Trump accuses Taylor Swift of being ‘disloyal’ if she endorses Biden

My fellow conservatives are hell bent on losing everything. Culture first, of course.

As I have said before. Since the age of 19 or so, TS has dated maybe 10 men. One for six years. And a few for only a couple of months. So that's like, a few dates, didn't work out, no problem bye.

The difference is we KNOW about all of them, but of course it makes her a slut. The expectations on women is just unreal these days. It's the worst time to be a woman in my entire lifetime, and I'm almost 55.
I think it is tough for all youngsters these days. Relationships seem to be a minefield. Imagine meeting someone in the full glare of the public.
It was a lot easier before social media.
Um, trump brought it up.

Not really.
Taylor did by here active campaigning to register new voters for Biden.
And Trump certainly did not start this thread.
Nor should have Taylor have gotten involved in politics.
It is self defeating because it reduces her possible fan base instead of increasing it.
And she does not know enough about politics to understand the issues.

The issues are actually very simple and yet possibly devastating.
Bush started an immoral war with Iraq in order to increase TX oil and munitions prices.
Obama won on an anti-war ticket, but instead tripled the wars by adding Libya, the Ukraine, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, etc., to the turmoil.
That is why Hillary lost, with her "Arab Spring" support for illegal wars.
And that is why Biden is a loser, with Burisma Holdings being the means by which the US bribed the Polish generals in the Ukraine to start the war with treaty violations, like trying to join NATO.
So these current wars, the Ukraine and Gaza, are both completely the fault of Biden, and Biden rewarded both guilty war criminal countries with hundreds of billions that added trillions to our national debt.

Does Taylor know or understand any of this?
Highly unlikely.
She may be smart, but she would have to have read a lot of history to not be taken in by the shallow media slant intended to make Russia and the Palestinian appear like the bad guys.
No one that big is self-made. You need a LOT of people on your team to do what she does, no doubt about that.

But she started writings songs as a girl as a means of release. I mean like age 12. She is a prolific and very talented songwriter. She's not one of these record-label manufactured artists who's really pretty, can kinda sing, hey we can "make her big". She has a natural gift for songwriting and people recognized it

But whatever--she apparently doesn't fit the Bread Making/"Trad wife" stereotype conservatives are slavering over now so she's nothing to them.

I disagree.
Her themes tend to be simple, conservative, older values that the right would respond to.
It was her superficial endorsement of the war hawk media slant that the right finds offensive.
Oddly enough it was the right who started the war hawk slant when Bush was president, but everyone by now should be tired of it, the death toll, the cost, the risk of nuclear annihilation, etc.
But Biden is still running on being a war hawk.
He is still bribing the Ukraine and Israel with hundreds of billions of our taxes.
Yes we know you pieces of shit feed off the rightfully deserved hate. You arent right about anything you ignorant deplorable.

I am far left of anyone here, but clearly the right is the one against murder for war profiteering and for repairing the economy instead.
It is the left that has been bribing the Ukraine and Israel to commit mass murder.
Not really.
Taylor did by here active campaigning to register new voters for Biden.
And Trump certainly did not start this thread.
Nor should have Taylor have gotten involved in politics.
It is self defeating because it reduces her possible fan base instead of increasing it.
And she does not know enough about politics to understand the issues.

The issues are actually very simple and yet possibly devastating.
Bush started an immoral war with Iraq in order to increase TX oil and munitions prices.
Obama won on an anti-war ticket, but instead tripled the wars by adding Libya, the Ukraine, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, etc., to the turmoil.
That is why Hillary lost, with her "Arab Spring" support for illegal wars.
And that is why Biden is a loser, with Burisma Holdings being the means by which the US bribed the Polish generals in the Ukraine to start the war with treaty violations, like trying to join NATO.
So these current wars, the Ukraine and Gaza, are both completely the fault of Biden, and Biden rewarded both guilty war criminal countries with hundreds of billions that added trillions to our national debt.

Does Taylor know or understand any of this?
Highly unlikely.
She may be smart, but she would have to have read a lot of history to not be taken in by the shallow media slant intended to make Russia and the Palestinian appear like the bad guys.
I think she understands well enough how trumps actions have reduced freedom for women,
And as an artist she understands how GOP censorship is evil.
And she would ptobably not find voting for a rapist consistent with her values.
Who would apart from people with no ethics ? It isnt complicated.
Hey now, he's not disloyal to the Dictators and Strongmen he admires or to the God of Retribution he apparently worships.

Obviously Trump is correct that the way to deal with international "Dictators and Strongmen" is to appease their vanity, instead of deliberately irritating them with unnecessary hostilities.
When it comes to international politics, Russia, China, and North Korea are no threat at all.
It is not like they have a mobile attack force that threatens anywhere else.
The real threat comes from those who are controlling our lying media to get us to start immoral and expensive wars like WMD in Iraq, the Ukraine, Gaza, etc.
I think she understands well enough how trumps actions have reduced freedom for women,
And as an artist she understands how GOP censorship is evil.
And she would ptobably not find voting for a rapist consistent with her values.
Who would apart from people with no ethics ? It isnt complicated.

Well you are correct about Trump stacking the court and ending Roe Vs Wade, but Congress did endorse those SCOTUS appointments.
They also testified they would not reverse Roe Vs Wade.
And they did not end abortion, but just moved jurisdiction to the states, which is where is in theory should be, if states were reliable.

As far as censorship, it is the lefts that has done that the most currently, from my experience.
I can't say anything against Israel in most sites.
About the only place without massive censorship is X, which is right wing in my opinion.

It is the left who has gone crazy with demanding wokeness that makes no sense, like trans athletes who had over a dozen years of steroid advantages, or people with penises using female locker rooms.
I am far more left politically and economically than anyone here, but woke is demanding to dictate values instead of allowing each individual to come to their own conclusions.

And as much as I do not like Trump, it is an offensive like to call him a "rapist".
Jean Carroll offered to model lingerie in private for him, so then how could she do that without getting naked in front of him? And to me that sounds like she was the one coming on to him.
Obviously Trump is correct that the way to deal with international "Dictators and Strongmen" is to appease their vanity, instead of deliberately irritating them with unnecessary hostilities.
When it comes to international politics, Russia, China, and North Korea are no threat at all.
It is not like they have a mobile attack force that threatens anywhere else.
The real threat comes from those who are controlling our lying media to get us to start immoral and expensive wars like WMD in Iraq, the Ukraine, Gaza, etc.
The Ukrainian people responded to the Dictators and Strongmen who tried to keep the same corruption and nepotism that marked the post Soviet era in the Ukraine by attempting to garner stronger ties to Western Europe. For daring to protest a return to Russian corruption, many unarmed protesters were killed before a new government was finally voted in by the people. Russia has continued to punish and threaten the people of The Ukraine.

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