are voting for Trump... DEMOCRATS... voting for Trump.

And who in the hell is supporting mister "GANG OF EIGHT AMNESTY BOY" Rubio? Puuuleeeaase...
Last edited:
Trump may be a third party candidate, not the GOP candidate, who may draw 15% of the vote. 85% of America will not be associated with filthy birfers.
Trump is doing a good job at exposing Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/Socialists for their bullshit. He's setting the stage and garnering future GOP votes.

I think Carson will eventually overtake him, and be the nominee. Then he'll be President.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha! carson will never be president. you can't be president with only the votes of the winger base.

1. he will never get the votes of women
2. he will never get the votes of minorities
3. he will never get the votes of young people
4. he will never get the votes of gays.

you can't win if you sleeve more than 50% of the population.
it's not going to be Hillary. Hopefully you wont be too disapointed. She'll be alright with her 150 million and counting of dirty money

Just read a news article today. The Clinton's long time advisor told Hillary she better get her criminal defense team in order. I don't think Hillary is even going to make to to the primaries.

And which non partisan news source did you get that from? Breitbart or hannity?

The New York Post:

Hillary Clinton's legal adviser warns her -- Time to lawyer up

You call that author NON-Partisan?
Here are the last several articles written by the same partisan hack. It's obvious the man is on a mission to attack Hillary, and you choose to believe his crap. Typical RWNJ reasoning.

Hillary Clinton’s legal adviser warns her — Time to lawyer up
Published: October 3, 2015 | 7:35pm

Spielberg tried – and failed – to make Hillary seem likeable
Published: September 26, 2015 | 8:43pm

Obama adviser behind leak of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal
Published: March 14, 2015 | 9:33pm

Why Mitt Romney may again be the GOP’s next great hope
Published: August 30, 2014 | 4:09pm

Hillary didn’t ‘hug it out’ with Obama, plots more attacks
Published: August 16, 2014 | 8:47pm
I won't vote for Hillary but neither will I suffer attacks out of context.

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