Trump acquitted again!

woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

Yep. 43 radical Republicans stood with Trump, rioters, and cop killers.

Now come the state criminal and civil indictments.

And there won't be any Republican Senators around to protect him in those trials. See you soon.
Yeah and all you leftist/Democrat's stood with rioters that burned, rioted, beat and killed the innocent, attacked government facilities, statues, police precincts, attacked individuals, created no go zones in major cities, threatened witnesses, and when asked to condemn it all "CRICKETS".
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.

What did I say? We take care of our own.

When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require

The US Constitution is dead, and has been for more than a century and a half. Loyalty to a document that hasn’t been followed since 1860 (at the most recent) is stupidity, not loyalty.

Loyalty needs to be given to Ideology, and those who adhere strictly and fervently to it. For ANY political party to have value it must have (and rigidly enforce) such an ideology. Otherwise it has nothing to stand on.
I disagree. To let a party or ideology define you makes you a mindless puppet. We all have our own values and interpretations of right and wrong. We all have our own unique ideas on how to address issues. I prefer smart independent thinkers who can manage and lead with integrity. Those type are much better than the party drones.

Besides if you are a Trump fan then you are contradicting yourself as he is probably the least loyal person I have ever seen
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
You typed complete bullshit. Pisslosi the drunk didn’t deliver the Article until Trump was OUT OF OFFICE. Meaning she waited too long. The process didn’t get completed, thus making this illegitimate. Your “what if” scenarios don’t apply in reality.
McConnell said privately and publicly that he would not take up the articles till after the election. Nice try to pin it all on Nancy but you are ignoring McConnells role in this
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
Well if you cared to point to specifics then we could discuss. Those weak generalized statements that you make are useless
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!

One name explains it all, Agnew. He could have been impeached, thrown out of office but he resigned which took those two steps out of the cycle. It went directly to the Criminal Courts which would have followed the Impeachment Process had not resigned.

Another name would be Nixon. Nixon resigned before the impeachment but that did not take the criminal response away. What took the criminal response away was when Ford Impeached Nixon. Even so, the pardon agreement leveled pretty much the same things a criminal conviction would have sans the prison time.

Then there is Clinton. Even though he was Impeached and the Impeachment trial failed, he still faced civilian criminal charges. Bush Jr. gave him a pardon with pretty much the same sentencing sans prison that he would have received in a criminal trial.

Out of these 3, the only one that could NOT hold another Federal Job was Agnew since he was the only convicted felon.

Rump has 7 years to sweat out this one. And if you think Rump is going to behave himself, here is a little tidbit that finally came out. That trip to Florida by Macarthy wasn't so much to kiss Rumps Ass, it was to retrieve the GOP Donor List that is supposed to be maintained by the GOP HQ. That list is in Rump's possesion. His right to maintain desolved. Rump refused to turn that list over. Meaning, Rump ain't through yet and will continue down the same pathway. And no one really knows how many hundreds of millions he has to spend on the efforts.

The good news is, if he uses one dime of those hundreds of millions for his criminal defense, he'll just be adding to the criminal charges and the Courts are pretty well fed up with him. And he's not going to get anything for free or on credit since he won't pay his legal debts. It's strictly cash and carry.

Same goes for any of his "Ralleyes". After stiffing many cities already, the only way he's going to get the permits is to pony up the money up front to pay for them.
:poke: Wake up Daryl......You're dreaming again.
I disagree. To let a party or ideology define you makes you a mindless puppet. We all have our own values and interpretations of right and wrong. We all have our own unique ideas on how to address issues. I prefer smart independent thinkers who can manage and lead with integrity. Those type are much better than the party drones.

You have that backwards. You choose the party because THEY agree with YOUR ideology, not the other way around. The loyalty is to the ideology, not the party.

Part of my ideology is an unwavering belief that there is only one set of proper Morals and Values with no exceptions. I find no use for independent thought or ideas and never have.

As for Trump; I never really had any use for him except as a means to force the Republican Party further to the Right.
Mitch the GQP Trump bitch, wants his power back and donor he goes on this Trump is really guilty, but thanks to me and the GQP, ain't shit we gonna do about it.....let the black woman judge in Georgia risk her neck, let the AG's of NY risk it, but us lilly white cowards on the hill, wee's to afred of his base, them lunatics at large, so we pass.

