Trump Actually trying to fix healthcare while democrats just want total control...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is the new idea from Trump to make healthcare portable from one job to another, and it also addresses pre-existing conditions....

Trump Administration Gets Smart On Pre-Existing Conditions

As I first explained when the administration proposed this HRA rule back in October, much of the problem surrounding pre-existing conditions revolves around portability. Because most Americans donā€™t own their own health coverageā€”their employers doā€”when people lose their job, they lose their health coverage. The pre-existing condition problem emerges when people develop a costly medical condition while at one job, then have to switch jobs or otherwise leave their employer plan.

Solving the portability problemā€”allowing health coverage to go from job to jobā€”would go a long way towards solving the pre-existing condition problem. Of course, Democrats donā€™t talk about solving the portability problem because they donā€™t want to solve it. They want the government to control everything through a single-payer health care system. Thatā€™s why they spend so much time talking about a symptom (people with pre-existing conditions who canā€™t get coverage) rather than the underlying disease (coverage not being portable).

But if people owned their own insurance policies, they could change jobs easily, without fear of losing their coverage. Moreover, they would get to pick the kinds of benefit designs and doctor networks they want, rather than being stuck with what their employer picks for them.

The final rule accomplishes both objectives. It enhances portability by allowing employers to give their workers a (tax-free) contribution to an HRA, so employees can buy the plan that works best for them. If thereā€™s any difference between the employerā€™s contribution and the total premiumā€”for instance, an employer contributes $300 per month, and the worker selects a plan with a $350 monthly premiumā€”the worker can pay the difference on a pre-tax basis, so long as he purchases the plan outside of the Obamacare exchanges. Best of all, because employees own the plans and not the employer, they can keep their coverage when they change jobs.

This change also improves affordability, in two key respects. First, individuals can buy just the coverage they want, rather than the coverage their employer gives them. Currently, if an employer plan offers particular benefits that an employee does not value, or a provider network a worker does not need, the worker can only buy an alternative plan by forfeiting their employerā€™s subsidy towards their health insuranceā€”an unattractive and irrational option for most. The HRA option will allow workers to retain their employerā€™s subsidy, yet purchase more tailored coverage.

Second, more people purchasing coverage individually will create a more robust marketplace, increasing competition. Carriers may move into the market for individual coverage, and even create new options to attract additional businessā€”both changes that will help consumers, and mitigate premium increases.

The final rule does include important safeguards to ensure that businesses donā€™t just try to ā€œdumpā€ their sickest employees onto individual insurance plans, raising premiums on the Obamacare exchanges. Most notably, if they elect the HRA option, firms must apply it to an entire class of workersā€”for instance, all full-time workers, or all workers in a certain geographic area. Moreover, employers cannot vary their contributions to workersā€™ HRAs, except by the employeeā€™s age and number of dependents.

The rule could eventually lead to dramatic changes in Americansā€™ health-coverage options, but it includes provisions designed to phase those changes in over time.
Any progress by this administration is going to have to be done with ZERO cooperation from the Democrat Party (as it's been all along). Doesn't matter how good it is, they'll oppose it. The best Trump can get out of a healthcare proposal is to effectively convey to the American people that the opposing party rejected a viable solution to the healthcare crisis. If he accomplishes that, he'll win reelection on that issue alone.
Any progress by this administration is going to have to be done with ZERO cooperation from the Democrat Party (as it's been all along). Doesn't matter how good it is, they'll oppose it. The best Trump can get out of a healthcare proposal is to effectively convey to the American people that the opposing party rejected a viable solution to the healthcare crisis. If he accomplishes that, he'll win reelection on that issue alone.

Hopefully 2020 brings a wipe out of the DNC. If the GOP understands that Trump has a mandate, they will interfere even less.

The problem is enough of the GOP is corrupted by the global collectivists so that he will have to fight those pieces of shit as well as the bolshevik media.


On Thursday, the Department of Health and Human Services announced a final regulation that allows businesses to fund employees who buy health insurance on the individual marketā€“something that until now has been illegal.

Yes you read that right ILLEGAL!

The new policy that will provide hundreds of thousands of employers, including small businesses, a better way to provide health insurance coverage, and millions of American workers more options for health insurance coverage. The Departments issued a final regulation that will expand the use of health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). When employers have fully adjusted to the rule, it is estimated this expansion of HRAs will benefit approximately 800,000 employers, including small businesses, and more than 11 million employees and family members, including an estimated 800,000 Americans who were previously uninsured.

Starting in January 2020, employers will be able to use what are referred to as individual coverage HRAs to provide their workers with tax-preferred funds to pay for the cost of health insurance coverage that workers purchase in the individual market, subject to certain conditions. ā€¦ Individual coverage HRAs are designed to give working Americans and their families greater control over their healthcare by providing an additional way for employers to finance health insurance.

The HRA rule increases workersā€™ choice of coverage, increases the portability of coverage, and will generally improve worker economic well-being. This rule will also allow workers to shop for plans in the individual market and select coverage that best meets their needs.

The final rule should spur a more competitive individual market that drives health insurers to deliver better coverage options to consumers.

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