Trump acquitted again!

Good to see. Now Trump will be a factor going forward.
A factor so your dementia patient can keep on being hidden.....LOLOL.......................You guys got your genitals mutilated this week....................lololol...........................Trump 2024

Biden beat him by 8 million votes. Bring it on.
Trump beat him with 75 LIVING million votes........................Now is the time to check the signatures in Ga and see if 100k sigs are bogus.HMMMM?????....Remember that came up in the trial. People will be curious...I wish thy would have drug this out for months.
Trump acquitted again!

woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

I think we all sort of knew it. I never thought he was "guilty" of it anyway. Bush Baby Junior, Donald Rumsford, and Dick Chenney are responsible for lying about WMD's, planting false evidence, illegally invading a sovereign nation, torturing the population, and murdering a million innocent men, women and children. Are any of those 3 in prison? No. So how in hell can you prosecute Trump for some BS crime that wasn't committed?

Just so you know I did try to wipe that bug off my screen.
he was only acquitted once because there was no trial the first time.

all that 'not guilty' verdict did was allow him to run for office again. lol ... he has no intention of doing that but will dupe y'all into giving him your hard earned cash to pay for his multitude of criminal & civil lawsuits heading his way.
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
Well if you cared to point to specifics then we could discuss. Those weak generalized statements that you make are useless
If I've got to point out the bullcrap, then you haven't been paying attention or you just like playing dumb after the failed unconstitutional bullcrap took place for another political hit job on the Republican's.
yet again another dodge from talking specifics. Don’t be a joke man, back your shit up and be prepared to talk specifics or piss off... you add nothing to the debate
It's funny how your bullcrap can be answered, but then it's never enough. You people are just like the ones who wanted Trump to testify in the farce, otherwise all in hopes that he might misspeak in an innocent way, but it would be just enough in your hopes to spin it into something sinister or false. Now go play your petty game on someone that cares maybe.
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
Well if you cared to point to specifics then we could discuss. Those weak generalized statements that you make are useless
If I've got to point out the bullcrap, then you haven't been paying attention or you just like playing dumb after the failed unconstitutional bullcrap took place for another political hit job on the Republican's.
yet again another dodge from talking specifics. Don’t be a joke man, back your shit up and be prepared to talk specifics or piss off... you add nothing to the debate
It's funny how your bullcrap can be answered, but then it's never enough. You people are just like the ones who wanted Trump to testify in the farce, otherwise all in hopes that he might misspeak in an innocent way, but it would be just enough in your hopes to spin it into something sinister or false. Now go play your petty game on someone that cares maybe.

What makes you believe (notice, I didn't even suggest to use the word think) that trump is innocent?
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
Well if you cared to point to specifics then we could discuss. Those weak generalized statements that you make are useless
If I've got to point out the bullcrap, then you haven't been paying attention or you just like playing dumb after the failed unconstitutional bullcrap took place for another political hit job on the Republican's.
yet again another dodge from talking specifics. Don’t be a joke man, back your shit up and be prepared to talk specifics or piss off... you add nothing to the debate
It's funny how your bullcrap can be answered, but then it's never enough. You people are just like the ones who wanted Trump to testify in the farce, otherwise all in hopes that he might misspeak in an innocent way, but it would be just enough in your hopes to spin it into something sinister or false. Now go play your petty game on someone that cares maybe.

What makes you believe (notice, I didn't even suggest to use the word think) that trump is innocent?
After all you leftist done to him for the last 4+ years ? I can't believe you asked such a stupid question. Now go try to spin that.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
You typed complete bullshit. Pisslosi the drunk didn’t deliver the Article until Trump was OUT OF OFFICE. Meaning she waited too long. The process didn’t get completed, thus making this illegitimate. Your “what if” scenarios don’t apply in reality.
You moron, he was impeached on January 13th, 2021, while still in office. Impeachment occurs the moment the House passes Articles of Impeachment. Not when the House delivers the Article(s) of Impeachment to the Senate.

And the Senate has the Constitutional authority to try "ALL" impeachments.
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
Well if you cared to point to specifics then we could discuss. Those weak generalized statements that you make are useless
If I've got to point out the bullcrap, then you haven't been paying attention or you just like playing dumb after the failed unconstitutional bullcrap took place for another political hit job on the Republican's.
yet again another dodge from talking specifics. Don’t be a joke man, back your shit up and be prepared to talk specifics or piss off... you add nothing to the debate
It's funny how your bullcrap can be answered, but then it's never enough. You people are just like the ones who wanted Trump to testify in the farce, otherwise all in hopes that he might misspeak in an innocent way, but it would be just enough in your hopes to spin it into something sinister or false. Now go play your petty game on someone that cares maybe.

People like you are those who ignore what trumpism is, and how egregious his four years have impacted the rule of law and the lives of millions of American Citizens, his behavior in tweets, speeches and deeds is a rejection of the oath of office Trump took at his inauguration.

He cares nothing about you and others who supported him with your votes and money, he's a flim-flam narcissistic megalomaniac man-child.
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
Well if you cared to point to specifics then we could discuss. Those weak generalized statements that you make are useless
If I've got to point out the bullcrap, then you haven't been paying attention or you just like playing dumb after the failed unconstitutional bullcrap took place for another political hit job on the Republican's.
yet again another dodge from talking specifics. Don’t be a joke man, back your shit up and be prepared to talk specifics or piss off... you add nothing to the debate
It's funny how your bullcrap can be answered, but then it's never enough. You people are just like the ones who wanted Trump to testify in the farce, otherwise all in hopes that he might misspeak in an innocent way, but it would be just enough in your hopes to spin it into something sinister or false. Now go play your petty game on someone that cares maybe.

People like you are those who ignore what trumpism is, and how egregious his four years have impacted the rule of law and the lives of millions of American Citizens, his behavior in tweets, speeches and deeds is a rejection of the oath of office Trump took at his inauguration.

He cares nothing about you and others who supported him with your votes and money, he's a flim-flam narcissistic megalomaniac man-child.
Oh so you figure that his oath of office was to just kiss the leftist ace, and everything would have been hunky dory eh ??? To hell with what the voter's that put him there were thinking eh ?? Finally the voters had someone that would listen, and that scared the leftist into a panic mode that lasted 4+ years.... It panicked them because it threatened everything that they had been working towards since the hippies attempted to take over the nation in the 60s. They found out that their brazing attempt failed back then, so they went into methodical mode, where as they would operate like the cockroaches do, and all in hopes to take over the dwelling completely before the occupant's realized the problem that had developed right beneath their noses. Not saying liberals are cockroaches, but the methods of operation's are the same in a sense.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

Acquitted, but not innocent.



woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

Acquitted, but not innocent.



Like Clinton and Johnson.

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