Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Meanwhile Hillary attends a huge rally in a temporary classroom trailer.

I can't help but notice that it's full
Yeah, that place is packed. Hell, there must be 40 or 50 people there! :lol:
You liberals just can't stand that Trump is doing more hands on outreach with African Americans. The fact the he's doing this in churches only makes it even worse for you.

You can't stand it. It's easy to see!
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

Were you trying to make a point?
You are a clown.

You are a bigot. A giant one. As evidenced in the proceeding statement.

The church isn't the cornerstone of anything but the bank accounts of those who run the damned thing.

So, who's the clown? You're making your hatred of Christians quite clear.

(sitting in my chair twiddling my thumbs waiting for a wisecrack about my weight or my lack of employment)
Going after the black vote is sort of like kicking over an ants nest with liberal morons.

Nothing, and I mean nothing gets them more frantic and panicked than the notion of any right wing Republican attempting to win over their slaves.

Nothing. They are all just kept, and locked away. As close to automatic votes as they will ever get and always just automatically count on. I mean, they are their slaves. Rationed and seduced.

I mean, I personally think it is rather hilarious how they are owned and almost all of them don't know it. Whatever.

Dumbest argument ever made.

Dumbest rebuttal ever made. Notice how LL calls someone else's argument dumb without even sparing any effort to demonstrate why.
The Republican Party is not the pro-labor party, between the two.

Of course not. They aren't the party asking you to stand behind a picket fence or march down a busy street demanding $15 an hour for a job at McDonald's, while spending more time protesting than working.

Wonderful irony if I ever did see one.

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