Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Trump's about as Christian as a heavily used dildo. I'm sure there are just as many rubes in the black community as there are in the white evangelical community (paging Mike Pence) who think Trump is a god-fearing Christian.

Wow...remember how libs gave Conservatives shit for daring to question Obama's faith...even when he 'mis-spoke' on live tv and said 'My Muslim faith' and had to be corrected by the interviewer?!

Lib hypocrisy is on full display tonight, I see.

Trump should have started courting the black vote earlier on in the campaign. Importing tens of thousands of third worlders to this country will overwhelm safety nets and make more competition for jobs. Nobody needs this, especially black people with their already horrible unemployment problems. Even MLK's niece is now on the trump bandwagon but it's maybe too late in the campaign to reach very many black folk with his message, especially since all the b.s. having been spread about what a racist he is, which he's not. Here's one link below of a black guy who found out how much people lie about trump.

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Leaked Script Shows What Advisers Want Donald Trump to Say at Black Church

And instead of letting Mr. Trump be his freewheeling self, his campaign prepared lengthy answers for the submitted questions, consulting black Republicans to make sure he says the right things.

An eight-page draft script obtained by The New York Times shows 12 questions that Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, the pastor, intends to ask Mr. Trump in the taped question-and-answer session, as well as the responses Mr. Trump is being advised to give.

The document includes the exact wording of answers the aides are proposing for Mr. Trump to give to questions about police killings, racial tension and the perception among many black voters that he and the Republican Party are racist, among other topics.

"So true..." :lol:
...says the guy whose President couldn't clear his throat when he 1st started unless it was on his tele-prompter. :p
Leaked Script Shows What Advisers Want Donald Trump to Say at Black Church

And instead of letting Mr. Trump be his freewheeling self, his campaign prepared lengthy answers for the submitted questions, consulting black Republicans to make sure he says the right things.

An eight-page draft script obtained by The New York Times shows 12 questions that Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, the pastor, intends to ask Mr. Trump in the taped question-and-answer session, as well as the responses Mr. Trump is being advised to give.

The document includes the exact wording of answers the aides are proposing for Mr. Trump to give to questions about police killings, racial tension and the perception among many black voters that he and the Republican Party are racist, among other topics.

"So true..." :lol:

I'm sure the pastor asked some good questions:cool:
Yo, g5000 , this guy really thinks Trump is a devout Christian and cares about Israel. He truly believes that Trump will bring about Christian sharia if elected.

You don't have to be a devote Christian to know the Black church for the most part is good for America..unless it's some kinda of rev wright hate fest...Is it mandatory that you leftist scum be as dumb as you are?

You said Trump doesn't pander. You don't get to call anyone dumb.

Lets keep it simple for you, since you're simple minded. Are young, inner city, black men, better off in church? or selling drugs and killing each other on the streets? For the record There's no such thing as "Christian sharia"... In your mind are those people for stupid for belonging to a church?:dunno:
In what republicans and Trumpsters considered a total coup, Trump deviated from the normal conservative gameplan and decided he should talk to some black people. Sadly, it turns out only a handful aren't sick of his BS.

DETROIT, MI — Donald Trump offered prepared remarks at a Detroit church Saturday in a swing through the city aimed at shoring up support among black voters, his first direct appeal to African-American voters.

Trump, who hadn’t been expected to speak, was subdued in his 10-minute address to the congregation and read from prepared remarks at the mostly empty church after members of the public were kept out by security guards, according to media reports.

Outside the nearly empty church, Trump encountered protesters by community, religious and labor leaders whodenounced his visit as pandering to the African-American community. “What do we have to lose?” they chanted, repeating Trump’s pitch to black voters in a campaign appearance in Michigan last month. “Everything.”

The Rev. Lawrence Glass told The Detroit News that he doesn’t believe Trump is truly interested in helping the African-American community and said “minorities of all kinds have much to lose taking a chance on someone like” Trump, whose rhetoric Glass said is the “politics of fear and hate.”

The event was advertised as free, but some who showed up to see Trump were denied entry because they didn’t have tickets.

Watch Live: Donald Trump Appeals to Black Voters at Mostly Empty Church
The yuuuuuge, amazing crowd:

Nice ad bed wetter. It was debunked in Matturd's asinine thread yesterday.

Go choke on a bag of dicks.

The yuuuuuge, amazing crowd:

And the word will spread and you'll shit your pants.
What words? "What have you got to lose?" Those words?

I'm sure those that attended will keep everything Trump says to themselves.
Nah the MSM that you say would never report anything Trump says has already plastered it all over the place

Plastered what he said or that only 100 people attended?
The yuuuuuge, amazing crowd:

And the word will spread and you'll shit your pants.
What words? "What have you got to lose?" Those words?

I'm sure those that attended will keep everything Trump says to themselves.
Nah the MSM that you say would never report anything Trump says has already plastered it all over the place

Plastered what he said or that only 100 people attended?
100? :eusa_think:
And the word will spread and you'll shit your pants.
What words? "What have you got to lose?" Those words?

I'm sure those that attended will keep everything Trump says to themselves.
Nah the MSM that you say would never report anything Trump says has already plastered it all over the place

Plastered what he said or that only 100 people attended?
100? :eusa_think:
You haven't answered the question.
Yes, there's probably about 100 people in that room as not everybody is in the angle of the camera.
What words? "What have you got to lose?" Those words?

I'm sure those that attended will keep everything Trump says to themselves.
Nah the MSM that you say would never report anything Trump says has already plastered it all over the place

Plastered what he said or that only 100 people attended?
100? :eusa_think:
You haven't answered the question.
Yes, there's probably about 100 people in that room as not everybody is in the angle of the camera.
What question... the "what have you got to lose" question that I asked? Well they have their constitutional rights and freedoms to lose. Trump supports racially profiling minorities as being guilty until proven innocent. He's posted blatant lies on national media to make black people look as terrible as possible.

Black communities have seen a huge decline in murder rates, and an increase in employment and education rates since the disastrous Reagan Presidency that assaulted their communities.

I think they have quite a lot to lose.

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