Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

You liberals just can't stand that Trump is doing more hands on outreach with African Americans. The fact the he's doing this in churches only makes it even worse for you.

You can't stand it. It's easy to see!
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.
You liberals just can't stand that Trump is doing more hands on outreach with African Americans. The fact the he's doing this in churches only makes it even worse for you.

You can't stand it. It's easy to see!
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious. one is saying you didn't see the speech as a racist democrat......
You liberals just can't stand that Trump is doing more hands on outreach with African Americans. The fact the he's doing this in churches only makes it even worse for you.

You can't stand it. It's easy to see!
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

You're serious alright.

Trump's trip was the biggest pander we've seen in modern political history.
I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

You're serious alright.

Trump's trip was the biggest pander we've seen in modern political history.

Truth is pandering? ...Great speech for Trump:cool:
I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

You're serious alright.

Trump's trip was the biggest pander we've seen in modern political history.
Hitlery ain't in no ways tired....from humping that bottle of hot sauce around her plantation.....:lol:
Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

You're serious alright.

Trump's trip was the biggest pander we've seen in modern political history.
Hitlery ain't in no ways tired....from humping that bottle of hot sauce around her plantation.....:lol:

I'm sure she "doesn't recall" that pander
Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

You're serious alright.

Trump's trip was the biggest pander we've seen in modern political history.
Hitlery ain't in no ways tired....from humping that bottle of hot sauce around her plantation.....:lol:

You're in the wrong thread.
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

The black church is thriving, is it not?
^This.. You hit the nail on the head.. Liberals are melting down and ate up with sheer terror.. .They've used the race card for so long, it's their auction block and they see it crumbling. It's like Diamond and Silk said.. the Slave Masters used food and housing to keep their slaves... Dems use EBT -food and Ghettos- housing to keep their slaves on the Liberal Plantation of shit.

I added a little more if you're interested.

Man....are you needy or what?

How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

When will you learn to put an "s" at the end of "leftist" when you are discussing a group of people? Please. Learn.
How'd you like the speech? The black church helps to build strong black families..Trump is right:cool:

I, being a normal person of average intelligence, saw that speech for what it was. A poorly delivered set of remarks which demonstrated the desire of Donald Trump to pander to black voters. He failed to impress anyone other than his current base of support. People like you.

Donald Trump isn't a religious man and he's not concerned with the black experience in this nation.

Your enthusiasm in this thread leads me to think that you aren't serious.

Hillary is the panderer ..Trump doesn't pander, the church is the cornerstone of a healthy black family structure, it's always been that way. You leftist attempt to destroy the church, trivialize Judaeo-christian ethics and moral values, which leads to broken families, no moral compass, and black kids killing each other in the streets, because they have no respect for life. I'm very serious, but you're not a serious person, you're a board clown:slap:

You're serious alright.

Trump's trip was the biggest pander we've seen in modern political history.
Hitlery ain't in no ways tired....from humping that bottle of hot sauce around her plantation.....:lol:

I'm sure she "doesn't recall" that pander

So when you thought Clinton was pandering to blacks, it was a bad thing. Now Trump panders to blacks,

and suddenly you're showering the act with praise.
So what's next on Trump's Bucket List, now that he's 'talked to some black people'?

Go skydiving? Visit a gay bar? Shoot a moose?

He just have to keep doing what he's doing now, driving leftists nuts by telling the truth about them.
So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.

His trade and immigration polices are designed to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

He SAYS they are. What politician doesn't?

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

The Republican Party is not the pro-labor party, between the two.

Errr, that's weird.

I thought we were talking about pro-job policies.

I responded to your previous post and when you hit the reply button, nothing in your post addressed my post.

Here, maybe you misread my post.

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

So the era of the free market conservative is over?
So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.

His trade and immigration polices are designed to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

He SAYS they are. What politician doesn't?

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

The Republican Party is not the pro-labor party, between the two.

Errr, that's weird.

I thought we were talking about pro-job policies.

I responded to your previous post and when you hit the reply button, nothing in your post addressed my post.

Here, maybe you misread my post.

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

It's not to me. Without a strong manufacturing job base, kiss the middle class goodbye
Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Source: PoliticusUSA

Donald Trump’s appearance at an African-American church in Detroit went wrong, as the congregation rejected Trump by not showing up to hear him speak.

Read more: Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Man, what a dumbass!!!! Trump is such a loon and fake that no one with a real brain wishes to be seen with him.

A guy with Trump and Hitler on his avatar calling anyone a loon, now that's loon ...
So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.

His trade and immigration polices are designed to increase jobs, wages and working conditions for Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

He SAYS they are. What politician doesn't?

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

The Republican Party is not the pro-labor party, between the two.

Errr, that's weird.

I thought we were talking about pro-job policies.

I responded to your previous post and when you hit the reply button, nothing in your post addressed my post.

Here, maybe you misread my post.

I don't know. I hear a lot of libs and anti-trump people on this site arguing that we should just give up on manufacturing jobs, and manual labor jobs, and high tech jobs...

INdeed, it seems that fighting for those jobs is a pretty unpopular opinion around here.

There's a difference between pro-labor and pro-jobs?


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