I hope Trump starts a 3rd party, I hope he disrupts the GQP at every turn and to Mitch the GQP bitch, I hope to the day you die along with your fellow cowards, the DC cops that risks their lives to keep you white whores safe, I hope they remember this day and how you whores, didn't give a rats fuck about them. AND TO THE BROTHER THAT SAVED THEY ASS THAT DAY.....A WASTED MOMENT IN HISTORY, DUDE.
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
Well if you cared to point to specifics then we could discuss. Those weak generalized statements that you make are useless
If I've got to point out the bullcrap, then you haven't been paying attention or you just like playing dumb after the failed unconstitutional bullcrap took place for another political hit job on the Republican's.
Mitch the GQP Trump bitch, wants his power back and donor he goes on this Trump is really guilty, but thanks to me and the GQP, ain't shit we gonna do about it.....let the black woman judge in Georgia risk her neck, let the AG's of NY risk it, but us lilly white cowards on the hill, wee's to afred of his base, them lunatics at large, so we pass.

I hope Trump starts a 3rd party, I hope he disrupts the GQP at every turn and to Mitch the GQP bitch, I hope to the day you die along with your fellow cowards, the DC cops that risks their lives to keep you white whores safe, I hope they remember this day and how you whores, didn't give a rats fuck about them. AND TO THE BROTHER THAT SAVED THEY ASS THAT DAY.....A WASTED MOMENT IN HISTORY, DUDE.
You aren't to stable are you ?
I disagree. To let a party or ideology define you makes you a mindless puppet. We all have our own values and interpretations of right and wrong. We all have our own unique ideas on how to address issues. I prefer smart independent thinkers who can manage and lead with integrity. Those type are much better than the party drones.

You have that backwards. You choose the party because THEY agree with YOUR ideology, not the other way around. The loyalty is to the ideology, not the party.

Part of my ideology is an unwavering belief that there is only one set of proper Morals and Values with no exceptions. I find no use for independent thought or ideas and never have.

As for Trump; I never really had any use for him except as a means to force the Republican Party further to the Right.
Sorry but to think either of the two corrupt parties represents all elements of a persons value system or political ideology is just plain idiotic. But you sound like a very hardheaded individual who is set in his ways so I’m not going to waste my breath on further explaination on why I think you're wrong. I’ll agree to disagree
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
Well if you cared to point to specifics then we could discuss. Those weak generalized statements that you make are useless
If I've got to point out the bullcrap, then you haven't been paying attention or you just like playing dumb after the failed unconstitutional bullcrap took place for another political hit job on the Republican's.
yet again another dodge from talking specifics. Don’t be a joke man, back your shit up and be prepared to talk specifics or piss off... you add nothing to the debate
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
You typed complete bullshit. Pisslosi the drunk didn’t deliver the Article until Trump was OUT OF OFFICE. Meaning she waited too long. The process didn’t get completed, thus making this illegitimate. Your “what if” scenarios don’t apply in reality.
McConnell said privately and publicly that he would not take up the articles till after the election. Nice try to pin it all on Nancy but you are ignoring McConnells role in this
Well dumbfuck, the trial can’t be scheduled until the articles are delivered to the Senate. Fail. Try again
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
You typed complete bullshit. Pisslosi the drunk didn’t deliver the Article until Trump was OUT OF OFFICE. Meaning she waited too long. The process didn’t get completed, thus making this illegitimate. Your “what if” scenarios don’t apply in reality.
McConnell said privately and publicly that he would not take up the articles till after the election. Nice try to pin it all on Nancy but you are ignoring McConnells role in this
Well dumbfuck, the trial can’t be scheduled until the articles are delivered to the Senate. Fail. Try again
No Shit. McConnell wasn’t saying he wouldn’t hold the trial because he didn’t have the articles. He sent a memo to his fellow republicans stating that he wouldn’t start the trial until Trump was out of office. Read up

woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
You typed complete bullshit. Pisslosi the drunk didn’t deliver the Article until Trump was OUT OF OFFICE. Meaning she waited too long. The process didn’t get completed, thus making this illegitimate. Your “what if” scenarios don’t apply in reality.
McConnell said privately and publicly that he would not take up the articles till after the election. Nice try to pin it all on Nancy but you are ignoring McConnells role in this
Well dumbfuck, the trial can’t be scheduled until the articles are delivered to the Senate. Fail. Try again
No Shit. McConnell wasn’t saying he wouldn’t hold the trial because he didn’t have the articles. He sent a memo to his fellow republicans stating that he wouldn’t start the trial until Trump was out of office. Read up

