Trump accuses Taylor Swift of being ‘disloyal’ if she endorses Biden

Photos don't lie.

The first comment in your link states that the baby pics claptrap has been debunked.
Should you find yourself being extremely successful, anywhere in the world, let it be known unto you, that DJ is responsible for your success. Disloyalty is the ultimate price that you'll have to pay, if you do not acknowledge his greatness in launching your career.

They all lived happily ever after,
The end
OK. Well, we can say Biden has the 15-year-old-dimwit-girl-vote locked up.
You are severely underestimating her appeal. My wife went to a Swift concert. So have most of her friends and their daughters if they were able to get tickets. They are not blindly following her like the Trumpistas do Trump. They just love her music and message and how she approaches life.

Dear me. He is really spooked by this girl isnt he ?
He is now claiming credit for something that happened when he was Prez. Even though he had nothing to do with it.
As usual with trumpy he sees all of life in a transactional way.
Maybe he should reflect on GOP cruelty to women and their freedom and then craft some policies that they could vote for.
Just a thought.

YOU are really spooked by what has come out as far as Bidens cognizance. CYA, wouldn't want to be ya! Good luck Leftists, cause this is a slam dunk!

You can fool people some of the time, but you can NOT fool everyone, any where near all of the time.

YOU are your own worst enemies! Nobody believes you.......let us just say, even with your 37% of blind voters, it is NOT gonna be enough.

YOU HAVE A probabilty of losing, and good luck with that-)
begging for their attention is the cuck life a Putin slag lives.
The "cuck life"?
I have never heard that phrasing.
I kinda like it.
And surely see it applicability as poster citygator intends.
All good.

Taylor Swift, Self made billionaire, is dumb?
"Self Made" contradistinction to a bloke born on third base with a silver spoon in his mouth whose Daddy gave a million dollars for graduating out of college. avatar means no offense to any readers here whose Daddy (or Mommy) gave 'em a million bucks. Good for you.
But I hope all of those here who qualify, well, I hope they are not one of those in the 'cuck life' who go around claiming they earned it.

And then about that real self-made billionaire, Taylor Swift, we have this chorus of sour and unhappy boo-birds with their failed relationships. I swear some of these folks must have never met a real woman. It is probably reasonable to believe their mothers were terrible failed parents? I dunno, just askin'.
But take this little trip down Misogyny Lane:

  • So, whores know how to whore. She's a hard working whore.
  • just pointing out how dumb she is
  • stupid blonde bimbo who can't sing
  • 15-year-old-dimwit-girl-vote
  • A whore is a whore.
  • Wonder how many of her own children she's murdered.


They have the credibility of my left butt cheek.
Somone report that to the Mods.
That could be a sight that no one could ever unsee.
So let's stop it before the image scars even the most battle-worn.

Just sayin'
The Music Modernization Act (MMA) updates the copyright law to make statutory licensing more fair for creators and more efficient for digital music providers. That's cool. Is that why Tay-Tay's tour pulled 1.4B? Because Donald? Does anyone else realize just how retarded that sounds?

Dear me. He is really spooked by this girl isnt he ?
He is now claiming credit for something that happened when he was Prez. Even though he had nothing to do with it.
As usual with trumpy he sees all of life in a transactional way.
Maybe he should reflect on GOP cruelty to women and their freedom and then craft some policies that they could vote for.
Just a thought.
This belongs in the Political Satire forum.

Dear me. He is really spooked by this girl isnt he ?
He is now claiming credit for something that happened when he was Prez. Even though he had nothing to do with it.
As usual with trumpy he sees all of life in a transactional way.
Maybe he should reflect on GOP cruelty to women and their freedom and then craft some policies that they could vote for.
Just a thought.
Trump, who engaged in a treasonous insurrection to overturn the will of the American people accuses someone of being ‘disloyal’ – just when you thought Trump couldn’t sink any lower.
I couldnt write this shit. Trump has killed satire.
It takes a crapload of twisting and taking out of context to arrive at the level of bull shit you leftists always try to spew around the planet about those you hate.

Tell me, is Joe Biden the sharpest president in American history?
Another Soros twisted tidbit? Trump never said it that way. He said it "she would never support crooked Joe Biden. It would be disloyal to a person who made her so much money".
Ok incel.
“Self made”. LOL what a joke. She was chosen by record companies to make mainstream music to make them bank. She doesn’t sound any different than any other female pop singer, all she does is sing about her numerous boyfriends.
And you hate her why? I mean your god sells baseball cards to the rubes on the internet.

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