Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Yes Trump did say that he will strip us of more Constitutional Rights.

You wish.


Trump wants to strip thousands of us of property rights to build walls just like he did the New Yorkers. Trump want's us to carry papers, Real ID & E-Verify to prove who we are. Trump wants to strip Natural Born US citizens of their property & deport them to countries they have never been. Trump wants to devalue our currency, after Republican Nixon took US off the Gold Standard. The list of Trump Constitutional Violations is Very Long!!!

You dumb or something?

How about that link?
He has already declined invitations from the NAACP, National Urban League, and the National Association of Black Journalists.

Naturally, because they aren't interested in him speaking, they were interested in making a spectacle out of him. That would be in layman's terms called "baiting." In fact the NAACP has been known to deny other black people from speaking at its national convention, namely one Deneen Borelli, because of her conservative republican leanings.

Katie Pavlich - NAACP Rejects Black Conservatives From National Conference
Trump wants to strip thousands of us of property rights to build walls just like he did the New Yorkers. Trump want's us to carry papers, Real ID & E-Verify to prove who we are. Trump wants to strip Natural Born US citizens of their property & deport them to countries they have never been. Trump wants to devalue our currency, after Republican Nixon took US off the Gold Standard. The list of Trump Constitutional Violations is Very Long!!!

Then I guess you have nothing to worry about. The Supreme Court will stop Trump when Democrats sue, huh?
Trump wants to strip thousands of us of property rights to build walls just like he did the New Yorkers. Trump want's us to carry papers, Real ID & E-Verify to prove who we are. Trump wants to strip Natural Born US citizens of their property & deport them to countries they have never been. Trump wants to devalue our currency, after Republican Nixon took US off the Gold Standard. The list of Trump Constitutional Violations is Very Long!!!

Pure liberal drivel. Even talking points from the disgusting DNC conspirators has some type of twisted fantasy background. Like Trump says "Violent ILLEGAL immigrant felons must be deported", and the DNC using "immigrants" defined as "All Latinos" say Trump is Racist, at least they have an arguable though weak background to institute their fantasy assumption.
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

Were you trying to make a point?

One of LL's tactics is, when he CAN'T seriously or honestly attack a point a conservative raises, is to just post some vague and meaningless shit, that is sort of kinda of negative sounding.

THus he can sort of dispute the point the con makes, without actually doing so, so has nothing to respond to.

AND in classic mode, he did so and tried to make the topic about YOU, and some made up failing you supposedly have.

He would love for the topic to you YOU, and not any real issue.

He can just dismiss everything you say about yourself, with assholeness, and bury any real discussion of the topic under partisan blather and spin.

He is a troll.

And I believe a sociopath.

Look. Its another idiot Trump supporter trying to analyze one of his superiors.

I responded to this thread topic dummy. TK began the insults. You haven't addressed the topic. Are you a troll?

Insults? Really? Where?

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