Trump acquitted again!

7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!

7 Republican Senators who will likely find themselves spending the rest of their political lives (as long or short as it may be) looking over their shoulders. They will very likely find themselves losing support, primaried, and very possibly losing their positions...

G Riddance to Bad Rubbish!!!!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!

7 Republican Senators who will likely find themselves spending the rest of their political lives (as long or short as it may be) looking over their shoulders. They will very likely find themselves losing support, primaried, and very possibly losing their positions...

G Riddance to Bad Rubbish!!!!
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists
If McConnell doesn't chuck Mitt Romney and the rest of these ingrates out of the caucus, and I was in the Senate, I'd voluntarily leave the caucus and apply to the Democrats where they stick together even when they have no case.
And you would become another commie. Nationalist Party!
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
woo hoo!!!

Woo hoo?
WTF kind of child are you?
Oh yeah, a typical immature ReTrumplican child.

Well, this goes to show, there are no checks and balances on our President. Scary stuff.

When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require

The US Constitution is dead, and has been for more than a century and a half. Loyalty to a document that hasn’t been followed since 1860 (at the most recent) is stupidity, not loyalty.

Loyalty needs to be given to Ideology, and those who adhere strictly and fervently to it. For ANY political party to have value it must have (and rigidly enforce) such an ideology. Otherwise it has nothing to stand on.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
You typed complete bullshit. Pisslosi the drunk didn’t deliver the Article until Trump was OUT OF OFFICE. Meaning she waited too long. The process didn’t get completed, thus making this illegitimate. Your “what if” scenarios don’t apply in reality.
Revising Isaiah 6.10-11 and making the Old Testament new again.

Make the minds of the senators dull, and stop their ears, and shut their eyes, so that they may not look with their eyes, and listen with their ears, and comprehend with their minds . . . Then I said, “How long, O Lord?” And he said: “Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land is utterly desolate . . .”
Incitement didn't fit! Ya' gotta acquit!!

This was equiv to being thrown out of court, not aquittal. As much as I despise Moscow Mitch, his outgoing speech was dead on. You can't remove a Private Citizen from office. But Moscow Mitch did say that Rump was guilty of sedition dead to rights and it was the place for the Judicial Department to bring it to court. Rump wasn't aquitted. He's guilty as sin and just hasn't been brought in front of the correct venue yet. His life isn't as rosy as you Rumpsters paint it. He has criminal charges that can now be file by the District Courts and others over Jan6th. And, let's face it, the Courts haven't been too friendly with Rump as of late.
Incitement didn't fit! Ya' gotta acquit!!
We know who the real inciters are, and have been since 2016 and/or before. It just finally came to a head on 1-6-2021. American's were fed up (tired of taking it), and the denial of the evidence for the election fraud was the straw that finally broke the poor camel's back. Now it was wrong for them to turn into Democrat's when things don't go like they think it should, but after all things combined over 12 years they finally lost it.

They claim Trump lied about the fraud, yet the American people never got their day in court that is afforded some of the worst heinous criminal's in America (think about that one).

Ted Cruz was right, and thank God Ted Cruz realized that Trump is just an old bull, and if you poke at him, and poke at him, you'll eventually get the horns.

No one took Trump seriously when he was battling political opponents, because they know that politic's is just a dirty game. I mean look at Kamala Harris, and how she treated Biden like a perv, and that she believed those women over him, but now he's the best thing since apple pie. LOL

What would be great is America getting to the bottom of who it was that was behind the get Trump for 4 years operation. Was it world players mixed with our people here or was it specific groups here with an agenda or maybe even a single group with alot of power that had a specific agenda ???
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

Yep. 43 radical Republicans stood with Trump, rioters, and cop killers.

Now come the state criminal and civil indictments.

And there won't be any Republican Senators around to protect him in those trials. See you soon.
Hope not. We need more value driven leaders and less blind loyalists

Somehow I doubt that you and I would have the slightest agreement on the definition of “values”.

Loyalty is one of the values I hold most dear.
When you are a law maker and elected leader you take an oath to the constitution and your country. That is where your promise of loyalty should lie. Not in a party and not in a man. You do what is right and what you believe the constitution and our nations laws require
Oh and you should just sit there watching as some of the most unconstitutional things are being thrown at him eh ? Yeah you would be party over the constitution definitely.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!

One name explains it all, Agnew. He could have been impeached, thrown out of office but he resigned which took those two steps out of the cycle. It went directly to the Criminal Courts which would have followed the Impeachment Process had not resigned.

Another name would be Nixon. Nixon resigned before the impeachment but that did not take the criminal response away. What took the criminal response away was when Ford Impeached Nixon. Even so, the pardon agreement leveled pretty much the same things a criminal conviction would have sans the prison time.

Then there is Clinton. Even though he was Impeached and the Impeachment trial failed, he still faced civilian criminal charges. Bush Jr. gave him a pardon with pretty much the same sentencing sans prison that he would have received in a criminal trial.

Out of these 3, the only one that could NOT hold another Federal Job was Agnew since he was the only convicted felon.

Rump has 7 years to sweat out this one. And if you think Rump is going to behave himself, here is a little tidbit that finally came out. That trip to Florida by Macarthy wasn't so much to kiss Rumps Ass, it was to retrieve the GOP Donor List that is supposed to be maintained by the GOP HQ. That list is in Rump's possesion. His right to maintain desolved. Rump refused to turn that list over. Meaning, Rump ain't through yet and will continue down the same pathway. And no one really knows how many hundreds of millions he has to spend on the efforts.

The good news is, if he uses one dime of those hundreds of millions for his criminal defense, he'll just be adding to the criminal charges and the Courts are pretty well fed up with him. And he's not going to get anything for free or on credit since he won't pay his legal debts. It's strictly cash and carry.

Same goes for any of his "Ralleyes". After stiffing many cities already, the only way he's going to get the permits is to pony up the money up front to pay for them.

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