Gee i guess i have to spell it out for you boing boing boy. Of course he couldn’t hold a trial without the articles delivered. Thanks for proving my point that Nancy didn’t do her job. Again asswipe, without the articles, there’s no trial to schedule. There’s a process that your Dims didn’t follow in a timely manner. Keep swinging, that’s strike 2.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
You typed complete bullshit. Pisslosi the drunk didn’t deliver the Article until Trump was OUT OF OFFICE. Meaning she waited too long. The process didn’t get completed, thus making this illegitimate. Your “what if” scenarios don’t apply in reality.
McConnell said privately and publicly that he would not take up the articles till after the election. Nice try to pin it all on Nancy but you are ignoring McConnells role in this
Well dumbfuck, the trial can’t be scheduled until the articles are delivered to the Senate. Fail. Try again
No Shit. McConnell wasn’t saying he wouldn’t hold the trial because he didn’t have the articles. He sent a memo to his fellow republicans stating that he wouldn’t start the trial until Trump was out of office. Read up

Gee i guess i have to spell it out for you boing boing boy. Of course he couldn’t hold a trial without the articles delivered. Thanks for proving my point that Nancy didn’t do her job. Again asswipe, without the articles, there’s no trial to schedule. There’s a process that your Dims didn’t follow in a timely manner. Keep swinging, that’s strike 2.
Wow, your political IQ is right there at retard level isn’t it?! I’ll explain the politics to you. Mitch says he will not hold the trail till after trump is out of office. If Nancy gives the articles to Mitch then he gains the power to lock up the senate right after Biden is elected thus holding up his appointments and first couple weeks of initiatives. Nancy held on to the articles so Joe could get the ball rolling and then she gave to Mitch when the timing was better. See how that works? Mitch made it clear that he would not hold the trial until after Trump was out. Not because he didn’t have them from Nancy but because he was playing politics.

You’re welcome for the lesson. I hope you learned something.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
You typed complete bullshit. Pisslosi the drunk didn’t deliver the Article until Trump was OUT OF OFFICE. Meaning she waited too long. The process didn’t get completed, thus making this illegitimate. Your “what if” scenarios don’t apply in reality.
McConnell said privately and publicly that he would not take up the articles till after the election. Nice try to pin it all on Nancy but you are ignoring McConnells role in this
Well dumbfuck, the trial can’t be scheduled until the articles are delivered to the Senate. Fail. Try again
No Shit. McConnell wasn’t saying he wouldn’t hold the trial because he didn’t have the articles. He sent a memo to his fellow republicans stating that he wouldn’t start the trial until Trump was out of office. Read up

Gee i guess i have to spell it out for you boing boing boy. Of course he couldn’t hold a trial without the articles delivered. Thanks for proving my point that Nancy didn’t do her job. Again asswipe, without the articles, there’s no trial to schedule. There’s a process that your Dims didn’t follow in a timely manner. Keep swinging, that’s strike 2.
Wow, your political IQ is right there at retard level isn’t it?! I’ll explain the politics to you. Mitch says he will not hold the trail till after trump is out of office. If Nancy gives the articles to Mitch then he gains the power to lock up the senate right after Biden is elected thus holding up his appointments and first couple weeks of initiatives. Nancy held on to the articles so Joe could get the ball rolling and then she gave to Mitch when the timing was better. See how that works? Mitch made it clear that he would not hold the trial until after Trump was out. Not because he didn’t have them from Nancy but because he was playing politics.

You’re welcome for the lesson. I hope you learned something.
Are you explaining the continuation of the conspiracy that defrauded Trump, covered up evidence. Installed censorship. Sent the FBI out like secret police to intimidate whistle blowers. That one?

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