Trump acquitted again!

woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
Democrats are scared shitless of Trump and now they're shaking in their boots.
Mitch is promoting civil litigation and criminal prosecution of Trump.

What Mitch should be doing is expulsion of the 7 Socialists from the Republican caucus.

Let them sit with their beloved friends on the other side of the aisle.

That's the great thing about being in the minority, you don't have to worry about losing power as you don't have it anyhow.
Why would he do that? He literally just validated everything the Dems accused Trump of and recommended Civil and criminal litigation.

Its known as standing up for your constituents in the Republican Party. I'm not saying to run them out of the Senate prematurely. Just have them sit with those whom they are more comfortable with.
Does ideology and conservative values even matter anymore? Or is it simply a matter of being loyal to one man now?

How is it consistent with conservative values to piss in the coffee of 75 million little Trumpsters with an "aye" vote for a Fake Impeachment?

Like I said, I not in favor of throwing any of these men and broads out of the Senate. And I am against shunning them. But if I were in Senate I wouldn't want to pretend like we were on the same page or the same ideology. If McConnell doesn't chuck Mitt Romney and the rest of these ingrates out of the caucus, and I was in the Senate, I'd voluntarily leave the caucus and apply to the Democrats where they stick together even when they have no case.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
Sass, Burr, Tumey and Cassidy

Cassidy can kiss his political future in Louisiana goodbye. This is a solid red state. The Louisiana GOP is already talking about getting rid of him ASAP.
Does Red mean an inability to discern right from wrong?

Nope, it doesn't. But it does mean taking the law into consideration. In a sham impeachment of a former president, even McConnell laid out why the impeachment was illegal. It's mandatory upon conviction to remove from office. He's gone, so you can't impeach. He voted that it was unconstitutional, then voted to convict.

It's ok, we take care of our own down here. Don't think he'll be reelected.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump was impeached while in office. Under this idiotic precedent that you and Mitch seem to be promoting. It would enable any senate to sit on the articles until a presidents term runs out or it would enable a politician to simply quit to avoid an impeachment. That means no accountability. Are you really going to back that idiotic argument with a straight face?!
Democrats are scared shitless of Trump and now they're shaking in their boots.
Mitch is promoting civil litigation and criminal prosecution of Trump.

What Mitch should be doing is expulsion of the 7 Socialists from the Republican caucus.

Let them sit with their beloved friends on the other side of the aisle.

That's the great thing about being in the minority, you don't have to worry about losing power as you don't have it anyhow.
Why would he do that? He literally just validated everything the Dems accused Trump of and recommended Civil and criminal litigation.

Its known as standing up for your constituents in the Republican Party. I'm not saying to run them out of the Senate prematurely. Just have them sit with those whom they are more comfortable with.
Does ideology and conservative values even matter anymore? Or is it simply a matter of being loyal to one man now?

How is it consistent with conservative values to piss in the coffee of 75 million little Trumpsters with an "aye" vote for a Fake Impeachment?

Like I said, I not in favor of throwing any of these men and broads out of the Senate. And I am against shunning them. But if I were in Senate I wouldn't want to pretend like we were on the same page or the same ideology. If McConnell doesn't chuck Mitt Romney and the rest of these ingrates out of the caucus, and I was in the Senate, I'd voluntarily leave the caucus and apply to the Democrats where they stick together even when they have no case.
Nothing was fake about the impeachment. It was the real deal. I understand youve grown accustomed to calling anything you don’t agree with “fake” but that doesn’t take it true. I also don’t know why you assume that 75 million people believe trumps lies about a fake election. There are many conservatives I know that voted for Trump for policy reasons but could discern his lies from the truth. And no objective and informed Trump supporter that I know really believes that the election was stolen. Those weak minded faction that does believe that crap, well I can’t heal crazy.
Democrats are scared shitless of Trump and now they're shaking in their boots.
Mitch is promoting civil litigation and criminal prosecution of Trump.

What Mitch should be doing is expulsion of the 7 Socialists from the Republican caucus.

Let them sit with their beloved friends on the other side of the aisle.

That's the great thing about being in the minority, you don't have to worry about losing power as you don't have it anyhow.
Why would he do that? He literally just validated everything the Dems accused Trump of and recommended Civil and criminal litigation.

Its known as standing up for your constituents in the Republican Party. I'm not saying to run them out of the Senate prematurely. Just have them sit with those whom they are more comfortable with.
Does ideology and conservative values even matter anymore? Or is it simply a matter of being loyal to one man now?

How is it consistent with conservative values to piss in the coffee of 75 million little Trumpsters with an "aye" vote for a Fake Impeachment?

Like I said, I not in favor of throwing any of these men and broads out of the Senate. And I am against shunning them. But if I were in Senate I wouldn't want to pretend like we were on the same page or the same ideology. If McConnell doesn't chuck Mitt Romney and the rest of these ingrates out of the caucus, and I was in the Senate, I'd voluntarily leave the caucus and apply to the Democrats where they stick together even when they have no case.
Seems like you are loyal to party over country. I wouldn’t vote for a person like that
Democrats are scared shitless of Trump and now they're shaking in their boots.
Mitch is promoting civil litigation and criminal prosecution of Trump.

What Mitch should be doing is expulsion of the 7 Socialists from the Republican caucus.

Let them sit with their beloved friends on the other side of the aisle.

That's the great thing about being in the minority, you don't have to worry about losing power as you don't have it anyhow.
Why would he do that? He literally just validated everything the Dems accused Trump of and recommended Civil and criminal litigation.

Its known as standing up for your constituents in the Republican Party. I'm not saying to run them out of the Senate prematurely. Just have them sit with those whom they are more comfortable with.
Does ideology and conservative values even matter anymore? Or is it simply a matter of being loyal to one man now?

How is it consistent with conservative values to piss in the coffee of 75 million little Trumpsters with an "aye" vote for a Fake Impeachment?

Like I said, I not in favor of throwing any of these men and broads out of the Senate. And I am against shunning them. But if I were in Senate I wouldn't want to pretend like we were on the same page or the same ideology. If McConnell doesn't chuck Mitt Romney and the rest of these ingrates out of the caucus, and I was in the Senate, I'd voluntarily leave the caucus and apply to the Democrats where they stick together even when they have no case.
Seems like you are loyal to party over country. I wouldn’t vote for a person like that

If I ran for office , you wouldn't vote for me anyhow. I am against allowing men in dresses to use the nation's Ladies Rooms, and I'm against kissing up to Chairman Xi
How is it consistent with conservative values to piss in the coffee of 75 million little Trumpsters with an "aye" vote for a Fake Impeachment?

Like I said, I not in favor of throwing any of these men and broads out of the Senate. And I am against shunning them. But if I were in Senate I wouldn't want to pretend like we were on the same page or the same ideology. If McConnell doesn't chuck Mitt Romney and the rest of these ingrates out of the caucus, and I was in the Senate, I'd voluntarily leave the caucus and apply to the Democrats where they stick together even when they have no case.
McConnell is part of the swamp, he hates Trump. I wouldn't anticipate a fellow Rhino throwing his fellow Rinos overboard.
I'm British and been on American political forums for some 6 years. What a FUCKING embarrassment Democrats are to America. I feel sorry for you Republicans and America in general.

America has a cancer, Democrats.

Thanks for your comment but you are mistaken, Trump is a Republican.

woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.

43 republicans are gutless wonders with no balls or spines.
Dear P. You really got your ass beaten to a pulp today. hope it hurts...................Forever, Sloopy

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